The Secret to Fighting Anxiety

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Ask Pastor John
Episode: 1203
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God must’ve sent me here. My anxiety is so so so bad I can’t even eat most days. Prayers please. God Bless you all!


Lord, sometimes Your words are difficult to believe. Sometimes Your presence seems to elude me. Sometimes, I have questions and need answers. Please speak to me in my moments of doubt, give me sight where I need sight, wisdom where I need wisdom. Help me to trust in You as You lead me through and beyond my doubts. In Jesus’ name, amen.


Please pray for me too i get anxiety attacks out of nowhere but when i pray it goes away. I just need atleast another person who can help me pray to God to just take it away from me. God bless you all


I'm struggling from anxiety & depression so badly. I hope Lord Jesus will give me the strength to conquer it someday. Even if I go through severe trauma, God is good always. Praise be to him!


I deal with anxiety and panic attacks 😢 it is messing with my life. Prayers needed and welcomed in Jesus Christ name. ✝️💖
Despite what I go through, my heart is and always will be the Lords ❤


I have panic attacks as well it's been 3 months now since my first attack especially night time were I woke up suddenly short of breath and it really freaks me out because I feel that I'm about to die and my heart is just about to stop. But God in his faithfulness and grace saved me I still have anxiety attacks now and then but it really comforts me that whatever happens God is with me. Instead of panicking I learn to go before God and pray and just simply talk to him and it brings comfort in my heart. Truly the love of the Lord casts out fear.

1 John 4:18-19
-"There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love. We love because he first loved us."


I have a shelter in the storm
When troubles pour upon me
Though fears are rising like a flood
My soul can rest securely
O Jesus, I will hide in You
My place of peace and solace
No trial is deeper than Your love
That comforts all my sorrows

I have a shelter in the storm
When all my sins accuse me
Though justice charges me with guilt
Your grace will not refuse me
O Jesus, I will hide in You
Who bore my condemnation
I find my refuge in Your wounds
For there I find salvation

I have a shelter in the storm
When constant winds would break me
For in my weakness, I have learned
Your strength will not forsake me
O Jesus, I will hide in You
The One who bears my burdens
With faithful hands that cannot fail


Due to my autism and with the anxiety aspect, this is a good message from Pastor John.


Personal experience on how I lastingly overcame my anxiety:

It's a cycle of thought --> emotion (what you feel) --> thought --> emotion (what you feel) ....
First you need to differentiate between these two. Because dealing with one is different from dealing with the other.

Since it's a circle, you must break one of these, but you can deal with both. Dealing with the thought(s) is more important.
The circle (your anxiety) does not disappear instantly. But it becomes weaker every time you manage to break one element of it.

1. Regarding the emotions you might search for breathing techniques or methods to cause physical pain to lessen the feeling. And remember the emotion (= physical, what you actually feel when anxiety manifests itself) is not the same as the thought which triggered the emotion. You cannot fight the emotion itself or run away mentally without making things worse. But what you can do is to face the emotions which means to become aware of your bodily symptoms and accept them voluntarily. Your emotions cannot (!) force you to fight them mentally (= with your thoughts). That’s how the chain between emotion and thought can be cut by refusing to fight the emotion after having had the thought.

2. Regarding the thoughts themselves:
Your thoughts can become an inner circle if you start catastrophising. Catastrophising must be interrupted right at the start and must not be thought through till some presumed result is found which falsely promises inner peace. How do you do it? You must not try to not think about it because that does not work. Instead, you think about something else something that distracts you very easily (for instance, in my case that’s the latest football news).

And now back to 1..

And remember, the anxiety circle doesn’t disappear instantly, but it becomes weaker every time focus on 1. or 2..
Your anxiety will steadily decrease by time, might take you days, weeks or months. But it works if you stick to it.

You are in control. Your fear cannot force you to fight it.

“There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.” (1. John 4:18, highly recommend the entire 4th chapter)


I have over came depression and anxiety in the past and though plagued with it again I see God once more pushing me though it, God is giving me an opportunity all of us who suffer with anxiety or depression or bad mental health a chance to witness and to help someone with it and this podcast is a grate example


I'm experiencing panic attacks and it gets worse day by day. Kindly pray for me. Thank you so so muchhhh


Anxiety and panic attacks are totally different. With panic you feel like you are literally dieing. So why are people saying Oh your just having anxiety attacks. No!! I'm telling you panic attacks are totally different!! People are taking this so lightly but if they were going through it theirselfs it would be a different story.


I needed to hear this tonight, it was such a blessing...anxiety is a struggle for me as a believer. It's important that we understand how it affects our relationship with God and those around us.


Remember y’all the thing is to never have anxiety but to be able to control overflowing anxiety.. everyone has normal anxiety and some have anxiety but too much of it..


I just had one, I was done reading my bible and was currently listening to worship songs while I am about to sleep, I just had my earphones plugged inside my ears and I was in the middle of falling asleep when I felt like falling and that someone just pulled my feet, it's just me and my mom and my mom's downstairs I cried, tears wont stop flowing like river


I've struggled with anxiety, and this "parable" is so true! I'm trying to engrain Romans 8:28 along with examples like this in my brain to help me to chill out!


Hello everyone pls pray for me for my health anxiety and for my healing from health issues thank you all


God has definitely put this in my recommended for a reason, I was literally thinking, "I've been being too anxious about alot" and here I am watching this


The events in my life this year has thrown me off balance in my spiritual, mental, physical state of being. My husband had an affair with two different women from our church. He divorced me and two days later married one of those women. There has not been any counseling or direction from my pastor. After a year I am no longer at the church. I’m angry for slot of reasons. Anxiety is causing me to feel sick and in pain a lot. I’m. I don’t understand why it was me that had to leave my home, my church, my job. He is the one that should’ve had to go. Why is God letting him do wrong and he gets to keep all our stuff that we built together. I’m angry and feel very much alone having to face all this. I can’t stop crying. I can’t breathe.


Im dealing with this recently i cant sleep properly & My prayers dont seem to be having as much depth as they once did idk whats happening 😭😭 Please pray for me, God Bless You guys!
