Fasting to Naturally Reverse High Blood Pressure

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A whole food plant-based diet can be used to help lock in the benefits of fasting to kickstart the reversal of high blood pressure and lower blood pressure naturally.

Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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I like intermittent fasting. I'll often do a 1-3 day fast. Usually once to 3 times a month. My blood pressure used to always be a little high, but now that I fast semi regularly, it is within the normal range.


20+hrs fast will lower your blood pressure real quick! Watch what you eat and go easy on the carbs, sugar and alcohol consumption. I'm 34 and it worked for me


Years ago I started 16\8 fasting to lower my BP. it worked fantastically & I just kept that up for about 18 mths most days of each month. It was easy. I didn't lose any weight at all but my doc was so pumped I got BP back to normal & didn't need meds.


My BP was 167/95 abd I've been water fasting/ OMAD diet and in 3 months time I reversed it to 119/70. The diet and cardio as well gad a massive impact in it and im glad I can be healthier now


Just saying "Thank You" seems so inadequate for all you do Dr Greger.


Dr. Greger. I once carried out a 14 day water only fast with some potassium/salt added to prevent heart arrythmia. I lost -25 lbls. I will comment on the taste bud theory however, I broke my fast with a piece of watermelon and it was so phenomenal I had to put it down because it was the sweetest thing I'd ever tasted, too sweet in fact! My insulin resistance totally reset and after consuming my pieces of watermelon it felt like every cell in my body was bursting with energy. I have never replicated that feeling again.


WFPB plus no SOS (salt-oil-sugar) I went from 140/90 to 100/65. I’m 68. It took about 4 months without the fasting quick start.


You are right because anytime I fast, I get the best results but when I start eating, my bp shoots up. Am glad you have brought this on.


Thank you, Dr. Greger. Your sense of humor is much no less appreciated than the your generosity in providing pertinent medical information.


At 55 I was diagnosed with late onset diabetes. Medical intervention. Oral drugs. Condition continued to worsen. Injection. Condition continues to deteriorate. Increase injection levels, continue to deteriorate. Nerve damage, eyesight damage ... more drugs and getting worse. Gave up on the doctors and medical industry. They simply were making a fortune off my condition. Now I 30 hour fast twice a week. I eat without heavy sugars, and much less meat. (I still love a good steak and mashed potatoes with gravy once in a while!) My sugar on average is down to a safe level. It still gets as high as 190 occasionally, but comes down after a single 24 hour fast. My weight came down to a recommended level, my energy is up, my attitude is up, my endurance is up, my cognitive abilities are up, my BP is down and food tastes so much better! I used to love sugary drinks like Pepsi, now it all tastes like diet soda, and I simply do not care for the taste! Good riddance. If you are a diabetic, you really need to do yourself a favor and get into this fasting science! Just remember, your Doc will lose a fortune, so he might try to talk you out of it! I am 65 now, and wish I knew this at 55! It was not easy to do, but the reward is well worth the effort!


I've been on basically a carnivore plus omad diet for almost 2 weeks. My blood pressure had been steady around 155/110 for months. It just read 125/86. A couple of days ago it was 130/90.


“Tastes great—Less killing”


I did 21 days water only. I did get rid of high blood pressure and taste fir meat and junk foods. I eat easy healthier now!


Bless you. Thank you for saving lives and being humorous at the same.


Just finished my annual Buchinger fast yesterday evening after not eating for 10 days. I don't have a tool to measure my bloodpressure, but my puls sank so far, that I had a puls in my sleep down to 44 bpm. It was also my kickstarter to erase added fats and salt from my self prepared dishes, which is why I just in time came back with my HNTD Cookbook (need to buy some missing herbs to replace salted mixed spices, and still looking for a local source for misopaste) and whole food plant based no-fat cookbook from Dr. Bracht and others.


I have been eating more meals in beans and rice and maybe only me meal with meat. It has helped me feel so much better and has lowered my BP 120/80 from 135/86. I am at a BP range that is the exact normal range. I hope to try and lower it more with working out consistently.


After four days of fasting, extended fasting my BP was lowered significantly, it's still low with intermittent fasting as well. I'm now permanently on low carb/ with fasting, it's my lifestyle now. After a week I went off BP meds. Sum ppl can lower their BP just from keto carnivore


I am a Muslim and it requires every year you have fast one month and also Quran book talk about fasting health benefits thousand years ago thanks Dr putting in lighting


Finally a differentiated video about fasting. Having done 10 day fasts at least once a year. I suggest to look into Valter Longos or Alan Goldhamers work.


This makes total sense. Obesity goes hand in hand with the largest factors in dying. I have never seen medication do anything but a small reduction in blood pressure, they are pretty useless. On the several occasions that I have fastest, I got much better numbers on every one of the medical tests I had taken.
