Debated out of Calvinism?

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Now, however, he no longer affirms Calvinism and he is back with us to talk about his own journey in and out of Calvinism.


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Credit to anyone who has the humility to say they changed their position on something. It's becoming a rare trait any more.


The Calvinists that are disliking this video are just mad that God sovereignly decreed for Paul Cooper to leave Calvinism from eternity past.


I feel so related with Paul here (4:25-5:13). I for the first time spoke with my pastor with respect and humility. It was hard because I have to be very careful in not acting or saying anything which could be misunderstood. The conversation will continue at a slow pace, but I can't preach or teach from now on, and this hurts because I feel as if my calling has been destroyed (though I know this isn't possible).
I love my pastor, he's a great mind, but I just desire he could listen to me without a bias and honestly examining both positions objectively. I've been studying soteriology every day of the week for a year now. I am now seen as a teenager who got into google and read the first thing that popped up on the internet and is now confused. That's literally the perception I feel upon me by my pastor. I pray that we can both still remain in unity and truthful fellowship despite our difference. I want to preach and teach, and I too hope God will bring truth to light at my church.


I know I'm super late to the party here but wow! What an excellent video. I could say so much--about Pastor Cooper's journey out of Calvinism, to Dr. Flowers' impact, to many such things but l had to stop and comment...I'm only half-way through watching but had to speak on Dr. Flowers' definition of, "biblical humility." It hit me so hard right in the heart that I shouted, "YES! YES! That's exactly how I felt when I was saved." Not that I was so special but that I realized (like the song says) that He loves me (all of us) so much that he saved a wretch like me and can do the same for everyone who seeks Him. I feel that way but could never put words to it. Dr. Flowers just did. Thanks Dr. F...I'm truly enjoying binge watching your videos since I found your ministry a few months back. Thank you for the work you did and continue to do...keep pouring it on. Your work is showing much fruit.


My daughter finally realized what a pain she was as a teenager, at the age of 27. She then proceeded to apologize profusely for giving us a hard time as a teenager, said she understood that our rules and fences were for her good. Our relationship is now amazing and very loving.


I can't think of anything I would love more than Calvinism if I was the devil.


Probably my greatest obstacle in dealing with Calvanists is their definition or understanding of spiritual death ... they explain that a person outside of Christ is a literal spiritual "corpse" ... and that giving any 'help' spiritually is pointless ... however, Jesus in the story of the prodigal son CLEARLY CONTRADICTS Calvanist's definition OF WHAT THE STATE OF DEATH IS ... Jesus describes this man was 'dead' in sinful LIVING, establishing what the true essence what being dead is ...the Father sums up this change in the younger brother and tells the older son 'your brother and my son was DEAD but now is ALIVE' ... WHILE being ' dead' in riotous living and sin he (the younger son) came to his senses, and he realized his state and went to his father in 'HUMILTY' and 'SHAME' and was received by his Dad (praise God!) ... so death doesn't mean an inability to even consider or understand God's love and grace ... but death is a seperation from God, WHERE in that state, shame and guilt and Humility are felt, leading to belief, repentance, and then conversion ...! Free will !!!


Calvinism must surely be the ultimate case study in absurdity: "God hath decreed in himself, from all eternity, by the most wise and holy counsel of His own will, freely and unchangeably, ALL THINGS, WHATSOEVER COMES TO PASS etc ..." (BCOF OF 1689, Chapter 3, Par. 1). BUT if you sin and go to hell, it is all your own fault. What could be more absurd?

And when you point out to them the bizarre and logical consequences of their theological theories, you are, of course, immediately accused of "not understanding Calvinism".


Great to hear Paul Cooper's testimony on this issue, really encouraging!


Praise be to God for another person coming out of the DARKNESS.


The broken finger analogy was perfect!! And ACCURATE. A unbeliever called me out on a particular sin and I could feel my face turning red with embarrassment!!! But God grew me through that humbling experience of owning my


I'am so happy that many are leaving from being Calvinist God truly is opening their eyes.


One of the teachings of Calvinists that troubles me most is their treatment of spiritual death (Ephesians 2). They believe that “dead in trespasses and sins” means total inability to respond to the gospel, since a corpse can’t do anything. How do we account for God’s hardening of hearts that we read about in various passages? If someone is spiritually dead (and not just “mostly dead”), then why is hardening necessary at all? Could a person change his mind and do the right thing (e. g., Pharaoh) if he were not hardened? If so, then he is not totally dead spiritually and has a true bone fide responsibility to embrace the truth.


The Peace of the Lord Jesus Christ. Good afternoon. I am writing an article to combat the deterministic heresy of Calvinism. I learned a little from a video from your channel, where someone happily translated it into Portuguese. I ask as a brother in Christ, allow google to translate your videos to Portuguese and let's together free many brothers here in South America. God bless us on our journey, amen.


Thx for this great discussion! The first time I ever heard someone talking about eisegesis (vs exegesis) it was from a Calvinist. And for a long time I only heard about it from Calvinists.
Just like “sovereignty.” It’s not “exclusive” to Calvinism, but when I hear someone making an extraordinary point or issue about it, it’s almost always by a Calvinist.


I can relate to this. Not because I was a Calvanist but I was also in a church, Worldwide Church of God, that thought we had the truth and others didn't or were wrong. Thank God that people were praying for Worldwide Church of God and I can't thank God enough for opening my eyes and I am sure you feel the same way and are thankful God has taken the scales off your eyes. This is why it is important that with your ministry you reach out to Calvanists and with your help videos I am learning a lot as well in order to help Calvanists and also to pray for them


Yes! That "I'm so humbled, " when someone is being honored, has always bugged me.


From my observation, one of the various problems with Calvinists is pride in intellectualism rather than being Christ-like.


Augustinian/Calvinism reminds me of the snake trying to eat itself by swallowing its own tail. Goes nowhere.


So I came to faith around the same time my now best buddy returned to the faith and we began talking and hanging out and he was a Calvin and I didn’t know what that was and then learned about it and he and I debated it because I found it unbiblical and eventually even through that we became best friends and he now is no longer a Calvinist.
