6 Tips to Lower Blood Sugar & Reverse Prediabetes Naturally | Dr. Mindy Pelz

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While reading your book I consistently fasted for the last few months & reversed my pre-diabetes!🙏🏾❤️


I do OMAD fast 22-24hrs/day and a couple times longer each week. No carbs seed oils grains sugars. Brought my blood sugars down 180's to below 120s. Getting there! Lost 35 pounds too


Hack 1: Fast Longer
Hack 2: Vary your fast
Hack 3: Avoid processed foods
Hack 4: Love on your liver
Hack 5: Support your adrenal glands
Hack 6: Remove toxins


I completely agree with your friend. Since I started to fast I realized that I only exercised for mental health. Furthermore I realized I started to have quicker results when I stopped eating processed foods


I realized I was relying too much on caffeine during my longer fasts during the hot humid days and that the more coffee I was drinking the more tired I got. I had to pick a better “energy snack” For my body while fasting. So I just decided to push myself even if it’s just for 10 minutes getting my heart rate up by running around the block or jumping on the bike real quick and doing some jumping jacks, jump rope and air squats. And having more green tea Sustained my energy and kept it stable way more than coffee . Coffee made me tank And feel horrible for some reason.


This video could not be more perfectly timed for me. I had diastis recti and two hernias due to two pregnancies and caesareans both times and have been feeling awful ever since. I will implement your hacks, and look forward to great results!


Dr Mindy, great as usual, during my weight loss journey, I discovered something along the way. Protein powders or protein shakes should be avoided in the beginning until you correct insulin resistance. I had a CGM and discovered that a 20-30 gram protein shake from powder can spike your blood sugar more then you would think. Protein powder is ultra-processed. It gets absorbed rapid causing a sugar spike. Also read the ingredients, the have hidden sugars. Once I got my insulin resistance controlled, a protein powder shake of up to 50-60 grams won’t spike my sugar anymore. Great tips.


Fast for longer and you’ll release growth hormone - I put muscle on during a 72 hr fast


PTL, PTL. Protect the liver, the liver is the engine room. And anyone reading this who is struggling with their blood glucose, just keep chipping away, it takes time, but your body will adjust, it just takes time, so keep to the plan. We all have to remember that you can't undo years of bad diet, habits and lifestyle overnight, it takes time. I'm old now and in the best shape of my life, fasting blood glucose 72, Ha1c 4.8, inulin sensitive and body fat % of 12. But it took time and i just stuck at it, the results will come if you keep chipping away. 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰.


More on the cortisol-insulin loop 🙏. I haven't been able to stop it, for no lack of trying, in 10yrs. At this point, I've been in that loop for 30 yrs. Just realized my love for that coffee taste has been activating that loop while I was trying to lose or get control over stress.


I'm a guy and you have motivated me about Fasting. I'm battling high sugar levels specially in the morning. I noticed that even 24hr fasting my Ketones get .04. Your are so right I need 36 hr to start making Ketones to start burning fat. I hope in time my window will be 18 hours or less to switch fat burning.


Would love to hear your thoughts on Oxalates. This seems to be a huge topic for those on a carnivore diet.


Thank you for referencing FLAG page! ❤


Liver hacks! Please do a video on it. Thank you.


Dr. Mindy, I've been diagnosed as pre-diabetic . I started making changes and started consistently fasting In April 2024. In May I got a CGM and started really paying attention to my diet. I have lost 8 pounds and my BS spikes (during a fasted state) are now lower but still having a few during that time. How will I know that I have completely depleted all the stored up sugar - is it when the BS stops spiking during a fast?


Hi Dr. Mindy, I have been doing 18-20 hour fast and eating 1-2 small meals within my eating window, each day to reverse diabetes and get pregnant. However, my fasting blood sugar has been over 200 each day. How can I get this down quicker? I'm still on Metformin and I want to get off us this soon as well. Is it possible to have a 1:1 meeting with you?


Is the reading we’re most concerned with right after waking up?


Hi Dr Mindy, failing to find an answer I have come to ask you.
Will colloidal minerals with humus break a fast ? And will they supply my body during fasting with good minerals


I found avocado oil in one of our supermarkets. It doesn't say it's cold pressed or raw. Would it make it a bad oil? I've watched dozens of videos and there's no specification if good oil is classified as bad and to be avoided if not cold pressed...


Being a 40yr old i worry about muscle loss. Does 36hr fasting cause muscle loss? Please let me know. Thanks
