Why Calvinism Is Wrong About Faith

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In this video I look at Ephesians 2:8-9, Romans 9:30-32, 3:27 and 4:16 to explain why I think Calvinism is wrong in its understanding of faith.


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Calvinism is dying!!! The great reformed preachers are finally getting rejected- their authority and credibility is finally coming to an end. Satan is trying to keep this doctrine of demons alive, but the new generation is exposing Calvinism for what it is and fighting against these old arrogant dudes who have had a monopoly on mainstream preaching for decades. Keep putting out good content! The church desperately needs these reminders of this grace!


Thank you for putting so much time, study and energy into presenting such clear, concise and powerful challenges to man’s feeble and fallible, summation, terminology and conclusions regarding faith, regeneration, election, depravity, man’s responsibility and culpability and really the very nature of God! Romans 3:4, Deut.4:2, John 8:31-32, John 17:17, 1John 2:27, Acts 17:11
1Thes. 5:21…


Salvation by grace is the gift. Paul stresses this by repeating it in 2:5 and 2:8


Gosh I get tired of Calvinists misreading Ephesians 2:8. In the ESV, it says in the translation notes that the gift of God is salvation, not faith. Therefore, faith is not a gift. But even if it was, that does not entail an effectually given gift, as they force into the text.


It’s a a very strange outlook on boasting.. when the gift has to be received.. and that gift was earned on your behalf at the highest cost.. to have faith in Christ is the Will of the father..

Even if you wanna see faith as a gift.. and ultimately everything is a gift as God is the creator.. and provider of everything.. but it is also a response.. to the call.. of the gospel.. for all who would believe, in faith

To see faith as a work and something to be self righteous and boastful in is a very odd outlook.. it’s going against the Will of God in his provision of a saviour

The total inability/election of some, is the problem here.. as always

The word “Election” (understood in a salvation sense) is the red flag

Great video


... Calvinist preacher addressing the crowd.
"Before I began to tell you today of What our loving God has done for you, done for me in Christ Jesus. Before I open up the Word to tell you of our God, who so loved the world and how in the giving of His precious Son Jesus, His shed blood, His dying and rising from the dead, just what our Awesome God did to reconcile you to Himself for all eternity. Before we dive into that. I do want you all to know that some of you will believe in Christ Jesus, whether its today, tomorrow, a week, a month or even on your death bed. God will irresistibly draw you to Himself, He will regenerate your heart, cause you to believe the Gospel that we are about to look into from scripture. For He has elected you before you were even born, He has chosen you, That is why I can say with confidence you will believe in the Gospel, the good news of Jesus. But some of you will not believe, you will remain in your hardened heart and sin loving state. There is no hope for you to believe.For God, before the foundation of the world, before you were born, before you did any thing good or evil, you have been rejected. Our loving Heavenly Father did not choose you, He did not elect you to be in Christ, He passed over you. So for those whom God has passed over, you will never believe the Gospel. You should also know, those who were not chosen, who are not of His elect, you will still bring our loving Father glory, for God has pre-determined that you will be a vessel of wrath, fit for eternal descruction. Now I do not claim to know those of you in this crowd that will or will not believe but I do know this the choice has been made for you by our loving Heavenly Father, those that have been elected and those that have been eternally damned, God has done so according to the council if His will and dare I say for His good pleasure. Now lets look into this wonderful plan of God to save His chosen elect....


Amen, I have also referred the Calvinistic interpretations of the Bible to be "upside down & inside out, " in other words, complete confusion. Keep fighting the good fight of faith, brother!


What Protestant Calvinists and Protestants against Calvinism lack is knowing what grace Is!

So they debate forever in circles!

Protestants cannot tell you what grace actually is.

Grace is "God working in us."

Though dead in sin, God works in people (grace) to enable them to freely believe.
John 6:65; 12:32-33

In this way faith is a gift that enables a person to freely unite to Christ!

This is called synergy and is taught in the Greek Fathers and Christ's church the Eastern Orthodox Church.
Matthew 16:18 since 33 ad

"Then they asked him, “What must we do to do the works God requires?”
"Jesus answered, “The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent!"
John 6:28-29

This is synergy!

"Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed—not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence—continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose!"
Philippians 2:12-13


Another thing is, if Faith were a gift from God, why would Jesus rebuke the disciples for having little faith and give the example of the mustard seed? Faith is obviously something we develop ourselves. Sure God could help you directly to have more faith but it's something that comes from you.


Good video.
"God gives His gift of faith to His elect, " when they were proud sinners & haters of God as well.

The opposite is true.

"Formally you did not know God..." & were not even "...known by God" Gal. 4:8-9

Likewise. In Calvinism, God commands sinners to believe a lie.

By their own teachings, God sends out a "General Call" of repentance, to obey the gospel.

Everyone knows this "General Call" are for the reprobate.

So, ask yourself, WHY is God commanding the reproabe to "Obey the gospel", when the gospel was NEVER meant for them to begin with, since Jesus NEVER made propitiation for their sin?

I don't need an answer, but, it's unquestionably true, that God commands the majority of mankind to "repent & believe" a lie.


There are few times when Paul leaves room for this kind of debate over interpretation over his meaning. But lucky for us, he talks about this exact subject again in his other writings and those are so clearly written you would have to be blind to still argue that faith is the gift referred to. Romans 3:21-25 . Paul says "But now the righteousness of God has been manifested apart from the law, although the Law and the Prophets bear witness to it— the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ for all who believe. For there is no distinction: for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, whom God put forward as a propitiation by his blood, to be received by faith." Faith is how we access the gift. It is not the gift referred to. Roman 5:2 states "Through him we have also obtained access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and we rejoice in hope of the glory of God"


For by grace though a faith given to some and withheld from the rest are ye saved. Not of a faith whereby you decided to believe, lest any so-called elect may accuse you of boasting.

Eph 2:8 CSV


Even if we give that God gives and causes faith, that still means faith precedes regeneration - Calvinism's ordo salutis is still false.


Great video brother! Thank you for putting it together.


Great job my hillbilly friend. It’s a shame that we have to waste our time arguing when we just need to accept what the Bible says even when there seems to be a contradiction.


My Friend, I am never afraid to say I may be wrong or I have not seen this properly. Now that I have seen this video and the way you explained this, I think you are correct on the exegesis of this text. I have always believed the faith, was the gift. That makes more sense, the way you explained it, in light of the other passages.
This also explains why I was so confused at Mike Winger and James Whites disagreement on this.
I believe the question that someone wrote you ( IT WAS'NT ME!!) was actually worded wrong. God does not give us faith as he wrote. We already have the ability to have faith, God, I believe opens our eyes so we see clearly where we need to place our faith- in Him.

This does not negate other places that I think support a view of God moving first to cause us to love him, but I agree with you on this for sure. That makes the most sense.

How did you get so smart? How is it that I never saw this video yet? You know this will make our next video together much less exciting!


Good discussion regarding faith vs. works 💎


So many of these discussions beg the question as to how faith is born in the heart. Frankly, I cannot understand why one would think that God drops it into our heart actively and we receive it passively, not even being aware of it. Romans makes the question undoubtably clear. Paul says, "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
14 How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?
15 And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!
16 But they have not all obeyed the gospel. For Esaias saith, Lord, who hath believed our report?
17 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God." I don't even need to comment. "So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God." Really, it simply could not be more clear. This is how faith comes to the heart.The following verses 18-21 make it even more clear. Read them if you like. This is the method God chose and makes human boasting impossible. Besides what the author of the video offers, read I Cor. 1:17-2:5.


For those of you who think that the faith is your own faith...ask yourself this? What makes you to have faith in God? It is because of your regenerated heart .. nothing more..


If I say I believe..I have met Calvinist criteria...they say I am so depraved that I can't believe unless I am first regenerated... I believe ..guess my belief signals regeneration.
