Regeneration Precedes Faith - Another Calvinist Heresy

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Independent, Fundamental, KJV Bible Only, Soulwinning Baptist Preaching.
Strong Hold Baptist Church in Norcross, GA.
Pastor David Berzins.
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John 3:16 explanes it all to me plain and simple. No other verse contradicts it. God does not contradict Himself.


Agree Calvinism is not biblical and its a doctrine thats misleading hundreds. The Apostle Paul warned the churches on false doctrines, false teaching, false prophesies etc. Regeneration cannot precede faith. The apostle Paul writing to the church says in Eph 2 vs6 for by Grace we are saved through Faith not of yourselves it is a gift of God not of works lest anyperson should boast.


2 Peter 3:9 says "God is patient toward "you, not willing that any should perish." Who's the "you" in this passage? The book opened up with an address to the "elect." Therefore, 2 Peter 3:9 says that God is patient toward to the elect, not willing for any of them to perish, which is why in context, 2 Peter 3 is explaining why Jesus hasn't come back yet. He's still saving His elect in time.

It does not teach that God wants every single person to be saved but is thwarted by their wills.


Thank you!! The Baptist church where I go to is actually preaching this and THEY DON'T KNOW IT'S CALVINISM!! It's a Spanish speaking Baptist church, and I've given him the link to Pastor Ringo Ayala's channel who is the Pastor of "Iglesia Bautista de Santa Ana", a Spanish speaking Baptist church in California!!

Looks like he's been watching the channel, because his last two sermons were so good and different than what he had been preaching. Now I'm praying to God that he throws away all those spanish commentaries by Charles Ryrie!!!

I'm just hoping that he's not into dispensationalism either!!!


John 1:12-13 has all of its verbs in the past tense. Therefore, John is not teaching on the sequence of events in salvation there. However, 1 John 5:1 DOES use different verb tenses, so it DOES teach the sequence of events in salvation there when it says that those who believe (present tense) have already been born again beforehand (perfect tense).


Regeneration is *not* the same thing as the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. No Calvinist would ever equate the two. Every Calvinist says regeneration comes before faith, but indwelling comes after, but this fool says, "They think you need to have the Spirit in order to be able to believe." Nope. Wrong.


1Co 1:7 "Therefore, you do not lack any spiritual gift as you eagerly wait for your Lord Jesus Christ to be revealed 8 He will also keep you firm to the end, so that you will be blameless on the day of the Lord". So, i notice two events that these two verses comprise: 1 An extremely butiful promise [from God or only the scribe?] 2 God working on you till death in ensuring that the [?all] believers remain blameless. God is, thus, the sole doer in this matter also. But Paul [or a scribe] chose not to tell us since when the believers became blameless; However, according to Ro, 6:2, believers became sinless the moment Jesus died. And, indeed, even the believers say often [or by now said it a trillion times] that Jesus died for at least two reasons: 1 To save all of the people God had given Jesus and 2 To wipe out all of their sins. But they also say that they have not stopped sinning. So, what's up? Jesus died in vain or not? If this a part of God's word, it means he to couldn't or wouldn't give us a trait story. In connection to this, does any cleric of whatever stripe, false flag, and war-flag ever tell us honestly what's up and what's down? But they are steadfastly devoted to screaming [God did that also?] at their-- according to them--, stupid and ignorant believers. Strange but screaming at people does work at times. And down in deep south or far north, it works always.

4:45 / 1:07:21
Regeneration Precedes Faith - Another Calvinist Heresy






This joke of a "pastor" says Ezekiel 36, the new covenant described here and in Jeremiah 3-, doesn't apply today. He says it only applies to future Jews in the millennium. If that's the case, the why does Hebrews 8 apply the new covenant (Jeremiah 31 and Ezekiel 36) to Christians in the present? What a fool. Every Christian is under the new covenant. Therefore, regeneration described in Ezekiel 36:26-27 does occur today, and it occurs before faith.


Romans 1, "Paul, a servant of Christ Jesus, called to be an apostle, and set apart for the gospel of God---2, the gospel he promised beforehand through his prophets in the Holy Scriptures regarding his Son, who as to his earthly life was a descendant of David, etc.". In first Co 1, second Co 1, and Eph 1, Paul adds that he became or was called to become apostle of Christ by the will of God. But in Gal 1, the same tale changes to: "Paul an apostle---sent not from men nor by a man, but by Jesus Christ and God the Father, etc.". So, was Paul the only scribe who bragged of having been told by God to teach or preach his word. Even while Paul was claiming that God talked to him, some believers he was visiting in Anatolia wanted Paul to prove it. Paul never did nor could he. So, Jesus not born of a virgin and not come from heaven [being there as God], but descended from David---a man. Paul goes on to confirm in Gal 4:4 that Jesus was a human being. So, does also He 2:17, "Jesus was fully human in every way". Paul's doctrine required---and in order that sins of his believers be forgiven and that they be saved, a real person had to be killed--else no go. However, a lot of believers have several different ideas about who or what Jesus was, that differ much from former notions. It does, tho, make more sense to sacrifice a human than to sacrifice God. But it makes even more sense if God said: I am forgiving all sins and saving everybody.
But the best of all of them, if God refused to make us fallible. But for these damn Jews, we just might have had God like that; instead, we got a monster; torturing all of us.


2 Co 5:7 "For we live by faith, not by sight". If Paul by the word "faith" means a set of beliefs; then, one can conclude that such a set of beliefs subsume also believing in God, demons, Satan, bad spirits, angels, and bad angels. For the Bible speaks of all the above entities. Alas, i cannot know what Paul meant by the word "faith". Nor can i ever know what he meant with that a saying. Paul knew, i suggest, that we will not ever know what he meant; thus, safety in making that statement. But i dare guess, believe, or draw a conclusion from the verse, anyway. But i am also guided by the fact that scribes often say that world's wisdom is foolishness. They also command believers to dislike or spurn the world and not to associate with unbelievers; for they are wicked, evil, retrobate, ammoral, etc. Did Paul also had the same message in mind as nearly all clergy and scribes? I suggest, Yes! But other scribes say or command believers to do just that: Go to unbelievers and try to persuade them to believe or accept God before they ever read the Bible; for few people are able to believe in God once they have studied the Bible and it takes years and years to get to know it. And once one knows it well or very well it, that one cannot ever believe in God.


When we speak of regeneration, we must first speak of the regenerator. Apart from God regenerating fallen, sinful spiritual dead sinners, there can be no regeneration. Regeneration is a work of God, not a work of man. Man cannot cause himself to be born again, only God can cause man to be born again. The new birth is a work solely of the Lord. Jesus Christ, the Lord and Savior makes this very clear when he engages in conversation with a Religious leader of the Jews named Niccodemus. Niccodemus was a teacher of teachers and excelled in knowing the law, but what Niccodemus didn’t know was the doctrine of regeneration. When Niccodemus approached Jesus, he didn’t have the slightest clue, that Jesus was going to give him a lesson on being born again. This lesson of regeneration that Jesus taught Niccodemeus, lead him to ask many questions about what it is to be born again.

Jesus tells Nicodemus in verse 3, unless one is born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God. After Jesus tells Nicodemus this, he later asked Jesus a question, How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter into his mother’s womb a second time and be born. Here we observe according to John’s gospel that Nicodemus is clearly clueless on the doctrine of regeneration. Jesus would respond unto Nicodemus by saying in verse 5, unless one is born of water and Spirit, he cannot enter the Kingdom of God. That which is born of flesh is flesh and that which is born of the Spirit is Spirit. Jesus goes on to say in verse 7 and 8 of the 3rd chapter, Do not marvel that I said to you, you must be born again. The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but cannot tell where it goes, so is everyone that is born of the Spirit.

Jesus shows us here in scripture that being born again is a work of the Spirit of God, and not a work of man. The order and the function of life starts with a birth. A baby cannot cause his birth, neither can a sinner cause his rebirth. Jesus clearly tells Nicodemeus you must be born again.

Apart from being born again, you cannot see the Kingdom of God which is Spiritual
Neither can one enter the Kingdom of God, apart from being born again.

Now let us keep in mind that Jesus is talking to a Jewish Teacher. Nicodemus is a teacher of teachers. He holds a prominent position in the Jewish community, in the natural eye, it seems as if Nicodemus is on the right track, and it seems as if he is alright. After all he is a Jew of great power, position and authority, but yet Jesus says to Nicodemus, you must be born again. To tell a Jew he must be born again, is a slap in a face. To tell a Jew he cannot see the Kingdom of God, unless he has been born again is a shocking statement to a Jew. To tell a Jew, that he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God, is a hard message for a Jew to receive and believe. After all, the Jews are God’s people; surely the Kingdom belongs to them, but in John chapter 3, Nicodemus bubble is busted. Jesus says, you must be born again. Notice Jesus doesn’t say we need improvement, we need a touchup, but rather we must be born again. If you an I must be born again, that says something about who we are as fallen sinful people.

By nature we are fallen- When Adam fell into sin, we also fell in sin as well.
By nature we are dead in our tresspases and sins. Ephesians 2:1 tells the Saints at Ephesus, And you hath he quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sins. Prior to God quickening us by the power of the Holy Spirit we were dead in trespasses and sins.

According to Scripture, by nature we are dead in our tresspasses and sins, we abide in the Kingdom of darkness, we are born void of the Spirit of God and we cannot cause, nor will ourselves unto the new birth. In our Salvation is regeneration. The bible teaches Salvation is of the Lord and not of man. Not only is Salvation of the Lord, but regeneration is of the Lord as well. When the Lord regenerates a sinner who was once dead in their trespasses and sins, that sinner becomes a new creation. We don’t become a new creation by first believing, but we become a new creation by being born from above, or being born again by the Spirit of God. Believing in the Lord Jesus Christ, is the evidence one has been born again. Believing in the Lord Jesus Christ, is not the cause of the new birth, but rather the consequence of the new birth. When we look at birth in the natural since, the baby doesn’t cry to be born, but the baby cries because he/she has been born. The believer cries “abba father, ” because God has given them the Spirit of adoption.

The creation of earth in the beginning is very symbolic to the new creation of man.

Genesis Chapter 1:2, lets us know, The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep.

Man according to the scriptures, is born without the Spirit of God, born without righteousness, born in darkness, born dead and sin.

After Genesis 1:2 gives us the condition of the earth, the latter part lets us know, And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. Then God said, let there be light; and there was light.

We must first note that the Spirit moved and then God spoke afterwards there was light. Similar to the new creation of man, apart from God we are born without any righteousness and we are void of the Spirit of God, and the only hope for us to become a new creature is for the Spirit to work first in our lives and for God to speak unto our darkened hearts.

In the great work of regeneration, is the great work of resurrection. In regeneration and resurrection, the sinner who is born in his tresspasses and sins, becomes alive by the power of God . Salvation, regeneration, resurrection, is solely the work of God and not man. Does man have to believe to be saved? Of course he does, man must believe to be saved, man must have faith in God to be saved, but believing in God is not the cause of being born again, but believing is the consequence of being born again.

Let us examine John chapter 1:12-13
But as many as received him, to them gave the power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.

But as many as received him, to receive Jesus is to believe upon him. Receive and believe goes hand and hand. If one is to be saved from their sins, one must receive and believe.

After John says but as many as received him, he immediately followed us by saying, to them gave he power to become the Sons of God. John is clearly letting us know the only way the ones received Jesus, and believe on Jesus is by Jesus first giving them the power to believe. Apart from Jesus first giving us the power to believe, then we won’t believe. According to our sinful nature it’s impossible for us to believe, because believing is a good work, and apart from God working in us by his Spirit we are incapable of doing God pleasing and work. Romans 8:8 says, “so then they that are in the flesh cannot please God. We don’t naturally believe in God, faith is not a natural gift, faith is a Spiritual gift, that not all men have. For the Apostle Paul tells us in 2nd Thessalonians 3:2 For all men have not faith. Man don’t inherit faith according to their nature, faith is a gift that is given by God. For God is the author and finisher of the believers Faith. Regeneration precedes faith. Once again according to John 1:12-13 Apart from God giving men power to become the sons of God, they wouldn’t believe or receive Jesus. John chapter 1:13 says, “ who were born- in this particular passage of scripture, John is speaking of the new birth. Not of blood.- John lets us know the new birth was not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, - the


The person without the Spirit [?Holy Spirit] does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness; cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit.
I consider that a circular statement. It is like saying that God gave most of us eyesight-- a person without eyesight cannot ever see or understand like a person with eyesight. And this nonsense came from god or a fool? You decide!!


1 Tim 2:11 "Women should learn in quietness and full submission 12 I do not permit a woman to teach; she must be quiet 13 For Adam was formed first, then Eve 14 And Adam was not one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner". Note please that the above verses are not from Jesus, but from Paul self; for he uses the first person. Col 3:18 "Wives, submit selves to your husbands, as is fitting with the Lord". Once again Paul speaks outside what Jesus taught in all or nearly NT books or letters Note also that Paul said he received God's gospel and authority to preach it from God and not from any man. But in verses 1 Tim 2:11-14, he clearly commands women what to do or what not to do; thus, violates the gospel.
But then in Col 2:19, Paul or another scribe adds a significant command: "Husbands, love your wives and do not be harsh with them". Eph 5:22 "Wives, submit selves to your husbands, as you do the Lord". 23 For the head of the wife is husband as the Christ is is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior". If Eph was written by Paul, he's trespassing Jesus' gospel; by once again makes a horrible crime against all women.


What I've learned is that people who attack Reformed Theology don't understand it. This guy is no exception. His first point against Total Depravity was wrong. Men are radically corrupted in that they can't do anything spiritually good, they hate God. Men aren't totally as wicked and as bad as they can possibly be! God still restrains men's wickedness by His common grace.


Romans 10 says someone has to hear the gospel to believe. 1 Peter 1 says that someone is born again by hearing the gospel. Therefore, yes, Peter tells us that there's a behind-the-scene act of God. Paul doesn't mention regeneration in Romans 10 because he's only dealing with the visible aspects of salvation (calling on God, preaching, being sent, etc.). This guy has no clue.


Mt 5:17 ' "Do not think that i have come to abolish the law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them" '. This verse is a very incongruous with parts of the Bible and even if Jesus said it and the scribe heard Jesus say it. Mt was written good 5 decades after Jesus died; so, it is most likely that the scribe could have not ever heard Jesus talking.
If Jesus was but the son of God and if God talked to his Son while the Son was preaching or teaching, as John claims; then, God, who is the only Prophet, would have not instructed Jesus to call people "Prophets"; for no human, save God, knows the future. NT God was an intensely jealous God; thus, would have never instructed Jesus to call anyone a "Prophet"; that glory belongs only to God and God is not sharing that glory with no human. And God actually wanted to do away with the OT laws; Hebrews 8:6 -13 confirms it. The OT is obsolete say Hebrews. And only the NT is in force.

2:08 / 1:07:21
Regeneration Precedes Faith - Another Calvinist Heresy


True or not true: Had the NT God [a new and an improved God?] given us-- along the nowhere to be seen and never to be understood the so-called free will---- also a 100% sure method of learning how to become God's possessions? I say, No. Not even to his so-called-deemed possessions, let alone to, say, the reaming 99.99% of all humans. And why did god withhold such fantastically valuable knowledge even from own people, say, no more than 1% of all humans? O why o why, o why not? Or really not yet, but may one day. What say now dear folks? O, i put out such silly question; for anyone with just half a brain knows [no, not believes, but knows], why he did not do that little favor or task for his lovers. And the the answers is--in case you haven't yet discovered it---: He was scared of those ravening wolves. But hearing from me or hearing my message, he will gather the courage to enlighten us about everything above and below the Sun or Son.

Is God reliable? And are the scribal writings reliable? It does not matter even a bit to any sane person if God and the scribes are reliable or not. What only matters, is whether the so-called believers in God know their God exists. And if they know God exists and know how they got to know that God exists, they are welcome to teach us how to fall in love with God. But the sane people know that God--to be fair, just, honest, and wise- would have given us--along with so-called free will--also a 100% sure method of how we all can become God's possession. But God refused to give this knowledge even to believers. So, why debate with people who only believe in God. And believing in any god, is quite ok with me! Paul lead Onesimus to God???? So, God did not lead Onesimus to God? But Jesus, says Paul, lead him to God and/or Jesus. Paul often bragged. The biggest of his braggings was the fact that he said he received Christ's or God's word or God's knowledge [gospel] from them and not from any man or men. As far as i know, no other NT scribe has boasted of knowing the gospel from God only. Interestingly, so do brag also some of the so-called prophets [btw, only God can prophesy]. Because they bragged, Hebrews would kill or tried to kill a lot of them. Surely, for a human to say that God is talking to him, is an extreme insult to even believers in the God, god, or gods.


The seal of the Spirit =/= regeneration
Eternal life =/= regeneration
Verses that say the indwelling of the Spirit and eternal life come after belief are irrelevant.


"Not everything happens according to God's will on this earth." -Fool

God the Father "works all things after the counsel of His will." -Ephesians 1:11


Baptist. Frogger. Teaching Dispensationalism Theology
