Why #calvinism Is A Problem #biblestudy

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Acts 13:48 de-Calvinized by Dr. Leighton Flowers @Soteriology101

The topic of Calvinism is something that I have personally spent a lot of time studying and thinking about for the past decade. In recent years this theology has grown a lot in popularity, being propagated by popular and prominent pastors and christian leaders like John Piper, John Macarthur, RC Sproul and ministry organizations like the Gospel Coalition, Desiring God, Ligonier Ministries and Apologia Studios.

This theology is based on a particular understanding of passages like Romans 9, John 6 and Ephesians 1, which are interpreted by Calvinists in a way that results in the conclusion that God has determined before the foundation of the world which individuals he will save and has ultimately created a countless mass of humanity throughout history for the purpose of condemning them to eternal torment in hell for committing sins that he himself determined that they commit. This may be a bit more of an abrasive and pointed way of putting it, but I think if you come to understand the claims and beliefs of the theologians mentioned above who teach these doctrines, you will see that this is an accurate and honest representation of their ultimate conclusions.

I personally find the view of God that is communicated in Calvinism to be immoral and a gross misrepresentation of what the bible actually describes God to be like. Although I do have moral and emotional apprehensions toward this theology, that is not ultimately the reason why I came to reject it. I came to reject it on biblical grounds. After examining the many Calvinistic proof texts like Romans 9 and Ephesians 1, I became convinced that Calvinists are simply misunderstanding and misinterpreting these texts.

I make videos about this topic because I believe that bad theology is harmful to people - emotionally, mentally and spiritually. My goal in making videos like this is not to demonize Calvinists who teach these things or to say they are evil heretics or anything of the sort, but to simply explain why I strongly disagree with their conclusions and offer what I consider to be a better way of understanding the many biblical texts that are often used to support these views.



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As a Reformed Baptist (I don’t call myself a Calvinist, but a Christian).
I, nor MacArthur, Sproul, Piper share the gospel according to TULIP lol. We don’t say, “in order to be saved, you need to believe you are totally depraved, unconditionally elected, limitedly atoned for, due to irresistible grace and you will persevere.”
You don’t have to be a “Calvinist” or “Reformed” to be saved. You need only to repent and believe unto Christ!
I appreciate your videos as you have engaged with the WMSCOG cult and I have frequently done so also here in Vegas. I believe you to be a brother in Christ. But you may be misrepresenting the brothers you mention in the video by suggesting “Calvinism is the gospel”.
God bless you & your ministry!


In Calvinism there is no good news for anyone. You are either picked or not, and nothing the preacher or individual does matters. We’re are all just playing our part in a grand plan to glorify God for an audience either destined to applaud or boo the show. If you think you’re saved, you may just be living a brutal lie known as an ineffectual calling, or effervescent grace. God IS not really love, life, light and truth, because He will give you a false truth, leading to death because that somehow glorifies Himself.


People need to remember God is the potter and we are the clay. We don't make God an actual savior by man's will.


Great teachings Jordan. An eye opener and thank you for that, much appreciated ❤


Spurgeon said "Calvinism is the Gospel and nothing else."

He should have finished the sentence, because to to say that "Calvinism is the Gospel" is also to say "and nothing else IS."

And if Calvinism is the Gospel and nothing else is, then all us non-Calvinists are, in their eyes, heretics preaching a false gospel.

This isn't a "secondary issue" as some guys, like Leighton Flowers, puts it, because there is nothing secondary about the Gospel.


Disagree. Your argument simply shows that you have never heard out of those three pastors’ sermons. None of them preach “Calvinism” or are rooted in doctrines, and they simply preach God’s words. Also, in terms of “problematic”, I don’t know what you’re pointing to. Why do you assume they are the biggest issues representing most contemporary Christian churches? If you spend so much time calling out a few faithful preachers and think they ARE the problem, then I highly doubt your intention and who else’s side you’re allied with.
Can you also define the “alternatives” you said in the video? Does any of those three preachers ever force any unbiblical opinions on their listeners? The three even have different approaches in the different areas of their works, but they rhythm alongside because they simply hold on to the sovereignty of the bible and treat each other as brothers in Christ.
If you attack people, then point out their false teachings. If a doctrine is not biblical, it’s simply a false doctrine, don’t demonise the good workers and try to decorate yourself only because you said the word “biblical” in the video.
If you want widely opened alternative perspectives and interpretations, then go to those property churches that will have all sorts of audiences and agendas that perfectly fit with all human desires and diversities but the image of a righteous and holy God. Such weak arguments and not so smart call outs of the choice of people.


May God bless the ministry he has given you !


I believe Calvinism is correct, Calvinism however is not the Gospel.

The Gospel is found in the person of Jesus Christ and the Grace that he affords us.

One can have no knowledge as to how God saves, or whether or not we are pre destined. And yet still be saved.

I believe it is the common and unhealthy obsession oft found among calvinists with Gods sovereignty that may be problematic.

I’ve heard people like john MacArthur teach that “Calvinism is the gospel.” And I would have to disagree.

The gospel can be found sufficiently in the apostles creed.

But when calvinists like myself elevate Calvinism to being “the gospel.” We exclude our brothers in Christ who don’t have the same understanding of gods election.

Jesus is the good news, not John Calvin.


Your problem is with God and His Word, not calvinism


Calvinism does destroy the character and nature of God. The biblical God is Pure Actuality whereas the Calvinists god is not because he is lacking in the moral attribute of love. The Calvinists god only loves a certain few and is imperfect in love, so he can't be the God of the Bible because he is not Pure Actuality.

The TULIP is not the gospel it is a different gospel that was designed for only a few and those that teach it should be accursed. Calvinism is a false gospel and should be taken seriously, it's not just a side issue, it's an attack on the very nature of God and the true gospel.

Galatians 1:6–9 (NASB 2020):  I am amazed that you are so quickly deserting Him who called you by the grace of Christ, for a different gospel, 7 which is not just another account; but there are some who are disturbing you and want to distort the gospel of Christ. 8 But even if we, or an angel from heaven, should preach to you a gospel contrary to what we have preached to you, he is to be accursed! 9 As we have said before, even now I say again: if anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to what you received, he is to be accursed!


Thank you so much. I felt this way when I first started to learn more about theology and what it even is. It was like every I looked I was being suggested pastors who were Calvinist or “Reformed”. If you have resources & commentaries from a non Calvinist view I would greatly appreciate it


Calvinism isn't "the Gospel". It is one man's interpretation and explanation of how he believes the Gospel plays out in scripture. Having come from a loosely held calvinistic background I can now say that I would never in a million years claim to have a perfect explanation of the gospel other than this. Christ, God's perfect son, who is the third person of the trinity, came to earth, lived a sinless life, died on a cross for our sins, as a substitution, and rose on the third day and who is seated in at God's right hand as our advocate to the Father. Everyone has a moment in their life when they can turn towards God or not. Accept the perfect gift of Christ or not. God's ways are not our ways and I consider it foolish for anyone to say that they have perfect understanding of how it all works. It takes a certain lack of humility to hold a man made explanation of something so complex and beautiful (God's ways) as the absolute truth and to insist that others must agree or they are wrong.
There ARE gospel truths but from what I have seen of God's words TULIP isn't necessarily the end all of understanding and truth.


Imagine if Michael Servetus had a podcast.


the debate cannot be resolved by throwing scripture at eachother. The Word tells me to believe, I am obedient to that command.


Can I ask why you use the working "options" when Calvinism isn't part of Biblical Christianity? Calvinism isn't a real option. It isn't "just a different perspective". It is an entirely different religion that masquerades as Christianity... teaching things that completely contradict the Gospel as revealed in Scripture.


I keep hearing Calvinists say that they don’t believe faith is a work, but yet I routinely hear them claim it is, at least through their concern that if God didn’t do something irresistible then we are earning our salvation


I've liked & subscribed. It (Calvinism) is one of 👿 greatest achievements. He gets "Christians" to be purveyors of another gospel that impunes & vilifies our Heavenly Father.


Bc if Calvinism is right then no problem, the best possible outcome will happen. All that can be saved will be saved, as predetermined.

If Calvinism is wrong, then a great and grave disservice has been done because there are people who will go to hell because of the teaching. Those that could have been saved won’t be reached for being discounted as non elect reprobates already. Why respond to the gospel if you can’t? Why even preach?


I agree. I have a hard time finding people preaching the true Gospel message.


Sorry so old, I was joining a church I love and in the new members course they started teaching Calvinism. I tried to use scripture to show it's not correct doctrine I wasn't prepared and now I'm heartbroken and unsure if I should continue to attend. God didn't preselect who's saved and who isn't. Why would anyone go to church? It's predestined so why even go, why share the good news and how did the preacher even know for sure he was preselected??? I didn't want to debate but seek biblical scriptures that show that predestination is not accurate 🕊️🙏
