What Convinced This Calvinistic Pastor To LEAVE Calvinism? | Leighton Flowers | Soteriology 101

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Dr. Leighton Flowers talks to former Calvinist, Paul Cooper, about what convinced him to leave Calvinism behind.

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Calvinists seem to be very proud of their humility.


🎶Humble thyself in the sight of the Lord and He will lift you up


Regarding him talking about Paul's miraculous conversion...many miss; "Therefore King Agrippa, I was not disobedient to the Heavenly vision"... Paul obeyed, when he could've done otherwise. He too was a volitional being/had free moral agency/possessed libertarian free will before, during & after salvation.


HUMILITY. He hit the nail on the head. There is an intellectual arrogance amongst Calvamists/reformed that is so unattractive. It repels people.


I was at one point leaning towards the Calvinistic thinking but I was struggling with sin in certain areas in my life after hearing that some were elected and others were condemn it broke my heart because I didn’t think I could be saved so I had the thinking what is the point if I’m just gone go to hell anyway. This is really dangerous for someone is seeking salvation and wondering why they can’t stop sinning and hear this doctrine can cause someone to fall farther away from God because they believe there is no hope for them


Brother Cooper is spot on here. It seems like it's going to be too simple for most Calvinists to understand though.


"I just wasn't thinking deeply about being consistent." ~ I completely relate to this quote in many biblical understandings!


My five favorite words: “when I was a Calvinist…”


The pagan Ninevites even humbled themselves and God change his plans to destroy them...


Humility together with honest intellectual examination of the inconsistencies leads to an off-ramp.


Calvinism is a doctrine in search of a text


I really like his statement that "I was copping out to 'mystery'".


We gotta understand its not easy breaking bad dctrine, It takes the power of God to take the blinders off


One thing I do to avoid the type of cognitive dissonance that Paul here seemed to dismiss at first is that I make sure to read the Bible cover to cover, a few times I will stop, to go to a book I feel called to, but I go back to where I left off in the main reading. My thinking is I will never skip parts that either make me uncomfortable, don't fully understand, or even just feel it is out of date, as being more cultural ideas we don't adhere to anymore. I always try to look for something good in my reading, and try to wrestle with the parts I am less comfortable with to try and find the truth with in.

I think a lot of people, tend to stick to the few books that really drive home their ideology, and don't read the full bible. Then they start arguing for their position using out of context quotes, as they have not really read the full bible in the context with in itself.


This is the best description of who He shows mercy on: God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble


Totally, it is in the OT, and often, the Israelites refused to listen to Him and that is still going on today🌻


I appreciate Leighton and his ministry a great deal. He is one of the reasons I myself did not come under the false god of Tulip over a year ago when I left the Pentecostal/charasmatic denomination...over it was the Holy Spirit that first convicted me to investigate what calvanism truly is....even though they rarely discuss their Tulip doctrine openly in a church service. I am not ashamed to admit that I struggle to consider calvanists beothers/sisters in Christ because their foundation is the god of Tulip and it doesn't matter how nice or similar the rest of the building looks...the god of Tulip is not the true God of the bible. Calvanists also hold to Ephesians 2.. grace alone through faith...but does that still apply to a absolute false foundation of the Tulip god. Even jw and mormons speak and claim to believe in thw god of the bible but I doubt any of us will conaider them brothers/ sisters in Christ. The Tulip god is sadistic...simple as that. Leighton considers them fellow brothers/sisters in Christ but if that is so than why is he and so many others so set on bringing people out of calvanism...in the end they to will fo to heaven to be with Jesus...so why spend so much time and put in so much effort. I pray for all calvanists as I do jw and mormons to come to the true God of the bible and stop corrupting the character of the Father.


Augustine had a nearly hysterical fear, Christians would brag of their salvation, which SOME may have.
So his anecdote, was to create the false teaching that humans were completly powerless, incapable of any positive action because humans wete totally depraved.
John Calvin picked up that ball, that false teaching and carried it forward. promoted tha


Leaving Calvinism is the start of finding your way to God.


The mysteries of God, like the Trinity, are not contradictory to His nature. Calvinism is. Thank you for this, as I am wrestling with the ideas of Calvinism presented in my church.
