8 Signs You Have Relationship Anxiety

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So many of us spend our lives searching for love, and yet, some part of us can’t help but fear it as well. Are you weighed down by a lot of worries, uncertainty, and distress over all the ways your relationship could all go wrong? This irrational and persistent fear is known as “relationship anxiety”, and it’s something a lot of us struggle with. Do you think you might have relationship anxiety? We've made this video for you to help you identify the signs!

#relationshipanxiety #love #psych2go

Writer: Chloe Avanasa
Script editor: Morgan Franz
Script Manager: Kelly Soong
VO: Amanda Silvera
Animator: Naphia
YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong

Riggio, H. R. (2013). Peer relationships, social support, and relationship anxiety in young adulthood. Personal Relationships, 11(1), 99-114.

Connor, B., Fauber, R., Gordon, E., Montesi, L., & Heimber, R. (2010). On the relationship between anxiety, fear of intimacy, and relationship satisfaction in young couples. Journal of Social Psychology, 42(11); 117-123.

Chen, H., Yang, T., & Liu, X. (2019). Pleasing or withdrawing: Differences between dependent and self-critical depression in adolescent relationships. Journal of Social Psychology, 23(10), 14-29.

Hanton, S., & Connaughton, D. (2007). Overthinking and the perception of control: a study on anxiety and relationship satisfaction. Clinical Psychology Review, 73(1), 87-97.

Martin, J. L., & Ashby, J. S. (2015). Perfectionism and fear of intimacy: Implications for romantic relationships. Journal of Personality, 12(4), 368-374.

Rodman, S. A. (2008). Mechanisms Underlying Difficulties in Intimate Relationships: The Roles of Fear of Positive Evaluation and Fear of Abandonment (Doctoral dissertation). University of Michigan Press.
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Have you ever experienced any of these signs mentioned in the video? Comment below!


This channel is where introverts go for relationship advice.


1. You’re insecure about your relationships
2: You doubt your partners feelings about you
3. You’re overly dependent of your partner
4. You try to overly please your partner
5. You over analyze your relationship
6. You beat yourself up over everything
7. You’re afraid things will get too serious
8. You’re waiting for something to go wrong


"Do you relate to any of these signs?" Yeah I was crying the entire video


My texting anxiety plays a part in my relationship anxiety. Those feelings of “I shouldn’t have said that” and “I should have said that differently” are constant.


Y’all know you pressed this because you know you have trust issues and are scared of being hurt, , , and same :”((


Love how I have social anxiety and finally managed to get a partner and then... get welcomed to ‘relationship anxiety’. 😭


My wife was murdered Feb 8 2021. My life has been destroyed completely. Watching your channel has brought me so far. As I move forward in my life, with pain and suffering, I can go to sleep feeling a little bit better after your videos. For my mental health I say God bless you and everything you do.


This hits pretty hard when your in a long distance relationship and you always have the thought of them being with someone better on your mind. All these points hit true for me and Ik I have problems. I just don’t want her to have to deal with them all.


I'm my own worst enemy. I have the man of my dreams but I'm so damn anxious and insecure that I end up causing small fights. It's like I'm so scared of giving in 100% because I think I'll get hurt. I have these fears of not being pretty enough, I'm not successful enough or I'm too shy. He's literally the sweetest, most patient guy.


These videos are great but can there be a follow up on what to do about any of this because all I've learned is that there's something wrong with me, but not how to fix the problem


these all hit me so hard now that I'm in a long distance relationship. I feel like there's nothing I can do about it on top of all the issues with anxiety I'm having. Who knows what's going on hundreds of miles away. I freak out for a few hours, I cant focus on anything, then i calm down and realize my relationship is fine. I overthink my problems and I know I'm overthinking and I still end up being the one to hurt myself. It's hard knowing the your S/O loves you but you keep thinking things that mess up your relationship.


I’ve never been called out so many times in only 6 minutes


I have anxiety deep inside, but I believe relationship is one of them.


8 signs you have relationship anxiety

Me: I think everything is clearly wrong with me....


thank you so much for this, i literally cry everyday at least once because i feel like this. i can't tell you how thankful i am that this video exists, i finally feel heard and understood because i'm not the problem, it's the anxiety omg i love this


I can relate to each of these point. I am always overthinking about my relationship. I am scared to lose him. I always have this thought going on in my mind that he might get someone better and leave me(even when he says that he loves me a lot). I am trying to not focus on these thoughts but then certain things flares my thoughts up like he has a YouTube channel and he has the videos with his ex girlfriend. She is very pretty and he sometimes says that he is not into beauty anymore and that makes me feel degraded that he is not attracted to me. My head is gonna blast.


Sounds like anxious attachment style. I feel like it’s fairly common and can be worked through with lots of self love + with the right partner 👌🏽


Who’s watching this cause they’re worried about being in a relationship

Cause I am


Literally had all these signs in my first serious relationship.
