Why Calvinism Is Wrong About Faith | Responding To Calvinists

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Jordan talks about why Calvinism is wrong about faith - explaining that the bible consistently gives credit and ownership of faith to the one expressing it.

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Which is baffling that calvinists always go to that one verse in Romans which they interpret as faith is given as a gift, while ignoring a plethora of verses where faith is specifically to the beliver and not a gift .


Yes Jordan. These Calvinists I see in the comments, if they were the ones to write the Bible, would NEVER DREAM of ever writing the things the actual Bible says


You're right brother, this shouldn't even be a conversation that's still taking place amongst those who have actually read the Bible. It simply boils down to whether one reads and accepts what the texts actually say .


This is so basic. The idea that we choose or decide to put our faith in Christ, is most definately not adding to salvation and faith is not a work that earns salvation
This is fact not opinion.
How do I know? Because nowhere in the Bible is faith described to us in the way a calvinist describes it. This is a doctrine that was invented, and then, having invented it, they had to justify it.
For example: R.C.Sproul said 'Regeneration preceeds faith.' A common calvinist comment. Show that to me. The Bible never says that. Never.


3:58 -- Correct. Faith, without their doctrine of Irresistible Grace, does not save in Calvinism.

This is why they label the faith of Christians who reject Calvinism, as a "Work", a "non-salvific" faith that does not save.

Calvinists, such as John Piper put themselves in place of God and use scare tactics asking rhetorical questions such as "WHY did you believe when others didn't?" to shift salvation from "faith" to CAUSATION of faith.

In other words, the 'CAUSATION of faith' is what saves & is pleasing to God, NOT faith in God itself, and that 'CAUSATION of faith', is Calvinisms doctrine of "Irresistible Grace" designated only for Gods "Elect".


To make it easier: Dad: Son, I will take you to Disneyland. I will drive you there, pay for gas, food, and the tickets and hotel. You have to pay me nothing, just come with me and enjoy. Do you want to go? Son (believing his dad is telling the truth): Yes, father. Calvinists: That son earned that trip by saying yes and stole some of his dad's glory! I agree, this is elementary stuff and the bible debates faith vs works over and over. They are never the same and always contrasted. Calvinists listen to "learned" men and then run out and try to convince everyone else they are right because John MacArthur says so, even when the bible says differently. Did you know that John Piper teaches that election is unconditional but glorification is not? Pay attention, they are completely works-based pastors. Saying that by submitting fully we somehow "activate" our salvation. If we have to do one thing, then Christ didn't do everything.


If faith is a gift, then it’s either freely received or freely not received. That’s how gift reception works.


What a great video in response to the Calvinist who says, "well, the righteousness that God gives us is our own." Wrong. How astute of you to logically drill down this narrative to show that they're "proof" wasn't well thought out and is wrong. There was everything to love about this video! Keep up the good work and your ministry to the body of Christ.


Yes Jordan, those that believe scripture & haven't been indoctrinated into an extra biblical system can see that. False teachings are from the Devil "Hath God indeed said". When you succumb to them you are wilfully blinded in part.


Love the passages... meaning who are the people who are the true carriers of "Sola Escritura?" meaning Only Scripture, are definitely not the Calvinist. Not the late RC Sprouls, not Johm MacArthur, not John Piper, definitely not Paul the destroyer of salvation Washer. I've had dozens of talks with families that have been deceived by John MacArthur, so much so they will read Gods Word, tell me they believe it but that I am interpreting it wrong. Clear concise scriptures. Not vague or questionable scriptures. Good work, Jason keep it up.


Great, clear teaching! Saw you on Leighton Flowers' channel. Just subscribed to YOUR channel. 👍🏻


Great video. Unfortunately, the fundamental misunderstanding of faith/believe, pistis/pisteuo is an issue broader than Calvinism, alone.


05:24 this is a really good point against Calvinism! Good observation!


Very Thoughtful, Keep Going Brother !


Please read what John Murray, [without controversy a thoroughgoing Calvinist] wrote, "Regeneration is a work of God and of God alone. But faith is not the act of God; it is not God who believes in Christ for salvation, it is the sinner. It is by God's grace that a person is able to believe, but faith is an activity on the part of the person and of him alone" (Redemption: Accomplished and Applied, 1955, 106).


Faith is a work.

1 Thessalonians 1:3 – “…constantly bearing in mind *your work of faith* and labor of love and steadfastness of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ in the presence of our God and Father…”
2 Thessalonians 1:11 – “To this end also we pray for you always, that our God will count you worthy of your calling, and fulfill every desire for goodness and the *work of faith* with power…”

Faith IS a work, it’s just God’s work (John 6:29) that He has both authored and perfected (Hebrews 12:2), that man lives in to “work out your salvation with fear and trembling; for it is God who is at work in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure” (Philippians 2:12-13, cf. Ephesians 2:10).

We keep having this discussion because "free willers" keep insisting on a narrative that is antagonistic to the scriptures.


🎯🎯 ... Very well done Jordan... just imagine, if only you had been there to remind Augustine of these things before he made that fatal misstep in accepting Pelagius' Red Herring that his faith was indeed a work.... just think how many lives could have been spared the destruction of the Doctrines of Grace.🙏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


I’m a Calvinist. Some of the things you’re saying about Calvinists sound more like Arminians. Who are these Calvinists? I’ve never heard any Calvinist say faith has anything to do with works; it’s a gift of God so that no one can boast, as Paul said. Regarding righteousness, it is imputed to us because of our faith: “Abraham believed God, and it was imputed to him for righteousness.” James 2:23. Romans 4 covers it nicely and states that righteousness is imputed to us through our faith, which is given to us by God. Calvinist’s simply believe that God does it all to save us, since we cannot do it ourselves. Colossians 2:13 says we were dead in our trespasses and sins but that God brought us back to life. Dead people cannot resurrect themselves to believe in the living God. Your interpretation of what Calvinists believe sounds strange to me. I’ll take your word that there are people calling themselves Calvinists who are saying what you’re saying, but they sound like a strange group of folks.


Another wonderful presentation! I especially liked the comparison of the phrase, "our faith" in contrast to "our righteousness."


Please keep being repetitive!!! Great video on Gods clear understanding and message of what He desires from us!!
