Is Astral Projection dangerous?

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Is Astral Projection safe? Or is Astral Projection dangerous? Can I die while Astral Projecting?

I answer these questions and deal with the biggest misconception concerning the supposed dangers of Astral Projection. Here I dispel the myths and explain the ways in which Astral Projection is safe, and also the concerns one might have and when one needs to be careful about Astral Projecting.

If you've never experienced Astral Projection before, you can check out my beginner's guide to Astral Projection here:

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I like listening to people talk about their perspectives on astral projection but I'm scared shitless of actually trying it out.


what if people who die in there sleep were astral projecting and the cord broke and they never woke up- eeek


There’s gotta be some type of universal rule, where you can’t be spying on someone for long periods of time


Just like dreams, everybody does it, but nobody remembers !


I’ve been stuck in it for almost 30 mins before. I will never, never look in a mirror

a g a i n


No one has come back from the cord breaking so we can't know for sure what happens.


I agree, since I was a young girl I’ve astral traveled. Been to some places. I had no idea what it was called for a long time. I feel free free free. I never see any bad or evil things, never. I can’t imagine someone trying to do this to me it’s a natural thing in all of us. Thank you for the video and explaining the stories that have been attached to this. I’ve never had a bad experience. I wouldn’t know how to tell someone how to do this mine just came naturally. I hope everyone that does this will have faith and positive adventures!! And if you believe in God, Jesus, Holy Spirit always put the Armor of God on and always be prepared for the battle of your souls. Believe & your always protected! Thank you for your info…


Can you meet another friend who's also trying astral projection at a common place?


The first time I watched a video ab meeting your spirit guides and it worked, I wasn’t expecting nothing I thought the video will just help me to be more relaxed and meditate. After like 8 minutes I started to feel my heart betting fast and I couldn’t understand what it was happening so I was freaked out. Then I felt like someone was stuck in my chest and wanted to get out. After like 2 minutes, I met my spirits guides but I couldn’t see their features but one of the was a woman and her name was Aurora and I don’t know the men’s name... the next day the name Ethan was randomly popped off of my head while I was studying or on my phone so I guess that’s his name cause they say you gotta trust your intuition. Then in the video they asked to go on a boat with your spirits guides and Ethan was sitting on my left and Aurora on my right and I started to cry and could feel a pressure one my hands cause they were holding it. I started to cry bc of happiness, all I felt while astral projecting was happiness. I felt like I was awake but my body wasn’t. Like my mind was just traveling but my body was in my room on my bed. It was amazing I tried to do it again with the same video but it didn’t worked so I guess I should keep trying. I know it’s sounds crazy and i don’t think I would’ve be able to astral project but I tried and I wanna do it again


I've lucid dreamed pretty much all my life or as long as I can remember, and have had OBE experiences (mostly when I was younger.) But ive only astral projected once and I must say I've never been so unsure of the world or realm I was in I recall I projected myself to my childhood neighborhood and was overcome with a very unsettling feeling. I remember seeing all the neighbors houses and their cars parked in their driveways and I knew I was seeing it as it was. It was not dark outside but it seemed like a grey hue and odd. I remember running from something and went to a neighbors porch to put on my shoes and not wanting to have my back turned to anything. While I was tieing my shoes something flung the door open behind me and this dark figure was telling me (not verbally but telepathically) to come in and that I had been in there before so not to worry. I felt assured for a second and began to make my way inside when all of a sudden an uneasy unsettling feeling came over me and I turned around and projected myself back to my body into paralysis. As I was in paralysis and settling back into my body I heard knocks and background noises that you only subconsciously would notice, (much like when one sits in complete silence and hears the deffening sound of silence) and let me tell you those 3 knocks that I heard, was that same presence that tried to coherse me into the house. Now I know it sounds insane but I would tell anyone interested in astral projection to remain mindful because the realm I was in was one that, may not always seem so, but can be eerie and unnerving. That realm has entities or forces that are less then comforting and welcoming that will deceive you. so please be mindful of the fact that it is a different realm not understood what purpose or motives that are there for us.


How do u get back to your body?
And is it true that when you are trying to get back to ur body that there might be a demon / evil spirit waiting for you?


I accidentally astral projected once. And I remember towards the end when I got back to my body I was telling myself to wake up but I couldn’t move. I was stuck for the longest time before I shook myself awake 😬


So when I wake up in my dream and go to the bathroom and piss myself in the real world is that a dream or astral projection


Ok so...
But like explain why when I went to another AP just to see whether the techniques were the same someone
commented “No! Don’t do it! Demons will take over your body!” or like something like this “This is a satanic thing to do! If ur looking at his first video and now it’s different(the person is talking about the Youtuber that I was watching) the demons took over he’s body!”
Now idk whether they were joking but they seemed serious about it...and now I’m scared AGAIN bcuz of their comments🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


this is somehow comforting
I'm interested in trying this, and considering I can cope with sleep paralysis to the point where I even enjoyed it, I think it wouldn t be such a bad idea
still kinda scared tho but thank you for the video


I have Astro Projected a lot and didn't know I was doing it until years later and I can still do it.


Accidentally I did it, and I was scared seing a girl in white standing upside down in the ceiling


I'm not prepared to Doctor Strange an experience with astral projection yet


One time ago I've had a near-death experience where I've met Death and it showed me the way out of the tunnels.


Till some time ago, I also used to do astral traveling, but when I encountered evil spirits, it was no less than a nightmare. For a long time I had a lot of fun. But after I encountered them, I started feeling scared at night. Now I have stopped doing all this.
