Is Astral Projection Dangerous

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Welcome to the first round of viewer questions and answers where we will talk about the dangers of Astral Projection.

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That close up to the camera scared the crap out of me!


I really like how you tell us your view without bashing the other view point. I also like how you share every detail of your projections. I only watched 3 videos of you and already know that this channel is gold. I will now try to get more into astral projection because it just seems so awesome.


Always surround yourself with a circle of light mentally before you AP. This will prevent any unwanted encounter.


You almost got yourself some ghost busters action


so your worst experience pre-astral projection was almost getting a hand job from an entity? hmmm... SIGN ME UP!


i've tried astral projection a few times and never be able to project. But, i do believe your words and i do believe that astral projection is a real thing.

So all i wanted to say is i have a bunch of friends that convince me that they can astral project. My friends don't know each other and i remember that every single one of them tell me that whenever they project, they can see an entity or creature near their feet. The entities are always the same whenever they do the astral projection. They said that they felt like those entities are guarding the physical body and they could feel "love" or "safe" kind of emotion whenever they see these entities.

Each of my friends got different entities and looks like the appearance of these entities are based on my friends personality. I got a friend that say his "guardian" is a woman, and he can feel the "love" emotion radiating from her, like she is his mom. I also remember that one of my friend told me that she saw this creepy dark human figured (like a reaper) always stand near her feet whenever she projects. But oddly, she said she feel scared, but this "reaper" never interacts with her at all or harm her or whatever.

My question is, do you have this kind of entity? or do you fell them? some of my friends also said that they couldn't see the entity, but they can kind of "feel" that there is something protecting them or a creature or whatever near their physical body's feet.

I did some lucid dreams by the way :D so... yay
(pardon my english)


This stuff intrigues the heck out of me! I've had lucid dreams and sleep paralysis several times in life unintentionally, but I've permanently decided to leave the astral projection realm to you guys. My imagination in reality is waaaay too spooky to even think about going there. But thank you for an inside look. Enjoy!


I projected last night for the first time. After falling asleep I woke up in my room and it was a neon blue light ambiance in the room. I heard myself breathing very loudly as if I was snoring then as I begin to sit up, I heard a voice say come back. I ignored the voice and I set up anyway and looked around. There was no other beings in the room just very quiet experience. Then I want to stand up but I could not. As I tried, I ended up shaking myself awake back into my body then I awoke in the same position that I fell asleep in.


Just came across your channel, sir. Been working with the Monroe Gateway tapes. Are you still travelling? Any more insight?


You're very good at Englishing your experiences :)


Allways after sleep paralysis when vibration starts i'm getting shocked cause vibration starting in my head like a shutgun fire its not freaking me just it starts like a long time working machine its a little distracting cause starts like : bum you get to high vibrations


I had one years ago when I knew other things outside the physical existed, but before I was actively trying projection/meditation.

A friend of mine invited me over for the night as his father was going away for the weekend. Movies, beer, pizza, bed. I'm laying on his futon lounge/bed in the lounge room, I was aware (now debating if I was projecting or still awake). The solid black shape of a good 6-7 foot tall guy is standing only feet from me just watching. I moved slightly and it must have not wanted me to see it. It rapidly came towards me hands outstretched covering my eyes and I fell asleep.


Robert Monroe did think initially that he might have encountered some demonic presence, later in book three he found out that the “demons” were his two deceased cats. Your fear might produce bad experiences in the astral.


Awesome video, really enjoyed hearing about your scary experiences. Astral projection fascinates me and always has done. This is because I believe I projected possibly several times but when I was a child. I used to find myself at the top of the stairs, I would sort of tense my feet and float effortlessly down them. The experience was so unbelievable vivid and real, I attempted to show my Mum (I was a child) the next day how I could float, and couldn't understand why nothing would happen!

Another experience, but this time it was very frightening for me.. I awoke one morning and, again I was a child. I awoke and I couldn't move at all (sleep paralysis maybe?) but if that wasn't scary enough, an evil looking face appeared inches from mine and was staring at me. I was freaking out but remember I couldn't move! Eventually I managed to break out of it at which point the face must have vanished.

Keep up the good work, best regards.


Well your channel has really helped my a lot!! Thank You!!

You have almost 3 thousand subscribers

Well your channel is worth
100.000 YouTube subscribers not like ryan cropper

Well I am going to share your youtube channel!! Good luck!


About 37 years ago, when I was a teen I discovered the corpse pose in yoga. I kept practicing (just this pose) One day as I was going deeper and deeper relaxation, all of a sudden I lost my body and I fell into a dark abyss. It freaked me out. My nonexistent arms and legs were scrambling like we see it in the movies falling people do. Finally after a short time I returned my body. For many years I was asking different yoga teachers, but none of them knew what I was talking about. Finally I have some answers.


my experience was somewhat like yours...KINDA. So i heard the footsteps come up and i could feel a hand on my chest. A small hand! It pushed down on me as if to say not to try to get up. I could then feel the hand push itself into my chest and the feeling of the weight kind of spread itself out over me. When i got up i could feel it in my chest and it wouldnt go away! It actually got worse almost immediately and thought i should go to the hospital since i began having a hard time breathing and coughing/gagging etc (took me two days before i went in). They said i had pneumonia- and it induced asthma. Very weird that it all began with that moment.


Dreaming is your subconscious playing old flim, where in lucid dreaming your conscious of yhe fact do its like your the main actor. The more levels of consciousness is what your goal should be and thats what astral projection is. The more open and clear minded the less likely you are to percieve things as negative or malicious. Miscommunication and misunderstanding leads to bad experiences. Ive eaten many mushrooms and from this i learned the smaller your ego the more you can absorb from these experiences.


I had the old lady do the same thing to me. I actually painted her in acrylics the next day.


The old women one was probably a little naughty prankster justvtrying to scare. I love your vids. Im at the fear of the unknown stage. Been out before but bypassed the vs. But getting there. I always hear noises when just about to get out which always catches me out.
