Provisionism: Explained by @gotquestions

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Time Stamps:
0:00 Intro
2:45 Why We Are Offended
4:25 Provisionism & Eternal Security
9:30 The Main Gist of Provisionism?
13:34 Distinctives of Provisionism
19:23 Reformed Code Language™
20:40 The Consequences of Original Sin
25:05 Differences from Reformed Theology
26:20 Universal Call & Deism
29:20 Why We Reject Limited Atonement
33:03 General Call or Universal Call?
34:30 Christ Desires All To Be Saved
35:50 Theologian Leighton Flowers
37:37 Words Mean Things
40:44 the PROVIDE acrostic
43:03 Sovereignty & Free Will
43:54 Provisionism Is Not Heresy!
44:44 The REAL Gist of Provisionism
49:09 Lazarus & Spiritual Inability
53:45 The Purpose of the enemy
55:41 Satan Doesn't Understand Calvinism
56:25 Conclusion
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#Provisionism #GotQuestions #ReformedTheology
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Blessings, I am a Classical Pentecostal pastor in one of the oldest Pentecostal denominations; I have been watching your content for a few months now, wonderful talks. So, Pentecostals are generally Wesleyan-Arminians. Personally I identified myself as only Wesleyan, certain views of the Arminians did not appeal to me; But watching your videos, reading books you recommend, I think that my sotorology is more in line with Provisionism. So starting today I will be Wesleyan-Provisinist. THANK YOU.


This was good. I gotta watch you guys more often.


I had seen this and thought you guys should respond to it, so I'm happy you guys did :) It seems Got Questions explains things to a reformed audience, or at least it seems in this particular answer, as you guys pointed out the manner things were being explained.


Let's all start telling calvinists that they are stupid for believing TULIP and then tell them "It's just information, bruh" (I don't actually believe this)

I'm so exhausted as well of hearing calvinists try as hard as they can to distinguish between the general and specific as if it makes a difference. Even if you could establish this, show me in scripture where it matters? Rahab responded to the minimal light she had been given and is in the hall of faith. The rich young ruler had all the knowledge and a "specific call" and walked away.

Bottom line: The entirety of means that God uses to witness to humanity, from "Look at the trees!" to a full on Gospel presentation is powerful enough for mankind to respond to. Those who do respond are given more light. Period.


Great way to start my morning out in the mission field... thanks guys. You are very encouraging and edifying...


Provisionism rejects the premise of the entire Calvin - Arminius debate.
I think that's why many Calvinists freak out at Provisionism.


24 “Therefore (B)whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock: Matthew 7:24. Thanks guys.


I enjoyed the video BUT I see it had a major flaw which most of these videos do. It did NOT stay on the subject of the "Distinctives of Provisionism" as I could ascertain.

I am still lost. The best I can entertain is "Provisionism is a lot like Arminianism with the addition of Eternal Security.". How far off am I?


Got Questions edited the page to capitalize Provisionism.


I feel so sad :( I realized that most of the preachers that I listen to are Calvinist and also the church that I started going :(
And even my study bible Is from a Calvinist


Well what do you expect from Got Questions? It seems to be an outfit dominated by Calvinists and giving answers from the Augustinian perspective. That's why Got Questions isn't where I go for answers.


I'm FG (more or less). I'm here because of your interview with Tim. :)


"For it is for this we labor and strive, because we have set our hope on the living God, who is the Savior of all mankind, especially of believers." (1 Timothy 4:10)


I'm glad that Provisionism accepts conditional security guys like myself instead being only OSAS proponents. I feel like I belong now thanks to Eric! Thanks Eric!
I too don't believe in total depravity! And also, don't like all the baggage that Arminianism can have with various kinds of a legalistic aspect of conditional security. I believe that Provisionism can bring a grace aspect of conditional security.


Minute 33. Saying that believing does not earn you salvation does not get Provisionists off the hook on the why did you have faith and not the other person? God's method of salvation IS that the one who has faith in God has salvation. Just stating that it could have been different does not change anything. It is not different. Thus, am I smarter or more spiritual because I chose God and my friend did not even though we were on a level playing field or maybe even my friend had more chance to choose God than I did? What was the deciding factor in why I chose God and he did not if it was not because God made it possible for one to choose and did not grace to another. IT would seem the difference would HAVE to come from the person.


Maybe stick with Explain what you believe. Without explaining or trying to contrast other sides. Every time I hear any the sides explain another it misrepresents. Biola has a rule for debating (and maybe it should apply to this kind of thing). Be able to explain your oppositions view in a way that they would agree you are accurately representing them. It is problematic if you have to say "they wouldn't say this but Are you claiming they are lying? And how does that work for you when they do that to you?


I was very humored to see this book being recommended in this context, because that book was given to me by a Reformed pastor.


Minute 24 but what if you die before your parents teach you how to sin? In a Provisionist perspective you are not guilty. You might have a sin nature but you can walk up to God innocent and by yourself (no in Christ). You need your sin nature removed but you are not lost in a legal sense at all. That is a major issue and a major departure from a Western perspective of salvation. Not just a Calvinist perspective but a Western perspective because one can not need to be saved from any law they broke or sin in a legal sense.


Independant Baptist here, from what I understand Independent Baptists tend to just be more theologically conservative than those of the southern baptists (by theologically conservative I mean that they read the Bible and try not to add any baggage, unlike those churches that subscribe to Arminian or Calvinist theology)


Preamble to the preamble to my question: I am NOT Reformed and NOT a Calvinist.

Preamble to my question: Still watching, maybe you can address -- I'm at 35:00 where you are getting into God's desire for all to be saved. In classical (not necessarily Reformed) theology, we speak of God's antecedent and consequential will. I raise that because you talk about two types of desires. Aquinas' classic statement on this is, "God wills all men to be saved by His antecedent will, which is to will not simply but relatively; and not by His consequent will, which is to will simply."

Setting aside how that relates to Calvinism (because, while the language is similar they are not the same thing) and your agreement or disagreement with it, I am curious about what this might say about your view of God Himself:

My question (stated several ways): If God truly desires *all* men to be saved, are you saying that He has real desires that are really frustrated? Things that He wants but cannot have? Do you claim mere mystery or do you think that God chooses to limit Himself or do you think it is logically impossible for God to save all people, etc.? It seems, at least from your language here, you are dangerously close to open theism. I don't think you are intentionally there, so I wonder about what you really are getting at.

Thanks much!
