10 Foods to Avoid if you have Thyroid Problems (Hypothyroidism or Hashimoto's)

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These are the top 10 most dangerous foods for your thyroid. Avoid these foods if you have thyroid problems including hypothyroidism or Hashimoto's. Food CAN cause thyroid problems and here's how:

The foods that you eat can either positively or negatively impact your thyroid. This video is all about avoiding certain foods which have been scientifically proven to inhibit thyroid function in some way.

The list of foods to avoid if you have thyroid disease includes:

#1. Refined sugar
- Sugar can cause insulin resistance which can negatively impact thyroid function.

#2. *Gluten
- Up to 2-5% of people with Hashimoto's also have Celiac disease. In addition, many more have non-celiac gluten sensitivity.

#3. *Dairy
- In a recent study, 8 weeks of removing dairy caused a reduction in TSH levels among patients with Hashimoto's.

#4. Alcohol
- Alcohol is cytotoxic to thyroid cells and suppresses both TSH and TRH.

#5. Trans-Fat
- Trans fat can negatively impact thyroid hormone production.

#6. Industrial seed oils and fats
- These fats may cause inflammation which reduces T4 to T3 conversion.

#7. Highly processed Soy
- Soy can theoretically block iodine uptake into your thyroid gland and reduce thyroid hormone absorption.

#8. Frozen and highly processed foods
- Frozen and highly processed foods contain preservatives which may block or interfere with thyroid function.

#9. *Legumes/Beans
- Beans and legumes contain lectins and goitrogens which may block thyroid function.

#10. *Coffee
- Coffee can suppress TSH and reduce T3 and T4 levels after consumption.

Foods marked with an * have special conditions which should be considered (more in the video or found directly on the blog post).

Recommended thyroid supplements to enhance thyroid function:

See ALL of my specialized supplements including protein powders, thyroid supplements, and weight loss products here:

Want more from my blog? I have more than 400+ well-researched blog posts on thyroid management, hormone balancing, weight loss, and more. See all blog posts here:


This video is for general informational, educational, and entertainment purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Childs and you. You should not make any changes to your medications or health regimens without first consulting a physician. If you have any questions please consult with your current primary care provider. Restart Medical LLC and Dr. Westin Childs are not liable or responsible for any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis, or any other information, services, or product you obtain through this website or video.
#thyroid #hypothyroidism #hashimoto's
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You can also download other free resources such as a complete list of thyroid lab tests, clinical studies to take to your doctor, optimal lab tests, and more.


1. Sugar
2. Gluten
3. Dairy
4. Alcohol
5. Trans fat
6. Industrial seed oils and fats
7. Highly processed soy
8. Frozen and highly processed foods
9. Legumes/beans
10. Coffee


Well the only thing left is grass, so my only question is can we substitute hay as a snack, inbetween grazing ? 😄


I have restrained myself from all those food mentioned for 4 months now and have lost 44lbs . Post tt here and I guess my metabolism has started to kick in well . This video confirms what I’m doing is right . Thank you very much doctor for clearing the air . 👍👍🤗👍👍


There's nothing left to eat but grass and bark 😪


I wish I found this earlier, really having roller coaster hypo-hyper, also chronic pain over all body, thinning hair, im crying a river already


Thank you for this information.👍✅
I was diagnosed with *non-hashimoto’s hypothyroidism* last year and within that time, *I have gained about 30 pounds in ONE FULL YEAR!*
This illness is so frustrating...and I have been put on 3 different medications with various dosages at this point.
1.) Levothyroxine for 4 months (gained more weight with zero energy)
2.) Synthroid for 4 months (had terrible headaches and couldn’t stay awake)
3.) NP Thyroid 4 months (better results but I’m still 30 pounds overweight - no metabolic improvement)

I will try eliminating all of these foods.
It seems very strict, but if it finally helps me, it’s worth it.


I recently had an ALCAT test and found I have severe reaction to Gluten and Casein. I also had severe.moderate and mild reaction to many other foods. I have Hashi so this wasn't a surprise to me. I am now on a strict diet for the next 6 months to help heal my gut. This video was very, very informative. Thank you.


Thank you doc. I could never commit because of the coffee but tonight listening to this again, you did mention that it was temporary until the weight shifts and then the penny dropped. I'm so ready for this now!


I've given up alcohol, sugar, gluten, beans, frozen diet dinners, soy et al...just don't take my coffee!!


First! But more importantly “Thank You” watching your videos was the first time I realized I wasn’t crazy and my doctor wasn’t really listening to my concerns.


Something to research- it could be that it is not the gluten, but the Folic acid ( synthetic form of folate) which is added to all gluten products in the US. Due to a genetic variant MTHFR C677T- esp if you have a homozygous dorm if the variant. Also, just a thought, but most consume coffee from a pot that is loaded with mold. There is no way to clean a conventional coffee pot completely. Might be the mold and not the coffee causing the problems.
Enjoyed your video. Love learning and thinking!


Thank you I have Hypothyroidism that started out with Hyperthyroidism with a goiter nearly 25 years ago. I was given a radiation to drink that killed the goiter. Then placed on Synthyroid.Today, I am on low dosage of Levothyroxine. My thyroid problem offset other issues like Fatty Liver, Pre-Diabetes, Obesity, Alopecia, PCOS. All things you have said in this video are correct. I had to give up sugar, milk, wheat and introduce non gluten flour, MCT oil, ACV and vitamins B1, D3, K.
Still learning and understanding yet I have a plethora of medical specialist . I have my GP, Endocrinologist, Rheumatologist, Naturopath, Dietician and Psychologist. None have given us the in-depth information programs like yours and others have given us.
Through programs like yours, Dr. Berg, Dr. Eckberg, Dr. Fung tc. I have learned a lot about my diseases and how to help myself. Thank you keep up the good work I have know become a subie.


Thank you so so much ..here in the UK the medical advice is very sparse on these dietary details
I feel so much more informed thanks to you 👌🏼


RE: Dairy. What about ghee? Ghee has the casein and lactose removed from the butter.


So, are ORGANIC, WHOLE soybeans and ORGANIC, cooked beans okay for ANY thyroid issue? If not, WHICH TYPE* of thyroid issue are they NOT okay with?
* hypo OR hyper


I've read that cooking/roasting peanuts helps remove a lot o the lectins...some also say cooking/roasting also removes much of the goitrogens...any truth to this?


Plz do a complete diet plan video all in one .. for (endometriosis....hypo /hyper)...thank u...sorry my english....


No sugar
No dairy
No legumes/beans
No gluten
No soy
No coffee
Seriously, what is left, esp for protein? Grass fed meat? Mercury free fish? Some veggies and fruit, and maybe one or two acceptable grains?

Sugar free is enough for me to make a huge difference. Modified keto is my go to.


Almond beverage as a milk diary substitution. I also use liquid stevia as a sweetener. I’ve switched over to using olive oil, coconut oil or avocado when needed. Almond flour and ground flaxseed is great for making bread and baking.
