Absolute Best Exercise for Pinched Nerve, Neck Pain- McKenzie Method

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Famous Physical Therapists Bob Schrupp and Brad Heineck demonstrate the absolute best exercises for treating an pinched nerve in the neck, neck pain, or even a herniated disk in the neck. They are using the McKenzie Method or Technique.

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Thank you both so much for posting this.


Cannot say how much these exercises helped me!! After a year of 2 bulging discs (C5 and C6) and severe cervical osteoarthritis, the first 2 McKenzie exercises I did regularly removed my numbness and tingling completely. Then about a month ago, I began to have sharp, shooting pains on the left side of my neck, randomly, that were pretty severe. Discovered this video and did the next two exercises for only a few days before finding significant relief. I continue to do them daily, and have NO sharp or shooting pain now! So grateful!


I had severe burning pins and needles sensation from neck radiating to my right arm and front of the chest too. The pain was excruciating for almost a month. Didn't wanted to get addicted to pain killers and tried avoiding a surgery.These exercises worked like magic. I can't tell you how grateful I am. Thanks for sharing this. If the pain persists despite the painkillers, exercises, posture correction and leads to weakness you should definitely see the doctor. You can only spare it up to 1-2months not beyond that if the pain is not continous. Also the pain gets almost intolerable sometimes and you might suffer of depression. McKenzie was an angel to have discovered this solution.Neurological pain is weird and unexplainable of how it feels like.


OMG I was having severe nerve pain in my shoulder tingling down to my hands. I couldn’t get a good night sleep, it was affecting my whole life. EVERYTHING! I found your video started doing those exercises 5-6 times a day and some days even more! I did these consistently for a couple of weeks! About 4 days ago I woke up and pain was completely gone! Thank you! You helped me so much! GOD bless you!


Yet again, another video from Bob & Brad that has helped me immensely.  As a senior citizen, I have issues with pain now as the body weakens.  Hip pain, shoulder pain, sciatica, back, have all been a problem for me.  But all are no longer major issues in my life since discovering  Bob & Brad's videos on Youtube.  I am sincerely grateful!  Thank you!


You guys have saved me. My MRI said severe cervical herniated disc. I have been in 24hr excruciating pain for 3 weeks, with NO relief. Howeve, you showed these exercises. After I exercise I feel pins and needles and then pain leaving my arm. THANK YOU THANKYOU THANK YOU


Thank you guys! I suffered with neck and shoulder pain exactly what you are describing for whole week. Was in lots of different medicine and massage. Nothing helped. Was in so much pain. Finally I did what you are doing. Today I’m feeling lot better. I’m continuing this. Love you guys🙂


Omg this numbness/pain has been killing me all the way to my hand for a whole week it was so bad i couldn’t sleep yesterday I wanted to cry. I’ve been trying everything massages, stretching, nothing worked, I did this and it worked right away 😭 thank you sm


I've had a pinched nerve in my neck for 4 days now and its been absolutely awful, excruciating. I wanted to share an exercise my father gave me when he had the same thing happen to him that has significantly helped reduce the pain. Whichever side the pain is on, (left or right) take that arm and make it completely straight and raise it up so it's even with your shoulder, like an airplane wing, palm facing the ground. Holding your arm in place, rotate your palm upwards so the back of your hand faces the ground and hold it for 5 seconds, rotate back to palm facing the ground, lower your arm. Repeat this 10 times, 3 times a day. This saved me almost going to the hospital I was in so much pain I would have done anything to relieve it! Hoping this video works, will report back.


Wow, thank you! My pain is 90% gone. You two are life-savers!


It's channels like this that really help when you wakeup one day and finally realise... I'm so old.


I've been in pain for almost 2 weeks and these exercises already have me feeling so much better! You guys are amazing!


Thanks so much for this video - I never realized I had a pinched neck nerve... the last exercise stopped pain and a headache I've had for 2 months. Much, much appreciated !


this video is a lifesaver!!! i was in the most unbearable pain and could barely move at all until i started doing these exercises frequently throughout the day. my pain level has decreased about 80% in two days and i’m almost back to normal now. thank you thank you!


Yes, was given the Mckenzie book by a chiropractor years ago, they work, most times i do 5x of the 3 neck exercises and im good. This confirms you guys know what your talking about per usual.


Words cannot describe my Graditude to both of them I just spent 4 horrible day's in constant pain and thanks to the technics they demonstrated I spent all night dealing with and finally not hurting.


Thank you so much for saving my life. Ive been in a really dark place after suffering immense burning pain in my left rhomboid after overdoing it in the gym on traps/shrugs day 4 months ago and have suffered day in day out eversince.
Its been so bad the nerves have created muscle spasms and muscle wasting on my left side. Sports massages, Acupuncture, Pain killers, Anti Inflammatories, Chinese medicines ...Ive tried them all and nothing touched the pain. Then I discovered this video earlier today and within ten minutes of encorparating the movements ...80 - 90% of the pain was gone along with the muscle spasms. If i can stay on track with this program hopefully in a few weeks i can look at starting to rebuild the muscle loss. From the bottom of my heart ...
Thank you so much guys



You guys are just wonderful people, givers and carers, you really love helping. I work in Africa where there are very few qualified therapistts. I always refer patients ( who we help for free ) . You have helped so many people, with a sense of humour. Thank you from the hundreds you help all the time. Lovely human beings and great professionals


Had trapped nerve (c6)  for 3 months - tried these exercises - within 24 hours 80% better. Pain going and personality returning.  Thanks guys for sharing this.


Thank you Bob and Brad! I watched this 2 years ago when I had my neck pain/ pinched nerve, now the pain is back, and I found your very helpful videos once again, God bless!!
