3 things narcs do when you're not manipulatable anymore

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In this video, I’ll break down three key things a narcissist does when they realize they can’t manipulate you anymore, share examples to help you recognize these behaviors, and give you actionable tips to stay strong and empowered, no matter what they try next.

0:00 When you go against the narcissist
0:56 How the narcissist knows you’re onto them
2:12 Defense #1
3:52 Tools for empowerment
4:49 Defense #2
6:12 Tools for empowerment
7:14 Defense #3
8:21 Tools for empowerment
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For decades I have believed that I was "ALONE" in my experiences. Thank you for your videos! There is some comfort in knowing that my "experiences" are more common than one would think.


That narc rage is something else, they go from zero to 100 in a second, they look like a psychopath and I’m sure many of them are.


They don't want help. They want you to tolerate their tirades and every manipulation in between. They want to wear you down mentally, emotionally, financially and physically, it's all a part of their pathetic game.


I exiled myself for decades when I realized my mother would never change and was determined to destroy me emotionally. My stepfather was her main enabler, so I kept my distance with zero contact. Only when I lost a younger sibling in 2008, did I reluctantly return as a (limited) family member. Stepfather passed in 2017, narcissistic mother passed in 2022. Some people should never have children.


Character assignation is what I have experienced. When you stop playing their game(s), look out behind. When friends you once had start to leave, something was said. This happened in my parish.


I outsmarted mine, rented a cabin on thevwater in a childhood friends name - NOBODY KNEW- picked up my dogs, disappeared for 3 days. Relaxed. Then went home. Dogs inside. Here he cones in his truck. Im outside my front door. When he opened his door and stepped out, I ignored his words and fired a shot by his head. He went to step aeound the door I fired one closer to his head. He screamed I FELT THAT!! I SAID SLOWLY WITH A COLD DEAD VOICE



When you're not manipulatable anymore by the narc:

1. They: Escalate tactics..You stay emotionally detached; disengage immediately
2. They: Play victim .. You: Don't fall for it; set and remember your boundaries for yourself
3. They do: Smear campaigns.. You: Refuse to self-defend; the less you say, the better.

Thank you Ms. Devor!


I'll never forget 24 years ago my husband's narcissist grandmother was visiting us from another state and our newborn - she was salty because she kept wanting to take our son places without me, and we said no- he wasn't even 2 months old. We went to the mall together, and she decided to disappear- (this was before cell phones were everywhere). My husband had a cell, but she didn't call it from a payphone or other store. We literally spent 3 hours scouring the mall, while he became more irate, as she had a pattern of this when she wanted attention, apparently. He put me in the middle of the mall to rest ( I was still recouperating from childbirth) while he kept looking ( she did not have dementia, btw). The Easter Bunny was there, so I got in line with my baby for a pic. I looked up, and saw her standing about 20 feet away, GLARING at me, her arm resting on a store counter, her long nails clicking in anger on the counter. She never approached me. I pretended I didn't see her, and borrowed the lady's cell phone behind me and let my husband know. In a few minutes, he roared up and grabbed his grandmother out of the mall, shaking with anger. He confronted her about her toxic, manipulative behavior, took her back to her hotel and told her not to come back. It was the last straw of a lifetime of abuse. He never spoke to her again. I think when he saw how she was spreading the same toxic abuse to his wife and son, he lost it.


My mother punished me by telling people in our tiny community of 2, 500 people my friends toddler son was my husband's child. At the time my husband was the volunteer leader of the main church of the community. When we removed her from living in our house she told my entire extended family and siblings we stole all her money and left her homeless. Nope. She spent all her money on fabric and a junky motor home. She abandoned the motor home on my property and took her 32 giant totes of fabric.
They can all have her and are free to think I'm evil. I'm 100% free of her and that's worth everything!


I had a narcissist boss. I had to take 2 weeks of unpaid leave due to stress. Finally, my husband convinced me to quit. My last day was December 24. My boss took it well at first. Then she called me into her office and said that someone else would need to be trained up and could I “just help out, sweetie” and stay “just” for January to make the transition smooth? I said let me consider.

Next day I came into work and said (by email) Sure, I’ll help out but instead of my usual wage, it’s gonna cost the equivalent of YOUR wage” She wrote back saying that was impossible and highly unrealistic and that’s not going to happen. I responded saying I totally understand and unfortunately I can’t help. I never heard a word about it for the rest of my time there!

For anyone interested in karma, this boss got unceremoniously fired from her job and stripped of her qualifications because of a lie she told and got caught! HA!!


#3. I exiled myself and if I ever see anyone conducting one against someone else, I'm going to recognize it and be an ally to the target. It's life changing when people you counted as friends flip on a dime, sometimes in favour of a person they don't even know.


I experienced it not only as the mask slipping, which implies it happens by accident, but also as aggressive fighting to get me alone, to ensure there would be no witnesses, so they could delight in taking it off to properly outline the demands for total dominance and control, and let their contempt and hatred out.


Oh yea I'm the survivor of the SMEAR CAMPAIGN it's horrendous.


That grin I’ve seen twice. It’s like a grin of satisfaction a spoiled child has on their face after getting their way. I didn’t realize it was a trait. It’s really quite pathetic.


My narcissistic sister, whose phone number I blocked, has an associate of hers call me periodically and hang up. My sister is a therapist in Louisville, KY. Be VERY careful who you choose to get help from. Sometimes the inmates do run the sanitarium.


I said no to my mother one time and 3 months later she was claiming to have 3 different types of cancer. It’s that bad.
My answer never changed. I went no contact about a year and a half ago with her and almost the entire family. They all work together.


I worked at a company for over 30 years . There were two different locations with workplace miserable narcissists . I had NO CLUE that they each did these things to me, and WHY . I appreciate knowing this now that I’m retired - BUT I so wish that I was aware of these tactics decades ago . So nice of you, young lady, to help society in this regard …


Child please, it tried all of these things and none of them WORKED, I STILL WALK AWAY. BE GONE FOR 6 1/2 YEARS, LOVING IT!


so true! My ex threw a full-blown tantrum when I finally refused to drive him around and sent him grocery shopping on his own. When I left, he sent a letter to my best friend saying I was mentally disturbed and she should try and make me understand he was right, I was destroying the family and needed to go back to him. My friend of course, being MY friend, gave me the letter and never answered him.
Once you learn to set up boundaries, you realise it's all a mind game and there is only thin air behind the big words.


Now a silent treatment every time I speak and the havoc is unbearable emotionally budget.
