how to manage your emotions so they stop sabotaging your life

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Title ideas:
how to regulate your emotions (so they stop sabotaging your life)
3 ways healthy people regulate their emotions

0:00 Another thing we weren’t taught in School…
0:21 Emotional regulation vs emotional dysregulation
1:57 How to QUICKLY regulate your emotions
3:58 (1) Become aware
6:54 (2) Validate
12:32 (3) Act opposite
15:03 Summary rizz
16:03 BONUS technique
Рекомендации по теме

Ello you legends! To improve your emotional vocabulary, check out the forest of emotions below:

# 😡 **Anger**

**Soft Anger and Apathy**

Annoyed ~ Apathetic ~ Bored ~ Certain ~ Cold ~ Crabby ~ Cranky ~ Critical ~ Cross ~ Detached ~ Displeased ~ Frustrated ~ Impatient ~ Indifferent ~ Irritated ~ Peeved ~ Rankled

**Medium Anger**

Affronted ~ Aggravated ~ Angry ~ Antagonized ~ Arrogant ~ Bristling ~ Exasperated ~ Incensed ~ Indignant ~ Inflamed ~ Mad ~ Offended ~ Resentful ~ Riled up ~ Sarcastic

**Intense Anger and Hatred**

Aggressive ~ Appalled ~ Belligerent ~ Bitter ~ Contemptuous ~ Disgusted ~ Furious ~ Hateful ~ Hostile ~ Irate ~ Livid ~ Menacing ~ Outraged ~ Ranting ~ Raving ~ Seething ~ Spiteful ~ Vengeful ~ Vicious ~ Vindictive ~ Violent

# 😬**Fear/Anxiety**

**Soft Fear and Anxiety**

Alert ~ Apprehensive ~ Cautious ~ Concerned ~ Confused ~ Curious ~ Disconcerted ~ Disoriented ~ Disquieted ~ Doubtful ~ Edgy ~ Fidgety ~ Hesitant ~ Indecisive ~ Insecure ~ Instinctive ~ Intuitive ~ Leery ~ Pensive ~ Shy ~ Timid ~ Uneasy ~ Watchful

**Medium Fear and Anxiety**

Afraid ~ Alarmed ~ Anxious ~ Aversive ~ Distrustful ~ Fearful ~ Jumpy ~ Nervous ~ Perturbed ~ Rattled ~ Shaky ~ Startled ~ Suspicious ~ Unnerved ~ Unsettled ~ Wary ~ Worried - foreboding

**Intense Fear and Panic**

Filled with Dread ~ Horrified ~ Panicked ~ Paralyzed ~ Petrified ~ Phobic ~ Shocked ~ Terrorized

# 😁 **Happiness / Joy**

**Soft Happiness**

Amused ~ Calm ~ Encouraged ~ Friendly ~ Hopeful ~ Inspired ~ Jovial ~ Open ~ Peaceful ~ Smiling Upbeat

**Medium Happiness and Contentment**

Cheerful ~ Contented ~ Delighted ~ Excited ~ Fulfilled ~ Glad ~ Gleeful ~ Gratified ~ Happy ~ Healthy Self-esteem ~ Joyful ~ Lively ~ Merry ~ Optimistic ~ Playful ~ Pleased ~ Proud ~ Rejuvenated ~ Satisfied

**Intense Happiness, Contentment, and Joy**

Awe-filled ~ Blissful ~ Ecstatic ~ Egocentric ~ Elated ~ Enthralled ~ Euphoric ~ Exhilarated ~ Giddy ~ Jubilant ~ Manic ~ Overconfident ~ Overjoyed ~ Radiant ~ Rapturous ~ Self-aggrandized ~ Thrilled

# 😞 **Sadness**

**Soft Sadness**

Contemplative ~ Disappointed ~ Disconnected ~ Distracted ~ Grounded ~ Listless ~ Low ~ Regretful ~ Steady ~ Wistful

**Medium Sadness, Depression, and Grief**

Dejected ~ Discouraged ~ Dispirited ~ Down ~ Downtrodden ~ Drained ~ Forlorn ~ Gloomy ~ Grieving ~ Heavy-hearted ~ Melancholy ~ Mournful ~ Sad ~ Sorrowful ~ Weepy ~ World-weary

**Intense Sadness, Depression, and Grief**

Anguished ~ Bereaved ~ Bleak ~ Depressed ~ Despairing ~ Despondent ~ Grief-stricken ~ Heartbroken ~ Hopeless ~ Inconsolable ~ Morose

# 🫣 **Shame / guilt**

**Soft Shame and Guilt**

Abashed ~ Awkward ~ Discomfited ~ Flushed ~ Flustered ~ Hesitant ~ Humble ~ Reticent ~ Self-conscious ~ Speechless ~ Withdrawn

**Medium Shame and Guilt**

Ashamed ~ Chagrined ~ Contrite ~ Culpable ~ Embarrassed ~ Guilty ~ Humbled ~ Intimidated ~ Penitent ~ Regretful ~ Remorseful ~ Reproachful ~ Rueful ~ Sheepish

**Intense Shame and Guilt**

Belittled ~ Degraded ~ Demeaned ~ Disgraced ~ Guilt-ridden ~ Guilt-stricken ~ Humiliated ~ Mortified ~ Ostracized ~ Self-condemning ~ Self-flagellating ~ Shamefaced ~ Stigmatized

** 😒Jealousy / envy**

**Soft Jealousy and Envy**

Disbelieving ~ Distrustful ~ Insecure ~ Protective ~ Suspicious ~ Vulnerable

**Medium Jealousy and Envy**

Covetous ~ Demanding ~ Desirous ~ Envious ~ Jealous ~ Threatened

**Intense Jealousy and Envy**

Avaricious ~ Gluttonous ~ Grasping ~ Greedy ~ Green with Envy ~ Persistently Jealous ~ Possessive ~ Resentful

# **Suicidal**

**Soft Suicidal Urges**

**Medium Suicidal Urges**

Bereft ~ Crushed ~ Desolate ~ Despairing ~ Desperate ~ Drained ~ Empty ~ Fatalistic ~ Hopeless ~ Joyless ~ Miserable ~ Morbid ~ Overwhelmed ~ Passionless ~ Pleasure-less ~ Sullen

**Intense Suicidal Urges**

Agonized ~ Anguished ~ Bleak ~ Death-seeking ~ Devastated ~ Doomed ~ Gutted ~ Nihilistic ~ Numbed ~ Reckless ~ Self-destructive ~ Suicidal ~ Tormented ~ Tortured


"Nice to have you back"
Homeboy, you're like my favourite "show", of course I'm coming back <3


Honestly, I dont think I learn as much from any other person on this platform. Thanks for teaching us all about things that most people ignore, I can't wait for the next vid :)


It's so comforting to watch a guy from the 1920s give us good advice on emotional regulation, and I mean it. It feels like a 'redemption arc', a healing for that era's emotional struggles.


ok, but heres the question how do you make each video about something different and not have them overlap, im never bored and im always learning. genuinely I will help you put this COURSE into schools. like this is what we should be teaching


In 15 years of therapy, nothing has worked better or faster for me than DBT. Game changer. Life changer. I am so much better at regulating my emotions now. I’m almost a different person.


idk how, but whenever i realize my weakness in any area, you upload a video about said thing in the following 24 hours xd


Thanks a lot for this, I have a housemate who criticizes, condemns, accusing, invalidates and threatening every time he opens his mouth during a disagreement and I fall into the trap of getting irritated easily by him.


I honestly love the timing of this video like right to the second. The thing about guilt, I realized that by planning to do something but not executing it, Im basically acting like a naughty kid thats used to getting attention that way. It's like the gratification of planning something and putting in the effort and then after a while it requires delayed gratification, whereas by planning the perfect plan and not sticking to it I can immediately feel guilty and so emotionally gratified. Daniel Kahneman figured out that losing 1000 dolars gives an equal emotional input as losing 2000 dolars. So guilt is cheap, easy to get to and endlessly satisfying. It's a mashistic mental mastrubation in your mind to feel guilty about your actions. Now I just own them, if I do it it's my choice, if I dont it's also my choice. Love your videos, much love from Turkey.


Dude I instantly subscribed. Your sense of humor mixed with the shared wisdom is so refreshing and I learned and laughed a lot through this video! Thanks man!


The real lesson of this channel for me is to take whatever I do lightheartedly and seriously. Always be intensely interested in what I’m doing and sharing, doing it the best I can, while trying to raise spirits around me.


Love your vids mate. I really appreciate the comprehensive packages of wisdom that you provide us with. Keep on keeping on


Hi Louis, what a wonderful video. Thank you for the video. I was emotionally invalidated all my life.


I came across your channel about 4 weeks ago. Ive currently walked away from a 3 year relationship that was to say the least, toxic. I have saved and watched majority of your videos and still going. I find long form videos hard to stay focused on but i am hyper focused on what you say. Thank you for your efforts in making these videos. Please know they are making a significant impact on people. You are doing gods work. God bless ❤


Damn, you are so young and so wise beyond your years. Beautiful on the inside and the outside.


You're absolutely brilliant.
I've been having trouble managing my emotions in a helathy way for a long time..and each time i failed huge feeling of guilt overcame my body and mind...and i was angry that i was angry....I am truly grateful for this video and the way you explain each subject with clarity and also manage to make it fun. Keep your wonderful work up!❤️


This explains why I go for a drive listening to music that makes me cry when I’m sad


I feel like I just had the college lecture I never knew I always wanted. Excellent work fellow muchacho!

Btw that bonus technique was straight 🔥


Strangely enough, "I'm lazy" sparks no reaction from me. But "I didn't get as much done today as I planned, and I'm frustrated with myself" hit me right in the stomach and chest lmao


Sir you are a gentleman, scholar, and King among men. Thank you for your contributions to humanity and I am rooting for your continued success and flourishment
