Astral Projection Is More Difficult & Dangerous Than Lucid Dreaming - Astral Projection Tips #shorts

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Astral Projection Is More Difficult & Dangerous Than Lucid Dreaming - Astral Projection Tips #shorts


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I’ve been doing it since the age of 12, it just started happening for me. I’m a lucid dreamer as well. Many people struggle because they cannot relax. The most difficult part of the body to relax is the neck. Many times people think it’s relaxed but if you really pay attention it’s not. Astral projection can be quite terrifying. I have full control over the ability now but, I’m almost 40. It took a long time to get where I’m at. Just know that nothing can harm you unless you give it power over you. When it starts getting scary just tell yourself you’re in control. There are also always spirit guides with you, even if you don’t realize it. If it ever becomes too much just call on them and they will come to your aid. Once you get over the fear it is the most amazing thing. We are so much more than this world will have you believe. There is much to learn and there are layers to the projection.


Astral projection is a higher level of lucid dreaming.. the different is lucid dreaming just pop u up randomly in place but you 100% aware that you dreaming and sometime you can control stuff during the experience you can fly summon stuff etc but sometimes you can't control stuff but you still 100% aware that you are dreaming.. meanwhile astral projection is YOU MUST 1st experience Sleep Paralysis and conciously begin to sperating your physical body and astral body and if it works you can clearly see your body sleeping and if it failed you must be waked up by it because saperating your physical body and astral body is not easy i failed many times than success. the things i learn so far from astral projection is, all the enviroment that happen or manifested/created inside that domain is actually created by our own state of mind conciously or unconciously the reason why people see terrifing or demonic things during the experience is because it is actually unconciously expression of their own state of mind. that is why most people said it dangerous to get there. of course if you cant control your own mind. how do i know that? because ive suffered sleep paralysis since i was a kid, and its soo terrifing because u awake but i can't move my body feels like solid hard as rock, i try to call out my dad but the no sound coming out from my mouth. the more terrifing things is during the sleep paralysis i see black unclear face demon entity in front of me and i was thinking that is the demon causes me to sleep paralysis. this is true story, my own experience. and that things haunting me more than 20 years and when i was older i did find a way to deal with it to prevent sleep paralysis demon to happen sometimes i sleep with my brother and its works and sometimes sleep with the bible beside me also works. BUT dont get me wrong my brother and the bible didnt stop it let me explain until im 26 i finally know the higher truth about it i slowly learn science behind sleep paralysis sorotonin melatonin stuff. and yeah the reason why sleep paralysis didnt happen when i sleep with my brother or with the bible is because it convince my brain to enter better state of mind the brain placebo. the BELIEF when i having my brother or the bible beside give me sense of safe. and i do take further experiment and learning sleep paralysis until now and yeah just what i said the domain that we go when we astral project is domain of mind thats mean everything that created or manifested inside it depending on our state of mind. we are totaly God inside it. i dont think that if 2 people astral project at the same time will meet inside that domain. because so far what i understand is that domain is just like a individual world for everybody expression of our mind..


My sister and my grand daughter’s paternal grandmother do this against their will.Every time they fall asleep on their back they “take off”.


We are the direct creation of the creator, many entities are not..the human soul along with angels, are essentially royalty in the cosmos


For those who want to experience sleep paralysis it's very very easy and simple.. When you sleep just put your both arms on your chest one on top of the other or fingers crossed and go to sleep. Don't move your hands and it's guaranteed you will experience it as soon as the first time


Only once was i aware i even saw a man gasing himself in a car n asked him what hes doing in my dream. Another time while being chased my partner ( after he had passed away ) came to help we were greeted by an old lady who opened a door n said get in its safe my partner went in no problem but i tried n wasn't able to enter😢 there was like an invisible wall oh u cant come in here the lady said n then suddenly i woke up i wish i knew how to travel more often 😢 i probably have n not known


I got attacked by a demon, black figure red laser eyes and a mace, had to leave the UK for a while. But this was a few years ago and was on a lower vibration. I think you should wait till you receive permission from a guide, and not to do any of these things without a genuine guide


One thing I never hear people cover is the powers and alignments you need to form and develop. You need defenses if you’re going to be messing around in there


Tries astral projecting when they high *


I’ve done it 3 times!! It’s like crack addiction, those visits are all I think about these days!!


I accidentally astral protected yesterday morning. Ive been waking up to hearing noises outside my bedroom for the past month. Even hearing my kids play and call for me. I never went and investigated it because I knew I was still asleep technically. Yesterday morning I decided to go investigate the noises. When I got up I realized I was floating across the floor I looked over and saw myself sleeping in the bed. I instantly knew I was astral projecting. I wanted to go explore, but my body was calling me back in. I decided it best to go back in my body. Last night I laid down and heard intense ringing in my ears and started to feel very light. I stopped it because I got scared.


I hate it when people try to scare others from trying to Astro project. Just prepare yourself. Read books about it. Listen to podcasts. Do not be afraid. Watch videos that ENCOURAGE and not discourage


Bro it happend to me this morning I was like floating and I saw a shadow coming in my room


Last night i qas about to project out of my body again. I was in a stateif sleep paralysis. And ive had experiences with astral protection where i was under attack . I had no choice but to call on jesus and thats whats got me out that time. I thoguht about that experience andit made me not want to get out of my body.


I use to always lucid dream I was good at realizing that I'm dreaming and moving on being able to control it now I'm a bit stuck


Yeah u can wake up happy or sad or depressed or fulfilled


Is not difficult but very few people really knows how to do it!


Idk if it was real or not but i have some supernatural experience like mob psycho irl.

So i was going to my english class with my bike while it's raining and in a very bad BAD MOOD, like fr i'm reallyy angry over something but i can't remember why. When i park my bike at the parking lot, i was really screaming in my head with a very VERY angry feeling that i could've imagine to tell the world stop making this day getting worse than before.

Then something unusual happen to me, the rain suddenly stop around me, and there is like a hollow circle in the sky that it is not raining on my spot only, even though the rain is very bad at every place far away from me.


I never astral projected before. I can lucid dream. I think I’m safer with lucid dreaming.


I’m very familiar with lucid dreaming… One day in my dream I literally Called my self and told myself I was dreaming and I should go do something else.
