The Truth About ASTRAL PROJECTION & How To Do It Properly! [5 Easy Steps]

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Learn what astral projection is, the 2 reasons why we should use it, and the 5 powerful steps to help you astrally project easily.




This video will help your consciousness fly into the sky like Superman or wonder woman!

Ok, maybe not exactly like a superhero but you will learn all you need to know about a spiritual phenomenon called Astral Projection…which is kinda like superheroes flying.

Astral travel is not the same as lucid dreaming and in this video, you’ll understand how this out-of-body experience is even more powerful.

You’ll learn:

💥Introduction (0:00)
💥 What astral projection really is. (1:10)
💥Top 2 reasons why we should incorporate this practice into our lives. (4:55)
💥 When not to use astral projection and if there are any dangers associated with it. (7:19)
💥 5 powerful steps to help you astrally project in an easy and quick way. (12:20)








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Stumbling upon Hidden Astral Projection Techniques on Shirlest was life-changing. I never imagined I could explore realms beyond my imagination. This is something everyone needs to try.


As a teen ager I would Astral project to visit my Italian grandmother who I missed deeply. Visits were quick like I knew it couldn't last long. We would verify visits on the phone describing what color night gown she wore etc. We kept this very secret as we were afraid people would think we were crazy.


Today during meditation, I astral traveled consciously for the first time and it was mind blowing. My awakening continues to grow and expand and I am so grateful to be alive


I am 78 now, when I travelled the first time I was 24. The results were such that It gave me several important shifts in consciousness. First: I realized myself as spirit. Second: from then on I lost all fear death. Third: it is unbelievable exhilarating, beats physical travel in any which way. Fourth: it was important in spiritual development.


When I was a young teenager, maybe around age 15 or so, one night I spontaneously astral traveled. I had never heard about it beforehand and it was very profound experience. I could hear fast, fast wind whipping by me and I could feel myself high in the air, I could see the cord connected to my physical body. This event caused me to go on a exploration to find what it was that happened to me. This was in the 90s before internet was readily available but in the library at school, I could order books from other libraries. This lead me to a new world of spirituality including the different types of yoga, Wicca, and psychedelics. I came across the publisher Llewelyn that exposed me to new worlds of thinking. It was truly a profound and life changing moment for me at such an important age. I am so grateful for it because it was the main event that lead me to where I am today. Thank you for reminding me of this and thank you for all your wonderful content and guidance.


Also, in my experience, the moment i allow fear to come in or i try too hard, or sometimes even if I get too excited that its brings me out of the projection immediately! I've learned to relax/breathe through that now.


WTF? I was getting deeper into astral projection today, and i was reading a many websities around that topic, and now you upload a video. Universe is crazy.


I have been a phenomenal dreamer since I was a very very young kid. My dreams have been vibrant & vivid always. I started learning to lucid dream as a kid & even did a pretty in depth research paper on dreams in 7th grade. A few months ago I bought a new crystal & laid down with it on my 3rd eye & I was totally awake & could physically feel my conscious move out of my head. Suddenly, I was in another room w/a guide or coach teaching me how to fly about the room. It was the raddest experience man! Since then, I've been exploring Astral Travel more & more. I am so thankful to you for this video. & especially for mentioning that this isn't to be used as an ESCAPE FROM REALITY!! I've had to redirect myself from using sleep & dreaming to escape my circumstances. Great video!


I’m so grateful! My entire life I’ve called them “travel dreams.” Now, I realize more readily how to tune in better, anytime. I also have had two NDEs and this information puts everything in context to how and why I’m energetically elevated. You’re amazing. Thank you!


When I was going through my spiritual awakening and thought I was going crazy I found you. And you helped a lot. Thank you and much love and light 💚🌞


For my spiritual awakening I accidentally astral projected. Was definitely interesting. I was doing long stretches and i ended up dissolving into the room and then I went up a rainbow (flying) my soul was there and so was another bright light (I thought I was in space) the bright light told me i have a very important mission here on earth and if I wanted to give up my mission and go back to space. I chose to come back to earth 🌍 I am assigned the role of the communicator


35 years ago I wrote a poem about experiencing this while I slept...Now I know what it's called. 💗

After infant febrile seizures and a short coma I began to experience FUGUES. I described it when young as being 2 places at once. Teachers acknowledged it went along with a vivid imagination.

When I was finally diagnosed with these "absence seizures" near age 30 I insisted, "I'm NOT absent!! I'm just somewhere else."

I've become a creative writer with vivid dreams, but not till after YEARS of paralysis after being told that everything special about me was just a medical symptom! Those years of spiritual oppression were dead and horrible. 😣

Now I'm back and eager to learn again. ☺


One of the treasures I found last year was - You, Your YouTube channel, & Your website where there are free resources available.

Your methods used in the “Activations” has what’s helped me with astral projects too. So the entire credits go solely to you ♥️


My awakening was Jan 1 2020 and my life has never been the same. I am so grateful and thankful. Christina you have been my mentor and coach throughout this journey. Thank you so much. 💚


I had experience twice with Astral projection when I'm going through a lot. I was flying with angels and spirits it's very windy, they took me to a beautiful place, greenery grass and flowers, people wear all white clothes, they all looking at me wave and give me a big smile, they all know me, calling my name in their mind and I picking up on it. I saw my grandma and granfa but my suprise they don't look old at all. No one looks old. I saw angels with wings and no wings. Then someone told me in my mind katherine time to go, no one is talking, but I'm picking up everything what they saying on their on mind. The only thing about it tho. When I came back in my body, I couldn't move my neck all the way down to my feet, only my eyes is moving, I couldn't even speak then I start panicking. I pray to God about it maybe few minutes I gain it back my movement. The second time is like I'm in a matrix, I don't know if I'm dreaming or what my room went spinning then I feel like I got sucked in a place, that night I fall sleep crying and praying to God. When my eyes is open I saw an angel standing over me, he hugged me telling me everything will be alright in my mind, a beautiful handsome face. I was hugging back and crying. I don't remember all of it. But the next day, morning I prayed because I don't know if it's a dream or what but to my suprise, when I fix my bed and on the floor, I saw feathers. I checked my pillows, my bed where the feathers came from, I don't have any explanation where it came from, I even showed to my bf that time ex now. I start crying and kneeling down praying they came and see me.


A cookie to your video editor! Love your videos - transitions, animations, captions, pictures, icons etc. - everything merged perfectly and makes it easy to follow your message!
Thank you for what you do!


I had a few experiences of sleep paralysis and hovering over my body. The third time that happened was 2 weeks ago. Today I finally astral projected. Floated through the roof of my house. I was able to hear people having conversations as I was flying past homes. It was spontaneous. Wasn’t trying to do it. I’ve never experienced anything else like this.


Ever since I was a little girl I was able to accidentally Astral project whenever I stayed up really late (til 3-4am)even before I knew what it was or what it was called. When I found out what it was I began to do a lot of research but I was hardly able to Consciously do it no matter how much I wanted to. I still do it unintentionally and I still don't really know how to get to any particular place especially because it's always so dark (I still only do it very early in the morning) but I guess this could be a sign for me to start practicing again... Thank you Christina for always sharing your knowledge with so much gentleness and love❤️


I'm so grateful that there are teachers like you in spiritual community. ❤️


I don't know about astral projection, but the truth is I'm in love with your hair style.
