ASTRAL PROJECTION: Dangerous and Demonic?

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There's a lot of fear surrounding the topic of Astral Projection. Why? Is it really safe? Or is it dangerous and demonic?

What about the reports of people having visions of hell? Or those claiming to see shadowy figures in their bedroom at night? Or people experiencing a phenomenon called "sleep paralysis"?

Well, I'm not gonna ignore those issues at all in this video. So, here's my take on out-of-body experiences and its connection to creepy paranormal phenomena.




Snapchat: joshuatongol


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This happened to me, I went to the bathroom thinking I was awake but I ended up waking up and pissing myself 😂.


Sorry guys this out of body glitch got patched in the 2020 quarantine update


I’m 29 years old when I was 13 I had a dream I went to the park that I lived by and went into the trails and found a dresser. I punched open one of the dresser drawers and found money inside. When I woke up I walked to the park that day and went into the trails and found the same exact dresser that was in my dream. Punched open the dresser drawer and found money. Can anyone tell me what this would be called ? It’s never happened to me again ..just curious as to what the hell happened


While the first experience I saw my wife leave the house the second experience was last night my body start tingling and I felt my soul or spirit leave my body I called on God and Jesus and my soul didn’t go anywhere Thanks you Lord God


Alot of us live in fear and what is so sad is that when the truth come out we dont believe.


There's a lot of ignorant people commenting Josh, don't let it get to you! You like many, are on a deeper journey with God, where fear is out the window. 🙏🏼💞


I'm a Christian and I think you make perfect sense. I deeply understand your journey and have total respect for you.


So a couple of days ago when I was doing a lot of research on astral projections i was getting ready for bed and right when I laid down I threw the entire cover over me and I felt an instant surge of something energy maybe and I freaked out and pulled the cover off and after that i couldn’t open my eyes and couldn’t move then I started feeling scared but I told myself I’m in control then I stopped feeling scared I don’t know how to interpret this but I just wanted to share


I did astral but somebody followed me I saw her coming to me when I’m flying I move my finger to wake up it takes time she got me wrestle me..I’m half awake half sleepy partial sleep paralysis I saw her wants to get out through me in my chest her hand is bone skinny and gray ..I sent her back pushing it in my chest.. so scary..I don’t know I feel astral is gateway for other spirit to come out..


I was once having a dream I was at work, my aunt and cousin were whispering about me, & I started to fall to the right & fell right threw the floor, I felt I was falling but going upward, I saw bright lights, I felt air all around, I felt like I was going in all different directions so I started getting scared & thought I was dying, I opened my eyes just like that I was back, now knowing where I was going I wish I had stayed calm now I’m on my journey to get back


My first sleep paralysis was scary BUT my second sleep paralysis was amazing.
When I was trying to figure this stuff out my first time I was a bit scared and so that is what I manifested a scary figure and I don't really want to continue with the details but my second time I seriously said to my self what ever happens after I sleep (the night after my first paralysis) I will have any experience positively. So right when I went into it again It was like everything was happening all over again but this time I smiled so damn brightly and somehow managed to look to my right but I was so positive. I saw nothing negative in fact I enjoyed it. I woke up so powerful that day.


So true when it comes to fear.

I never self- initiated it. It comes to me randomly. I could never pass trough the vibration part because of my fear.
It was never trying to hurt me. The only thing that was "hurting" me was my own fear.
Only about a week ago I told myself I would let it do what it wants. I left my body. I trusted it and it showed me something beautiful.
And it's super gentle with me. When I was too scared it shifted me into a dream, where I could understand more about it. Once it even stroked me on my face. Or it starts with some meaningful and beautiful dream before I go into buzzing state.
I used to be very affraid because I had no clue what it was. But after waking up I used to be surprisingly calm like never before. It was like it took all the fear away from me.
Now I can say this. It's not evil. It's gentle and loving. And it's beautiful. You only need to trust it. But trust yourself first. Or at the same time.
Thank you so much for this video.


I got to a point where I was in bed sleeping and my third eye opened and I saw my door open by itself but nothing was there.. snapped back to my body and my room was normal, door was shut as it was when I went to sleep.


I've had so called negative out of body experiences. I've never let them stop me. I've confronted dozens of dark entities. Why people fear them I don't understand. It's not like they can hurt you. I had a giant dog like monster chew on my hand one time and it didn't hurt. One time I grabbed a lightsaber blade with my bare hands and even that didn't hurt. So all they can do is scare you. In fact nothing can hurt you over there. I've done crazy stunts during OBEs that were so dangerous even superman probably wouldn't survive them. And yet here I am. I had an OBE earlier this week where I descended forty to fifty thousand feet in less then a second and hit the ground landing on both feet. That maneuver would have killed me in this world. But over there I didn't feel a thing. I've also been to hell a bunch times. FYI fire doesn't hurt you in the afterlife. When I walked through fire I felt extreme heat but it didn't hurt nor was I being burned. Sorry religious people but no one is burning in eternal hellfire. Over there you could take a bath in a volcano and it wouldn't hurt. So there are places in the afterlife that look like what religion calls hell. And they do really freak out some people because they don't realize that they can't be hurt there. But they have never frightened me. I've gotten to the point where I can have out of body experiences and see really messed up stuff but remain totally calm and have no fear. Most of the time I have positive experiences anyway. But when I do have negative ones they don't scare me. So when you start having OBEs and have scary experiences you just have to stick with it and get over the fear. I think the only thing that really ever scared me during OBEs was flying. I used to be afraid that I would crash and get hurt. But after a few experiences of falling thousands of feet and crashing into concrete I got over that fear. Now I love to fly. I had an experience earlier this week where I flew over the ocean at super speed. I went from the night side of the planet to the day time side in a couple minutes. It was really awesome and I was totally calm and had no fear. So the best thing to do during OBEs if your afraid is to face your fear. You won't regret it and you will have much more fun experiences in the future if you do.


Your an amazing person Josh keep being yourself. im a new subscriber and loved watching all your videos and see your amazing process as you go through this life


Me and my brother have seen my grandpa that died ever since we were little


such a good explanation for why people have both negative OBEs and negative NDEs. So rational and reasonable. I've had a couple OBEs but seem to have little control in eliciting so far. So excited for the incredible potential!


Whenever I'm really calm I usually get a weird feeling that I am disconnected from my body and that my arms don't line up with my body's arms, I don't know if this make any sense, but whatever, anyways I guessed that it was some sort of weak OBE so I tested meditation for the first time because I really enjoy the feeling of not being bound to my body, I meditated for about half an hour and I got the same feeling again, but amplified.


it's not a good idea if you've got ocd and have seen items fall over by themselves around the house.


I started having obe(s) when I was a teenager: paralisis, images and the basic fear of not having control over my body. In some occasions, I had trouble coming back and woke up exhausted. I see this as the fear of the unknoun. Despite the fact that we invent certainty, we believe in this illusion. :)
