Astral Projecting: Opening The Door To Pure Evil

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Learn how astral projecting will effect you spiritually. Astral Projection Demons. Satan. Chris Lasala astral projection. Link is below for those who want to support our efforts to bless more people
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I went through the same experience 5 years ago in high school. I accidentally astral projected and was so blown away by it I spent the next year studying and researching the topic in order to master the craft. Eventually I got better at astral projecting and it didn’t take long for me to learn that what I was doing wasn’t safe. The point of my comment was to warn people who might be thinking of trying astral projection, don’t. It’s a very real thing and it’s not worth exploring. If this comment gets a lot of likes I’ll post in the experience for anyone who wants the story of how the experience was and what exactly went down


You stopped me from astral projecting I am 16 years old and was gonna do it I tryed twice and failed thank you for warning for me!God bless you and everyone who follows in the will of god!


Long time former occultist here. Always been a truth-seeker. Always been fascinated by comparative religion, mythology and the paranormal. Recently realised that the truth is a "Who" not a "what." The truth is Jesus Christ. I am now an Orthodox Christian catechumen. Praise be to God. Thank you for your testimony.


be blessed my brother, from the son of an Ex-Voodoo priest. God bless you for revealing the truth


As a child, I was (an still can) able to force myself to project within seconds, with no aids. It was so easy to just slip out and float and fly around, but I never ventured too far from my body.
I certainly didn't understand what I was actually doing, and the repercussions of performing this act, until I was much older (20 or so). At the age of 15 or 16, I did quit doing it, as the last few times I did it, I felt demonic forces (and saw them in the form of shadows) encroaching on me while detached. Needless to say, that was a very frightening feeling, and has kept me from even trying for decades now. Thank God nothing happened to me when I was young. The Holy Spirit has kept me safe since I became born again!


I used to be a paranormal investigator, I use to roam round cemeteries at night filming for ghosts, use to be heavily into horror movies, occult ect.. I’ve lived in haunted houses, spoke to ghosts (little did I know they were demons) been pulled out of my bed at night by my ankles.. but, thanks to God He saved me! I am now walking with God, I am saved, Praise the Lord God Almighty.. Chris congratulations to you and your wife on the birth of your new son, may the Lord use him mightily for His Glory.. ❤️🙏🏻✝️


Chris this is by far one of the best sermons you have done, truly sincere and honest. Awesome to see how far the church has come from then to now. God has a way to plant little seeds that doesnt make sense in the moment, but with time and faith God's bigger plan gets revealed.


This is the most amazing video I have ever seen. I went through such a relatable experience when I was into new age! As an artist I noticed my art was becoming full of occult symbols. Angles and demons are very real people!!


Asked for help last night. Wake up see this vid top of my suggestions. Thank you.


I started having this "experience" starting about age 12... I started researching at the local library and I came across Robert A. Monroe's book, Journeys out of the body. After reading this book I embraced it. It wasn't until around age 15 that I heard a voice very clearly say "I am going to get you". This voice was behind me on my left side, almost directly in my ear. I really didn't know if it was imagination or hallucination at the time but it went away when I started praying, specifically calling on the name of Jesus. I have had these experiences since, but they always flee when I mention Jesus.


Astral projection, out of body experiences, lucid dreaming, sleep paralysis, demonic experiences are related. If one is going to experiment with any of these things one should be prepared and fully equipped to deal with the consequences both positive and negative. Make sure you wear your armor, that’s all. Do not be afraid and remember: you are more powerful than you could ever imagine.


I've Astral projected before, have elusive dreams and psychic feelings, never had any of those experiences that you have talked about. Then again I've never used heroin either.


Yes that's exactly what happened to me Chris. I lost all my friends when I found God. A few came back and they were the ones God wanted in my life. Also I meet ex partners that I haven't seen in years. I'm not in touch with them then or now. I have new friends that I meet in church. I was also in witchcraft. I had so much electricity in me it was unreal. I kept blowing bulbs, sockets. I had to keep calling an electrician! !! Funnily enough God protected me and came to me when I was getting a reki treatment. Thank you Chris for sharing.


I used to do this. Never could do intentionally but it would happen when i was in bed. Definitely felt like i was attacked by demons a few times. I called out to Jesus and it stopped.


People eat and live healthy so you can stay away from all the drugs pharmaceutical companies try so hard to get us to take with tv ads. The negative side effects are not limited to the physical world.


Hello Chris... I am currently struggling with an addiction that i desperately need to be set free from. I appreciate your testimony. God bless you.


Such a powerful testimony, I remember when you shared it years ago, and I’ve remembered it ever since. We definitely overcome by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony. God bless


Chris...Powerful message.  I have done many of the same things you talk about in your testimony.  I have turned my life around and have been on the path for two and a half years with a backslide about a year ago.  Thank you for testifying and encouraging me.


Praise the Lord I heard It till the end now bro Its exactly how you say about demons manipulating/controlling people around you to even have bad opinions about you.


Thank you for all you've done chris you really helped me to find a way to christ and I can't tell you how thankful I am for that! Praise The Father, Son and Holy Ghost!
