Provisionism Explained feat. @RuslanKD

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Dr. Leighton Flowers, Director of Evangelism and Apologetics for Texas Baptists, briefly explains Provisionism using the PROVIDE graphic.

For a longer, more in-depth study of Provisionism, click here:
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This view is intriguing… the only correction I want to say IS… Tulip and Provide are not acronyms… they are acrostics:) an acronym is the first letters of each title word grouped together, that do not make up another word. Examples: AA, lol, ttyl :) Now, go into all the world and spread the good news ;)


Not gonna lie... as an pneumonic device that PROVIDE is pretty difficult.
I’m sure Leighton is aware of it but Molinism has ROSES rather than TULIP

R Radical Depravity (instead of total depravity): emphasizes that every aspect of our being is affected by the fall and rendered incapable of saving ourselves (instead of the impression that fallen humanity is as bad as it possibly can be).
O Overcoming Grace (instead of irresistible grace): The new term highlights that it is God’s persistent beckoning that overcomes our wicked obstinacy (instead of the old term which seems to imply that God saves a person against his will).
S Sovereign election (instead of unconditional election): old term is presented in such a way as to give the impression that those who die without receiving Christ did so because God never desired their salvation in the first place. The new term affirms that God desires the salvation of all, yet accentuates that our salvation is not based on us choosing God but on God choosing us.
E Eternal life (instead of perseverance of saints): old term leads to the notion that a believer’s assurance is based on his ability to persevere rather than on the fact that he is declared righteous in Christ. The new term stresses that believers enjoy a transformed life that is preserved and we are given a faith that will remain.
S Singular Redemption (instead of limited atonement): old term teaches that Christ died only for the elect and gives the impression that there is something lacking in the atonement. The new term emphasizes that Christ died sufficiently for every person, although efficiently only for those who believe.


Thank you!
Great video and great collab!
Love both of these men!


This is what I'm talking about. Nothing but FACTS!!


Implications of Calvinism: If a person cannot respond favorably to the Gospel without further supernatural action to "make" him respond, then the only thing we can conclude is that the Word by itself is insufficient. Election, then, would be like some sort of active ingredient that makes the Gospel "work".


*If you seek God then you will find him or if you forsake God then God will have nothing to do with you*

1 Chronicles 28: 9
9 And thou, Solomon my son, know thou the God of thy father, and serve him with a perfect heart and with a willing mind: for the Lord searcheth all hearts, and understandeth all the imaginations of the thoughts: if thou seek him, he will be found of thee; but if thou forsake him, he will cast thee off for ever.


I’d be interested to hear a response to the verses which speak against the “I”, like the ones in the gospel about the parables being secret, and unbelievers can’t understand the things of God.


Interesting that Dr. Flowers still holds onto the tradition of eternal security. I was expecting him to have a redefining of it when he got to it, but it's basically what the tradition of Calvin says.


Jeremiah 12: 17
But if they will not obey, I will utterly pluck up and destroy that nation, saith the Lord.


As Christians, our sins no longer separate us from God. Because of the death of Jesus Christ, our sins are no longer counted against us (2 Corinthians 5:19). Therefore, we are no longer separated from God (1 Corinthians 1:9; Romans 8:35-39). There is no "vicarious atonement.". The death of Jesus Christ was a propitiation, not atonement. Propitiation removes sin. Atonement covers sins. Secondly, the death of Jesus Christ is not salvation (1 Corinthians 15:17). Salvation is the restoration of life made possible through the resurrection of Jesus Christ (Romans 5:8-10).


I've posed this question before regarding your statement that once we're saved that we cannot lose our salvation. There are various Scriptures that say otherwise Hebrews 10:26 being one of them. So my question is, what would lead you to proclaim otherwise when Scripture is clear in that warning?


@Dr. Leighton Flowers can I get a Provid but in Spanish? I'm studying Calvinism, Arminianism, Molinism, and now Provisionism. I can see good points in all of them. But not all of them can be right., Right?


Please print those cards out and offer them for sale!!


I agreed with them all except the last one. I just simply don't believe there is biblical support for OSAS.


You should be very leary of accepting a new doctrine or approach to scripture...we have had the NT for 2, 000 years and all of a sudden, Mr. flowers has this new doctrinal system. Sorry, I would run from this.


How are we to understand calvinist that don't believe in limited atonement but hold to unconditional election? Seems to be somewhat of a contradiction?


You never answered my question before about Judas Iscariot, called by Jesus, Responded to the gospel positively, was sorry for his sin. According to your system is Judas Iscariot in heaven or hell?


By “Destroyed” is the idea annihilationism?


Just out of curiosity...does Leighton Flowers teach anything else except his Peligian - Semi-peligian about other doctrines, like holiness, the Trinity, the wrath of GOD...ect! All the videos I see of him is all about the same thing...


@Ruslan or @Flowers what if you are following a pastor that's Calvinist?
