The ONLY CURE for Crippling Anxiety (with @TheDrJohnDelonyShow)

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The most important war to win is the one within and against yourself. Respect to all. You are never alone.


Had extreme ptsd after a family members suicide. Running saved my life. Edit: I had tried everything else, but it seemed to be the only thing that lowered my stress enough to where I could cope. I hope anyone else reading this understands you’ll get through hard times.


Hard physical exercise is the fastest way for me to reduce my anxiety. Journaling, meditation help too but a physical exercise never fails me.


I have social anxiety in all platforms of life: social, romantic, work, casual just to name a few.. it has crippled me in many ways. The fear of rejection or failure has caused me to turn down promotions, avoid social event that I presume would be embarrassing for me, stop academic progress.. Due to fear of perceived rejection, I prefer social isolation, but silently I 💯 wish for connections n from this depression comes from. At this point I’m defeated, sleep/eat/work the end, no new adventures for me.
I’m at that point>> why should I have to put in 200% in everything I do majority of this effort is wasted energy to overcome or mask this neurotic disease.
I have been on ssri, bzd, bb, none has given me clinically acceptable results..

At this point I want the cheat sheet, the restart button. I am also in that space where I am not suicidal, but if I am to die now take me in my sleep where it is peaceful


I have struggled with mental illness and my mental health since I was a kid. Before I even knew what those terms were. After years of depression, anxiety, and even an attempt to take my life, I never thought I would be able to live without psych medications. I clung to them because it was the only thing that made my mind quiet, but it also made me a zombie. Microdosing has given me control of my mental health for the first time, and they essentially gave me my life back.


It’s unbelievably helpful to see people (especially men) talking so openly about crippling anxiety. I really admire and respect the honesty in this video. Thanks for helping us feel a little less weird!


This video is so needed out there.
My hill run is decluttering & cleaning & reorganizing. Sometimes it can be a lot... we can't constantly run up hills.
I have noticed a shift recently where I'm more able to in the moment or close thereafter, assess the string of anxiety, & then more directly address it. It feels monumental inwardly, & now seeing subtleties outwardly.

This video/discussion helped me to relax my shoulders some & feel how far I have come.
Thank you.


I have had crippling anxiety since very early age. I'm middle aged now and it came back a few months ago. I know I'm not satisfied with my life, but a recent trip to a friend living in the country side confirmed it. The anxiety was gone during that whole week, and came back with full force when I woke up in my own bed again. Your video described the process and the why so well.


“We’ve pathologized discomfort.” Wow! So true! Really appreciated this episode.


I'm glad I clicked on this video! It resonates with me more than all the other videos out in the YouTube ocean. In recent years I've suspected my anxiety is a symptom of personal problems in my life that are not being fulfilled or acknowledged.


My anxiety can be so damaging to where I cannot function daily. And it all started with meditation abuse. I wish now these days I could find peace from the anxiety.


I was contemplating maybe I should stop going to therapy but Ryan's point about those 4 lightbulb moments makes so much sense. I will keep on working towards my lightbulb moment!


- tackle the physiology (exercise for instance)
-ask what is it trying to tell me? (what do I need to change in my life). Similarly see it as a useful tool that's letting you know you need to take a deeper look at some aspect of your life
- experiment with a reframing of your experiences (as a therapist would have you do)
- sit with it (acceptance)


Sending a lot of love out to all dealing with life's alarming and lightbulb moments. Often triggered by them, I try to breathe them off or find testimonies like these ones. They are part of life and there seem to be different ways of dealing with them. That can only be inspiring and reassuring for all of us, starting aNew everyday


Well, the word for me is meditation. I'm just saying that when anxiety hits I try to remember who I am, a strange, beautiful, magical and rare existential being in a mysterious and incredible universe that I can barely understand but it's enough to realize that I'm not all that makes me feel anxious ... thank you Minimalists who were and are on my way. Hugs 🤗


To the man who exercises to remove anxiety. This is correct because you actually remove adrenaline which means your adrenal glands are releasing to much due to anxiety. Also I heard someone talking real fast which was the guy in the middle.This anxiety is in you mind of course but it’s also in your lungs and breathing. It was easy to see from listening to this. I believe you get control of how you talk and breathe you will calm down. I also had this issue. When we speak to a person we have 5 or more thoughts come to mind and we want to interrupt so we don’t forget and what you need to do is get to the point you just listen and not speak even though you may forget.The place you want to get to is to not have these feelings like you need to speak and give information to the conversation. This takes training and practice and it works however nothing will help more than short meditation. I would start with 5 min sessions as often as possible. Remember that meditation is not a clearing of the mind like people think. You will still have many thoughts come to mind when you first start. Make sure to breathe from your stomach and fill it with air and don’t breathe from your chest. I have had chronic anxiety for 40 years. I have beat it every time. It is horrible and crippling but I can beat it. I have it now because I get healthy and then don’t think about it and go back to my old ways. I will also say an extremely healthy diet will also make the mind and body work exactly as it should but go extreme. You will no longer enjoy food but the other 23 hours of the day your not eating you will have a very high quality of life by being calm and full of quality energy. I hope this helps anyone listening out there


This explanation of anxiety is life-changing. Thank you.


First of all I'm 71, work out, walk everywhere, good blood pressure etc. My ENT prescribed Venlafaxine 37.5 mg for my Vestibular Migraine that came out of nowhere. He said take it for 2 weeks. I took one at 10am and by Noon my Vertigo was 80% gone. I thought cool.. 2am the next morning I woke up with a blinding headache, and I don't get headaches. But I did read on Web MD you might want to watch your Blood Pressure if you take this. So I decided to take my Blood pressure. 196/121. Yeah off to the Emergency room I went.
I realize different medications can work differently in different people.. Just a Heads up.


I totally understand the feeling of feeling like you’re not good enough unless you’re on drugs or drunk because the anxiety is diminished and other people feel comfortable around you too. It messes you up and just digs you deeper into that hole of I’m not good enough!!! Time to no longer treat the surface issues and dig deep!!!❤


It's a bit hard to go for a run up a hill, or go jog around the block, or go meditate, or any other activity, IF the anxiety attack is happening whilst in the middle of doing the grocery shopping, or you're in the middle of a work meeting, or you're a receptionist who wears high heels!!!!
