Absolute Best Exercise for Sciatica & Herniated Disc- McKenzie Approach.

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Famous Physical Therapists Bob Schrupp and Brad Heineck present the absolute best exercise for treating sciatica and a herniated disc. The demonstrate the McKenzie technique or approach. Used in 38 countries, the McKenzie technique is the best option in their opinion.

0:00 Intro Song
0:10 Intro
0:16 Intro to video
0:40 McKenzie explanation
1:04 Show where pain is & explanation of pain
2:47 First exercise explained
3:38 Prone Prop
4:00 Actual first exercise shown
4:24 What not to do
4:56 How often
5:06 What you should know about this exercise
5:24 Simplified version on what's going on
7:43 Ending

Pain Management:

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I got sciatica last year February from lifting heavy rocks. Got progressively worse where my leg would feel numb when walking. Got desperate and found Bob/Brad. Literally after going through all their videos on the subject and applying their exercises, found rapid improvement in a short time. Now I can say I'm completely healed. These guys are amazing. Thank you


Guys I tried everything including exercises, stretching, going for walks (2hours daily, first 15 minutes was horrible I had tears in my eyes) went to a chiropractor, massages, hot springs, all these things helped but it didn’t cure my sciatica the pain always came back in short time. I didn’t want to get surgery because I read multiple comments how it made it worst. I had sciatica for 4 years it was so bad I couldn’t sit or sleep on a mattress I was sleeping on the floor (the hard surface made the pain bearable) couldn’t work or do ordinary things it was miserable to say the least. One day my friend asked me to join him for a boxing session. At this point I was desperate I thought it might be a bad idea but my arms worked so I decided to join him. We did stretches and exercises then a few minutes of punching bags and a one to one session total of about an hour. The next day I had tingling everywhere I thought I fcked up my body but then after a few hours, no more pain! It healed like magic I couldn’t believe it. After that I realized that I was doing everything wrong and that my upper body was where I had to focus on. That one session totally cured me and I no longer have it. I go for a swim time to time to keep my body strong. Also this may sound off topic but I cut out rice because it made the pain worst while I had sciatica, I had no idea i was allergic to rice so you might want to check out allergies and go over your diet. Vitamin C (pills did nothing I mean real vitamin C from fruit like berries pineapple etc) and black seed oil really helped with the pain. Anyways I hope this comment helps I know everyone’s different but for me the key was diet and upper body exercises. Good luck!!


I was diagnosed with an L4-L5 disc bulge in October 2020. The doctors that I saw gave me no remedy or exercise to correct the bulge. I had pain from my lower back to my thigh. Finally, I found this video and the MacKinsey video 2 weeks ago. I’ve been using these exercises for a week and I’m already improving. Thank you gentlemen for the great exercises.


I have a high grade herniated disc. Could not do simple house chores or return back to work. When the pain woke me up at night I would watch Bob and Brad videos.I religiously did the exercises and saw a physiotherapist. At home I would do Physio in the morning and night. 3 months later and most of the pain has gone away and I’m back at work. Now I know why people with pain sometimes are diagnosed with mental health issues as well. The pain was real.But don’t worry it will get better. Have hope and Have patience. That’s what this life lesson has taught me


5 months ago I had a herniated disc. I had pain greater than anything in my life. I was always unsure on those forms "on a scale of 1-10 how is your pain?" this was a definitive 11. It felt like someone was ripping off my right leg from my hip and fire was shooting down my leg. I would pop pain pills and just writhe in agony until the pain went away or I passed out. I had 2 epidural injections and in 6 weeks, 12 sessions of physical therapy. About a week ago my sciatica finally completely stopped and if it wasn't for this method I would not be as well off as I am today. When I was first injured I watched so many videos, read articles, and so many stories and I feel like, for what it may be worth, it's my turn. You guys and physical therapists everywhere do amazing work and gave me back my life. Thank you.


not all heroes wear capes thanks a lot for sharing this awesome video


Guys, you follow these two docs' teaching and do the exercises well! They are amazing! Got herniated disc 6 months ago and the pain was immense. And my doctor says he can introduce me to some surgeons rather than giving me exercises. I was quite depressed and found Bob and Brad. I followed their instructions and did the Makinze exercise quite seriously. Now I am completely healed (may be). I can even lift my leg while laying on the bed which is a very difficult task for people with herniated discs or sciatica. Cannot thank enough to these docs! They are like angels for me.


I've had back pain for nearly 6 months, and though chiropractic helped it was always there. I started this stretch on Monday, it's Thursday, and this is the first pain free day I've had since November! WOW!!!! I can't thank you enough!!! I'm going to stretch like this everyday for the rest of my life.


Thanks so much. I have had excruciating lower back pain radiating down my left leg, due to a herniated disc, for 3 weeks. I have been going to PT for 2 weeks with limited results. I was in pain Tuesday night and found you on YouTube. I started doing the exercises every 2 hours since then. After 3 days I am walking without limping and am almost pain free. I have canceled me scheduled epidural injection and am currently searching for a McKenzie trained clinician in my area. Thanks again.


I had a herniated disc for over 15 years and recently started to have sciatica all the time. After doing this exercise for two weeks it all cleared up. Now I just try and remember to do it once a day to maintain it. Thanks a lot for the videos.


I honestly feel like Bob and Brad saved my life. These two are definitely the BEST physiotherapists on the internet for sure!


Yes, you are the most physical therapist in the Internet. Thank you for helping humanity without asking for money . God bless you richly


I cannot thank you enough guys. I was pretty much disabled for few weeks and it had a big toll on my life, because I couldnt even go to work. As soon as I did those exercises I felt much better. And now its healing so really appreciate your assistance and helpful information. Big thanks to you guys. Subscribed for sure. 🙏👍💪


i did your exercises for 4 months and my neck pain totally taken care off thanks.. :)


I meant to post this a couple of years ago when it happened, but you guys' videos on the McKenzie method actually helped me evade a lumbar fusion at the very last minute. My back was an utter disaster (two prior going back several years), my hip constantly felt like it just took a 16" high-explosive shell, I was at a point where I had to wear a brace _even while sleeping_, had to go to ER for "hypertensive emergency" caused by off-the-charts pain levels, etc. Even showering or just using the can was a horrific experience requiring an iron will and supreme pain tolerance. The PT I was assigned to was old-school, really addicted to traction as a treatment for whatever reason, which wasn't really helping IMO. Out of desperation I started searching YT and came across your stuff and began trying it. My fusion surgery was fully scheduled for Dec. 21, 2018, but the neurosurgeon asked for a follow-up MRI the week before to determine where the disc fragment from my sequestered hernia had migrated to so that he could fish it out during the procedure. The results came back five days before my scheduled surgery; the neuro was surprised and said he saw substantial positive changes from the original MRI the month prior, and now recommended that I skip surgery and continue w/ PT instead. I did, mostly following these exercises. I'm nowhere near 100% and have accepted I probably never will be, but I'm 10, 000% better than I was at my nadir, and can fairly easily do most all of the tasks I need to do on a daily basis. Seriously, thank you for the informative and helpful vids.


you two are the best: i'm 72, retired cop, stenosis of cervical/lumbar, carpal tunnel, blah blah blah. i search your site, follow your directions, which are consistent with those i receive from my local (and very good PT) and hey presto! pain free. thanks from SoCal.


Damn im so in love with this intro! And the contrast between the unprofessional intro and professional doctors! It's so cool to live in 21 century! :)


it’s my second time having sciatica and it’s even more painful and intolerable than the first time...the first time i did pt for three weeks but it eventually went away on it’s own after a few months. i’m graduating hs in a few weeks and i’m terrified that i’ll have complications walking the stage or even getting ready on my big day. I watched and did exercises on one of your other videos and even though it was painful at first, i got immediate relief from two of the exercises, now i’m able to lay on my back with minimal pain in my lower back area. i’m going to keep watching these videos and do them everyday until i’m better! thank you so so SO much for this! my PT was an amazing therapist, but you two are definitely the best PT’s on the internet 😌


ok, you guys are the greatest! I began watching for tips for my husband who has neck and back pain and carpal tunnel. But THEN! I screwed up my back a few weeks ago by being overzealous about my new year's resolution to exercise more. I knew I pushed my limits when my back began hurting so I took a week off and did only yoga. BUT! I got worse one day to the point I could hardly move and my lower back pain was horrible. My husband suggested that I could have a herniated disk, so I checked out this video and all of your other ones related. I realized that doing my yoga exercises were exasperating my condition because of the forward bending. So I began doing the MacKenzie extensions every hour during my waking day, along with using our inversion table, sitting only with lumbar support, and icing periodically. It is day 3 and I am feeling some major relief. I must be on the right regimen, so thank you so much! I realize that I have not been diagnosed, but I thought doing the MacKenzie and icing and inversion would not hurt. I wanted to give it a try and if I didn't feel different, I was heading to the chiropractor. But things are looking good today, not 100% by any means, but I am more mobile and have way less pain. I have a brand new understanding of my back and which exercises to avoid and what to do when I make a mistake. I want to extend a big virtual long distance hug to you both!


It's amazing how simple this is and how well it works.
