Jesus vs Calvinism: Exposing False Doctrines of TULIP Theology

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Words of Jesus in the Bible are true and make Calvinism false, and in fact if the reformed theology and doctrines of grace, the 5 points of Calvinism known as TULIP were actually true, then the words of Jesus in Scripture must be a lie and we know that isn't the case so they have a Biblical and theological problem they cannot resolve. In this video I prove that Calvinism is a lie and Scripture is God's Word and always true.

Video Chapters:
0:00 Intro Jesus vs Calvinism
0.40 Trump
1:49 The Way, Truth and Life
5:45 The Great Commission
7:33 Revelation of Jesus Christ
10:44 A Different Jesus

#Christianity #Calvininsm #reformedtheology #FaithonFire
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"Resist the Devil and he shall flee from you." James 4:7 if the individual didn't have the power aka choice to resist (or alternatively to give in to) the Evil One then this Bible verse would make no sense at all. We have the power to Resist evil doings out of our own Free Will. And God asks us to make that Choice of the Will continuously.Otherwise He would not ask us to be in the battle and to resist. Fight Fight Fight! We are in this battle with God.


Calvinism is a cult in so many ways. Here's 5 similarities that put them right up there with some of the mainstream cults such as Mormonism and JW's...

1. They distort scripture and make the gospel confusing.
2. They preach another Jesus (doesn't love everyone, did not die for everyone, and does not want all to be saved).
3. Leave their church and many will go into shun mode.
4. They literally believe they have the corner on true Christianity.
5. They follow a man (John Calvin/Augustine). I put John Calvin up there with Joseph Smith.

My advice to anyone is to learn as much as possible about this strange doctrine in order to avoid stumbling into a stealthy Calvinist Church since most stay under the radar and focus on slowly indoctrinating you. They will never come out and be upfront when it comes to their strange doctrine.

I love the Calvinist people. It's their view of God that is another gospel and why I see them as a cult who follows John Calvin's writings.


Using the logic of JP again, if calvinism was correct, there would be no debate about it. You are appreciated in exposing the many contradictions of this man made doctrine.


Just think about this: How many people would Satan like to take to hell where he will end up? ALL!!!
How many people would Jesus like to take to heaven? According to Calvinist, only the elect. Complete nonsense!!!


I've been told by a 5point calvinist that John 3:16 is over used. Imagine the magnitude of pride and arrogance to say such a thing about the Lord's words.


Calvinism, which is an offshoot and close relative of Roman Catholicism (Calvin was heavily influenced by Roman Catholic Augustine) teaches that faith is a work and that since salvation isn't by works then an unregenerate (unsaved) person isn't saved by faith which is completely antithetical to what The Bible teaches:

"For it is by GRACE you have been SAVED through FAITH. This (salvation) is not of yourselves. It (salvation) is the GIFT of God. NOT BY WORKS LEST ANY MAN SHOULD BOAST." (Ephesians 2:8-9)

Salvation is the FREE GIFT.

An unregenerate perain is saved by receiving the FREE GIFT (of salvation) BY FAITH.

And since we know with 100% certainty that an unregenerate person isn't saved by any ammount of works, we can conclude with 100% certainty that faith is not a "meritorious work" (as Calvinism refers to it) since the Word explixitly and unambiguously declares that an unregenerate person is saved by BELIEVING ("through faith") The Gospel!

Calvinism essentially teaches that a person DOESN'T have to believe the Gospel in order to be saved.

Let that sink in...

But, again, thank God for His Word which explicitly teaches that after a person hears The Gospel and BELIEVES The Gospel, he/she immediately receives The Holy Spirit (and is ETERNALLY saved).

"In Whom ye also trusted, AFTER that ye HEARD the word of truth, THE GOSPEL of your SALVATION: in whom also AFTER that ye BELIEVED, ye were SEALED with that HOLY SPIRIT of promise, Which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, unto the praise of his glory." (Ephesians 1:13-14, KJV)

The Bible teaches the following chronological order for salvation:

1. A person HEARS The Gospel.
2. A person BELIEVES The Gospel.
3. A person who has believed The Gospel is sealed by the Holy Spirit. (Regenerated/Born Again of The Spirit).

Calvinism inverts the order and teaches:

1. God unilaterally regenerates (saves) a person He has arbitrarily chosen to save.
2. An already saved person believes The Gospel as a RESULT of BEING saved not as a PRECONDITION for BEING saved.

Calvinism teaches that God regenerates (saves) His arbitrarily "chosen elect" for Heaven BEFORE they can believe The Gospel which, again, is totally contrary to what The Scriptures teach.

Calvinism teaches that an unregenerate (unsaved) person doesn't need to believe The Gospel to be saved.

And ironically enough, when you ask a Calvinist how they can know for sure they possess true saving faith they will inevitably point to their works as the proof.

So not saved by faith (which they consider to be a work) but if you are genuinely saved you will have an always unspecified ammount of works???

Calvinism is 100% illogical and complete heresy...


The bible says that God wishes no person to be lost, and shows no partiality. To me that destroys Calvinism.


My husband has become a Calvinist. I absolutely cannot because I think it’s a horrible unbiblical view of God as the determiner of both good and evil…and many other reasons. I’m so torn as a wife on how to handle it. I hate going to the Presbyterian church every Sunday…but trying to do the right thing as a Christian wife. If it was an obvious cult or other religion, I wouldn’t go. Any thoughts for wives married to Calvinists? The most common feedback I get is to pray for him, submit to him, and be an example of Christ…no actually speaking on theology with him.


Fantastic, and one of the most needed messages today, in the face of Calvinistic false doctrine! 👍💛✝


Ty so much Brother Brian I'm In a Non Denominations church now I'm ordained as a office of a Teacher Recently sense June .Let me tell you I came out of Oneness Pentecostal church over 25 years and i was spiritual abused i was told i really didn't know nothing I was never used in the church i was called made fun of due to some mental health issues. the preachers i seen in the pulpit in the oneness were no different from Calvinist preachers . Its totally different teachings. I had a supernatural encounter with Jesus he delivered me from demonic oppression. I give him all the glory. Now I live for him walk with him Yes i believe wish should walk in holiness preach against sin. Bring people to the feet of Jesus . I know Jesus loves everyone and wants to help us. I love people so much now coming out of Religion and legalism. Who the son sets free is free indeed. I love you my brother God continue to use you . I will continue to pray for you and your family


Wow, Jn.14:6 is exactly what came to mind.

Jesus says, "No one comes to the Father except through" him.

Ephesians 2:18 states: “For through Him we both have our access in one Spirit to the Father.”

Calvinism teaches that the Elect never accessed the Father through Christ or any faith, but that they have "ALWAYS" belonged to the Father, and were "regarded in SECRET as His own."

John Calvin: “Christ says that the elect always belonged to God. God therefore distinguishes them from the reprobate, not by faith, nor by any merit, but by pure grace; for while they are far away from him, he regards them in secret as his own.” (John: Calvin, The Crossway Classic Commentaries, p.393, emphasis mine)


Great video! Calvinism is a horrible doctrine distorting the very character of God


Brian you are spot on and an excellent teacher concerning the fatal deception of Calvinism and many other issues that have divided the Faith. As a disciple of Christ myself, I always rejoice in the ministries of all brothers and sisters in Christ, who are proclaiming the Gospel of Christ. Romans chapter 1 verse 16. And the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. Mark chapter 1 verse 15. The stakes are so high! Jesus teaches us that being born-again is a life or death option. Of course it is encumbent upon All Born-Again believers to proclaim this spiritual reality of being eternaly separated from God if we refuse the offer and gift of salvation through Faith in Christ. This is more important than what president might take office. The Bible teaches that men shall wax worse and worse and that God will eventually destroy the world. Politics is a Spiritual cancer that is taking the lives of untold multitudes of people. So-called Christians and non-believers alike. Politics causes people to hate people that they don't even know. It is earthly wisdom at its best. I humbly beseech you to apply the wisdom from above and release yourself from the fray. Lead people to Christ! Not to Donald Trump or any politician for that matter. By the way: John McArthur is a Trump supporter, hopefully you'll see that as a red flag and seriously reconsider your assessment of politics vs Christianity. However I still love you much whatever you do. I cannot deny that your ministry has been a significant, collective blessing to me as I desire to walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, and to be fruitful in every good work and to increase in the knowledge of God. Peace be upon you Faith On Fire!


Great video! Here are some verses that I use against the heresy of a limited atonement.

Hebrews 2:9 But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honour; that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man.

1 John 2:2 And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world.

God bless you brother! I HATE Calvinism! I have found out over the years that they seem to be the most arrogant condescending people when trying to speak to them about their heresy. James White comes in to mind as one of the most ridiculous Calvinist in modern times.

Psalms 119:104 Through thy precepts I get understanding: therefore I hate every false way.


Much appreciated, sir. This is greatly needed right now. Too many reformed theology people out there are making it way too difficult to be saved. Jesus is the author and finisher of our faith, not John Calvin. It never made sense to me to brand oneself with another name other than the name of Jesus.


Calvinists eisegete world "of the elect" in their interpretation of scripture.


Keep it up Brian 👍 You are provoking thought. I can't believe this extra biblical man-inspired theology has made it into "Christian" pulpits... but they creep in & take root to the unaware & the under-discipled CAN fall prey to every wind of doctrine.


Love these Brian. Do you have any full sermons online yet?


Did Adam and Eve have free will or did God determine they had no choice but to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil?


May God have mercy on me if I ever reach a place of contentment that God passed on offering eternal life to most of mankind, dooming them to the flames instead, before they were even born. One faulty interpretation, and you have a whole different Jesus – yes!