25 Minute Yoga Nidra for Deep Rest

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25 Minute Deep Rest Yoga Nidra in the Costa Rican Jungle

Welcome. Thank you so much for being here and welcome to the Costa Rica 2024 sessions with Krstyn Rose (January to April). Relax into this deeply nourishing 25 minute Yoga Nidra practice recorded live from the Costa Rican jungle. Enjoy the nature soundscapes as you are effortlessly guided into a state of peaceful relaxation. This is a short practice that uses systematic relaxation techniques to guide you through a body scan and into mindful breath awareness to help release tension from the body and mind. Be soothed by the sounds of crickets, geckos, soft wind and animals in the night and emerge feeling rested and ready to step back out and into the rest of your day. You might think of this practice like a deep tissue therapeutic massage for the body, mind, and whole nervous system.

This short practice can be used in the morning to restore deep rest or a sleep deficit, in the afternoon to recharge or reboot your energy, or even before bed to help create the ideal environment for sleep to arise for the rest of the night.

Happy resting.

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Would you like to enjoy live yoga nidra practices with me? Join our new online studio at the School of Living Yoga Circle of Thread! You can join us for live practices and replays. See link below to access a special two week free trial (limited time offer):

If you are one of our students in the Transformational Sleep Yoga Nidra Teacher Training, here at the School of Living Yoga I’d love to hear from you in the comments. Feeling called to join an online Yoga Nidra YTT? See the link below:

Thank you for joining me today. If you liked this video, please click that 'like' button for it really supports my channel. Leave a comment, let me know where you are from, what you liked, and what you would like to see more of. Let me know how I can support you and your practice further. You can subscribe and hit the bell to get notified when new content comes out each and every week.

May you be happy, healthy, peaceful and free.

Kristyn Rose

#yoganidra #newyear #2024 #intention #meditation #guidedmeditation #Sankalpa #relaxation #sleep
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Welcome beloveds to what I am calling 'The Year of Creation'. Thank you so much for choosing to be here and for your continued love and support. I am so grateful for each and every one of you here in this online global community. Yoga nidra has been such medicine for me on my own journey and I am so pleased to share it with you here on my channel. Subscribe and stay tuned for free resources offered here on my channel each and every week - tools, techniques, and practices to help support you on your journey towards healing and wholeness. Let's walk this path together, for together we thrive.

Will you join me? Leave a comment below letting me know where you are from, what you are seeking, how you feel, or what you would like to see more of. You might comment below just a single word, of something you are calling in this year. I am so honoured to support you and to walk this path with you to create the life you've always wanted and the life that you deserve. You may also share this practice with someone in your life who you think may benefit from a little more deep rest.

With love and gratitude, Namaste.


Appreciate the shorter length of this one. Even if you can provide a series of 15-minute ones that would be amazing. Sometimes just need a quick reset for the day.


Thank you, Kristyn. Today is a yoga nidra kind of day...I will work my way through your channel☺


Voice. Soundscape. Everything. Sooo stilling. Sooo beautiful. With gratitude dear Kristyn🙏✨


Thank you so much Kristyn! I loved that one. Yoga Nidra Teacher Training June 2024


Thanks ! ❤️ Good short one for a mid day break. Enjoy Costa Rica!! I live in the beautiful Washington state. 😊


Thank you Kristyn❤ I practice in the Netherlands, good to hear jungle sounds and imagine the warmth of Costa Rica❤😊❤


Oooh I quickly went into bodily relaxation with this one. So beautiful ❤ thanks again! Alex s. Yoga nidraTT 1-12-2024


Hmm this was so nice with these Costa Rican background sounds 🥰 thank you so much! Very relaxing. I could really feel the richness of true rest.


Thank you Kristyn ❤it is the perfect way to start my day - I was transformed into a blissful state❤🙏
Cheers, Tonya


This was so relaxing. For a change I didn't fall asleep and I could notice the difference in my body as I relaxed. Thanks.


❤❤❤❤ taking us to the retreat z!! blessings,
Alli C Yoga nidra


Perfect, Thank you❤ the breathing through the palms to the heart was nice😊 have a great day


I love the longer ones. I have severe untreated apnea and your voice really helps me to fall asleep.


Thank you 🙏 Kristyn for this wonderful gift and practice. I did a Anahata chakra practice just prior to this and they merged together so well. My heart is full. Looking forward to meeting you in CR at the retreat. Peace and love
Sue ❤


Such a beautiful practice. Thank you 🙏💕✨️


Wow. You are absolutely Beyond Immensely Amazing


Loved this practice. Thanks Kristyn! 5/3 💫


Thankyouuu❤️🙏😊 absolutely love your nidras, this has gotta be one if my sll time favorites 😍 sounds of the jungle 👌


Thank you so much, Kristyn! I always enjoy your beautiful meditations and feel so empowered & envigorated by them. My motto for 2024:Be someone who makes YOU happy (and with that comes automatically making others happy too). Best wishes from Germany. JJ.
