The 7 Day Challenge | Dr. Joe Dispenza and Lewis Howes

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This 7 Day Challenge will Reprogram your Mind.

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Lewis Howes' New Book - The Mask of Masculinity
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Oh I love this, Lewis I have missed being here my friend. Thank you and Dr Dispenza for this awesome and terrifying challenge, that has the potential to, if done honestly, change lives.


7 days; here's what to do.

Ask yourself "what's the greatest ideal I can be of myself today." When you wake up
Write down 4 thoughts to remain conscious to the entire day!
Take time every day before bed to show gratitude - and really feel it!
Perform an awareness exercise daily


I was always suspicious of the Law Of Attraction and visualization but did it anyways consistently (just to make sure it actually works). Well, so far, it really did... I've visualized myself starting my first business - and made it happen. I've visualized myself scaling to 7-figures - and made it happen. I've visualized myself moving to Australia - and made it happen. I've visualized myself selling that business - and made it happen.
Of course, it has to be backed by action... but when you start having dreams about what you're visualizing, it's usually a good indicator that your subconscious starts figuring things out...

- Leon


1) What is the greatest ideal that I can be today?
2) Write down 4 thoughts that I will be conscious of the whole day.
3) What thoughts will I change-- how would I think & behave if I changed?
4) Gratitude
5) Meditate. Be mindful & aware of your surroundings.


Step 1: Start your day by asking " What is the greatest ideal of myself that I can be today". Tell your body that it is not the mind - you are- and switch all your thoughts to the present moment. Also change your self defeating habits by this method.

Step 2: Write down 4 thoughts you have and observe how you (a) speak (b) act (c)what your
emotions are (d) what energy do you have. Make and effort to change them to positive ones (if they are negative).

Step 3 : End of the day - feel gratitude - saying thank you is the ultimate state of receiving.

Step 4: Take time - sit down and close your eyes - develop awareness by being aware of your

Do the above 4 steps for 7 days as a challenge!


"Body, you are not the mind, I'm the mind right now, you're going to obey me". This notion might change my life.


1. Aware of your habitual routine, when you wake up, instead of checking IG, go meditating.
2. Write 1-2 thoughts that you want to stay focus for a day. (I am slim and beautiful), instead of thinking of the past environment that you're fat, focus not that you're on the way to become slim, and you will be, you're victory,because you're changing some aspect of your life
3. Mental rehearsal that your desire, that mixed with strong desires and faith, and try to stay that frequency.
4. Feel gratitude for what you've done and achieved in that day


Every day I wake up and listen to one of Joe’s YouTube videos. And every day I’m starting to say I need my daily Dispenza! My daily dose of Joe Dispenza. I’m navigating through this life with your help. Thank you sir!!!🙏🏻🤙


Absolutely awesome. I watched this and cried. This changes everything. Thank you so much


Did it ! And definitely change my vibes after the first day and still increasing after 5 days 🦋🙏🏼✨ time to change definitely


This awareness we Muslim called Taqwa . We express our gratitude by daily five prayer .


Believe it or not but i cured my OCD with this method. Every time I saw something that bothered me that I would normally need to get up and fix, i decided to see myself from outside, observing the program that was controlling me and said to my body "no, leave it" like to a dog really! And the more i did it the more my OCD felt ridiculous to me and while I still have some moments where it comes back, I feel so free now.


What is the greatest idea of myself for the day
4 thought
4 thinks you want to change
End of the day
Feel gratitude
Feel thankful


I replace negative words with positive words. I am a well-being, being well in my world of wellbeing I am joyfilled peace filled being . I say to all my friends and say how young are you today . I feel youthfilled .... and I visualise meditate daily with Dr Joe on my audible books and YouTube I am grateful ❤️


Wake up and as “ what is the greatest ideal of myself?”

-Write 4 thoughts you will become conscious of (emotions, thoughts actions you are governed by)
-What thoughts do I want to wire?
-Rehears the above - visualize

2. Gratitude at the end of the day. Live it - feel it! Change you’re state!!!

3. Take time to sit and open your awareness to the space around you 💕

Steady effort - clear intention


Humans only accept the thoughts that are aligned with the emotions we are feeling


Teach your body what gratitude feels like


Some of the greatest things humans can do towards other humans is, be kind to people with genuine love for one another, tell the truth even if it doesn't benefit you, don't project your problems onto others and constantly self reflect and become better than the day before. <3


Practice Morning meditation
And every time you leave the past and future behind and be present in this moment is a victory
Are you feeling like a victim?? That is your old self, feel the opposite emotions


Dr Joe is amazing
Thank you for everything you have experienced shared researched gone through your loving kindness to humanity
Omg thank you so much for being the example and living a purposed filled life. Blessings upon you, your family and your staff.
