Does Being in a Relationship Make You Less Productive?

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Did you know that new relationships affect your productivity?

Script: Nicholas Urbonas
Voice Over: Scott Austin

Feedback Editor: Risha Maes
Project Manager: Erin Bogo
Producer: Psych2Go

Music: gravitationalWaves by airtone (c) copyright

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I got dumped today so i'll be productive again.


I feel like having a crush without knowing if the crush likes you back would be more detrimental than a relationship. I've never been in a relationship, but when I have crushes I am a wreck.


Ahhh this is very true! I've been with my boyfriend for 5 months now and I think about him all the time. It hasn't effected my grades or anything bc I can't afford that (i'm in a Master program). But I can literally be doing any task and my thoughts will always circle back to him.


Just because u can't balance life and work doesn't mean u can blame ur partner . If u are the one being obsessed, it's ur job to get balanced, don't blame ur partner. If ur partner is obsessed, make them understand, and if they truly love u they will respect ur space, but make sure u give them little drops of love when u are free, caus eu won't be working 24 hrs a day, even if u work 14 hours a day ( which is already way too much ) u can give atleast an 1 hr. If u are so focused in ur goal that u don't have time for ur family or love, then just don't be in a relationship, first establish yourself to such a position where u can have time . Also If u can't make time for ur loves one even as little, u failed at life, it's said, we are humans we need love ❤ So be mindful of all these things


If both parties go into the relationship rationally and communicate a good plan for a balanced love and productivity life it could work, no? :)


Unlike the man from the first segment, my biggest fear is that i'll never find love.


When I met my wife I was still in high school. I fell in love with her and I had never been more driven to do better in school than before.


I believe that the obsessive nature that comes from high-octane relationships is subjective to the individual. I would say that more calm, level-headed, logical individuals have a higher control over their productivity, as they know that they must still continue to live outside of the relationship, because they are practical thinkers. But there are others on the spectrum who have lower focus, more emotional, and thus a stronger obsession with the other person.


This Video describes exactly what my Situation is right now. I was very motivated and did a lot of stuff. But since I am in love with someone I got to know TWO weeks ago I cant manage my everyday live. Also I am nearly earing anything and I dont sleep that well. But thanks to you guys I now konw I am not the only one ;)


This is true, at least in my case. My last relationship was a little bit toxic and putting extra effort to make everything better was just overwhelming. College became significantly harder, and I lost weight... A lot!! I didn't notice how fucked I was until my friends snapped me out of it. Fuck love... At least while I'm still on college...


This is actually very accurate •_• I started getting bad grades when I got a bf and I couldn't stop thinking about him lol. Welp.


I have to say It's also possible for love to have great side effects on your productivity, it all depends on how you set your priorities and what you look for in your soulmate. There are many people, including me, out there who get motivated by others especially when these loved ones show interest in what you do. I've noticed that when the people around me I love (both romantic and normal love) ask about my progress it really makes me want to work even more; so for people like us it's ideal to find a partner who is very supportive in nature and is genuinely interested in the things you do, because you will not only work for yourself anymore but also for them.


Some people actually says they need love. Bullshit. All humans need are water, food, oxygen and shelter.


I totally empathize with Recently fell in love and felt like I was being dumb and stupid and was like "damn. Shouldn't I be doing something more productive?" and then I wanted to detach myself and it didn't work.


Confirms my suspicions perfectly which is why I am running away from love 😂😂😂 ain't nobody got time for that


I think it depends on the kind of people and the health of the relationship.


I had my own business that was making 500K per year. Then I met my other half...🙄Productivity just isn't what it used to be.


Interesting. I was in a relationship for nine months (he broke it off, sadly) but I soon realized once it was over I was doing more work and was spending more time with family. I even joined a theatre program that I always wanted to join, but didn't because I wanted to be around my boyfriend. Even my close friends have taken note that I'm acting differently. This was an eye opener


New relationships can be exciting, keeping time for yourself to maintain your productivity is vital. What I would recommend is to have a designated productivity space, that could be a library or a room in your house. This designated area can highlight to you the importance of productivity and help you to maintain focus from your outside life.
