Soteriology101 Response to push back against Provisionism

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We looked (quickly) at what Leighton Flowers said about the issue of faith in Romans 8

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Provisionist View is definitely man centered. Thank you White for your hard work.


White knows how to respond to Provisionism: Make fun of how Dr Flowers pronounces the name of an obscure medieval theologian for 5 minutes. Then change the subject. Drop mic. Calvinism defended!


Well stated brother White. Provisionism is highly inconsistent with itself.


One of Leighton flowers, followers, commented to me a while ago. She said, " Romans Chapters 1:1-3:9 is written to the jews only, even when it is clear in verse 9 that all are under sin. This is what Mr. Flowers is pushing. I feel bad for that lady, I type a prayer with her, and she didn't respond.


Just remember that in the Neo semi-Pelagian thinking of folks like Flowers and Allen (et. al.) fallen man must _conjure up faith from his own human libertarian free will (fallaciously defined as, 'the power of contrary choice')_.
That is one of their fundamental tenets.
Man, fallen though he is (whatever the semi-Pelagians mean by it), has not lost his 'power of contrary choice'; rather, he retains it.

1) These Neo semi-Pelagians don't know how to define 'choice' (Flowers makes 'choice' synonymous with 'free will, ' which makes his definition of 'free will' a tautology; not a definition).
Choice is simply: a mental act which initiates or results in further action.
2) These Neo semi-Pelagians don't know how to define Human Libertarian Free Will BIBLICALLY.
They hold to the philosophically speculative definition of 'free will' as, 'the power of contrary choice'.
But, the Bible defines Human Libertarian Free Will as:
1. a will that never assents to any errant proposition as if it were true; and,
2. a will that never wills to do anything other than that which is good and well-pleasing to God. (cf. Jn. 8:31-38).

Jesus possessed THIS definition of Human Free Will; Jesus did NOT possess 'the power of contrary choice' to sin, or to err.
The Glorified Saints in the Eschaton will also possess THIS definition of Human Free Will; they will NOT possess 'the power of contrary choice' to sin, or to err again.

The Neo semi-Pelagians make the human ability to conjure up faith within themselves the fundamental CAUSE of a sinner's Justification.
Whereas the Bible teaches that faith [being a divine GIFT from God] is the sole, INSTRUMENTAL MEANS of a sinner's Justification.
In fact, it is the ATONEMENT OF CHRIST that is the ground, fundamental CAUSE of the sinner's Justification (cf. Rom. 5:9)...not Faith!

This is one of the reasons why the Atonement is such an important doctrine to the Reformed, and why we defend it so vigorously against all other errant views of it.

*Soli Deo Gloria*


It stuns me that an intellectually gifted person like Flowers could use that gift to confuse himself and others. It would be so exhausting to constantly cherry pick scriptures and use them out of context to support a man centered theology. I thank God that I didn’t have the endurance to wrestle with Him for very long when I was an Arminian. We gotta be praying for Mr. Flowers that he would repent and turn back to a biblical understanding and teaching of reformed theology.


I agree with brother Allen. He's right James, you just don't understand atonement . Leighton gets everything you say because you're wrong and the doctrine that you push is blasphemy .


Every time Leighton tries teaching from the Holy Writ he proves total depravity. He can only exegete texts from tbe carnal mind of the flesh, not according to the invisible church.


There would be no reason to hold people responsible for believing or failing to believe in Jesus if the unregenerate person cannot actually have a choice in belief. If God is the one who imparts faith to the unbeliever, then the responsibility to believe lies not with man but with God, and therefore, God can have no basis on which to judge people for failing to believe. Scripture is clear that faith isn’t a work so us having the free will to have faith in Christ is in no way taking away from the work Christ did. God bless!


All I know is you guys need to be nicer to each other the world is watching and nobody really knows for sure only when we stand before God will we know all these mysteries.


In Him the disorder and corruption under which it groans has been laid bare, and thereby the hope of redemption which it awaits has also been exposed. In Him its independent might and importance and glory have been condemned, and thereby its glory and significance as the creation of God has been restored....If Christ's tempting in the wilderness Mk 1:12-13 was because He was a son of Adam, then Adam by design was meant either to fall, or to have a choice; if freedom is meant as filial loyalty, Gen 2:16, it would seem God already knew Christ would be necessary at Gen 2:15. I guess I'm rambling, but God and not His image faced the tempter a second time to remind us of the significance of His original act.


Glad you are elected and in God’s redeeming choice my brother. Let not your heart be troubled about the rest of us ! . In your “perfect and accurate” interpretation and mastering of scriptural interpretation, and correct interpretation of “sovereignty” ppl like me are proud and are blasphemers.
If I accept all your teachings, I much concur that I accept some, I am wired to be the way I am !…. I cannot help it !


Leighton Flowers is a joke at this point. Thank you Dr. White for continuing to expose the errors of synergism.


Why Calvinsm is man centered? It assumes man power he doesn't have. Otherwise, why would limited free will even remotely have any impact on God's sovereignty??


Flowers for next Pope! Maybe then some would come out from under this seducing spirit.


Reformed theology is not proper exegeses lol it’s based on
What does my confession say
What does my favorite theologian says

You guys elevate your confessions and reformed theologian to the same statues as scripture and the apostles 🙄👎🏻


Wow! This man's whole ministry is based on, no - not just based on, but only contains ... what?
Did you all watch/hear the Rom. 9 debate, between Brother White and Leigton. Woe!


Honestly both sides fighting over this issue
Makes both of ya look very un Christlike

Both sides have issues in their pressups and interpretation

The only difference is a Calvinist always come off arrogant and prideful


You are censoring comments that have arguments that destroy Calvinism. Shame on you! Instead of deleting comments, debate the argument and not hide it!! Shameful!!
