Out of Body Experiences, Hidden Ancient Knowledge, Manifestation, Time Travel | Darius J. Wright

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👤 A prolific OBE explorer with deep insights into the nature of reality. Darius teaches and speaks about accessing unseen realms and awakening dormant abilities within all of us. He views OBEs and NDEs as one and the same, with OBEs being controlled NDEs that offer even greater depth and clarity. Unlike typical NDEs, Darius has a multitude of firsthand experiences and has encountered deceased relatives, explored the records of the other side, and accessed profound knowledge.



#manifestation #neardeathexperiences

0:00 Introduction
1:03 What is an out of body experience?
2:48 Reality Explained
13:20 What an out of body experience is really like
16:15 How ANYONE can learn to get out of body
21:20 Will’s journey with out of body experiences
24:10 Who is hiding the truth from the world?
27:50 Why the Elite Hide the truth
28:28 What the ancients knew that we don’t
31:40 Is there an objective good and evil?
33:51 How to find your life purpose
36:33 There's no such thing as Karma?
39:45 How to Time Travel
44:05 How manifesting ACTUALLY works
50:50 Is AI a threat?
59:30 The best food to eat to get out of your body
1:13:24 What is going on in Antartica?
1:16:21 Conclusion
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Darius has patience of Jedi trying to constantly adjust to different levels of consciousness in his answers. What a masterpiece of wisdom shared. Thank you both for this connection,


Darius was in a dream I had the other night. He was carrying a dog, the dog was in his arms like you would carry a baby. There were a lot of people around watching him. The feeling I got was he was someone important, in a way that he was super caring, compassionate & wise. I woke up with the feeling of calmness & re assurance. Lovely dream 🫶🌸


OMG I am a Spirit Communicator & Channeler and often connect with energies outside of our Earth realm, and YES I totally agree with Darius. Things are NOT as we have been told.


I have been down rabbit holes for the last 45 years, constantly looking for truth, this fella here has nailed it all down for me, all the puzzle pieces are fitting together, so thankful to have stumbled across him today, this is the second video I have watched of Darius today. Can’t thank him enough for sharing with the world and the mission that he on.


I know everything this young man is describing. I'm 47 now and this has been my world since my first OBE at 5 years old. Oh effing wow. I understand totally why he is reserved in what he shares but he has given me the courage to say it! Yes, this is not what you think it is! Being alive and human on this planet is the biggest trip you can ever go on. Plant medicines are awesome but once you walk in the light, no substance on earth can get you there. I still consume cannabis because I want to, but I don't need anything really but a quiet space or to sit outside and I'm there. It always fills my heart with joy to see someone from home. Thank you. See you on the other side my friend.


Darius carries the heavy aura of a 5th density being; the density of wisdom and truth. Wisdom is a heightened, calmer, and less unwavering version of 4th density love.


People with beautiful physical features, with a golden ratio, are usually advanced souls and they don't have karmic relations. Normally we can not see them on platforms like that, they stay hidden. And usually, the lesson they need to learn is to love themselves no matter what and they need to be loved. The pretty face helps them for this purpose. All in all what a beauty.


I wish this conversation would never end. It is the first time that I can honestly say I met a man who speaks my mind in many ways. When he said karma is bulls. Awww exactly how I feel about it. This knowledge could not resonate more. The most profound conversation I have been part of. I am super thankful for Darius sharing the little with us. Stay blessed always and do share so much more. There are those like me who are ready and eager for the truth. x


Maybe I am further on my path than I give acknowledgement to, but this reasonates. Much love to us all xx


Darius gives the most profound talks I have ever came across.


Wow so blessed & grateful to come across this interview. The statement " when the student is ready, the teacher will appear!" Is so syncronistic and on point!!! Thank you so very much!


I love this so much..in church today he was preaching God's judgment in the end times and my soul wanted to yell out not my God..but every one was all into it..but I feel sick when they talk about God like that..but makes me ? Myself when I see a whole church full of people aging..Like yes he will..like they have never sined..seems crazy to me ..but I'm the crazy one for thinking unconditional love can't have judgment


I’m very well aware of all of this. I’m a remote viewer. So happy to have found this guy.


I agree about Karma. Too many people are walking into the sunset with absolutely no repercussions for their toxic and horrific behavior. Though I will say - Darius you own website says that whatever you think and do is remembered in the field... so maybe explain the contradiction then. If there is no karma, why should we care about the thoughts/actions being recorded? If judgement doesn't exist on the other side... then how does it possibly matter on the other side what we did and didn't do because you have also talked about having to 'face' yourself on the other side - what are you facing exactly if there is no judgement? Because basically what I am hearing is - "if you don't have judgement towards yourself - you are going to get away with every last thing you do because YOU don't view it as problematic."


Thanks. I've had sleep paralysis since i can remember. I would have creatures move on my bed, sit on my chest, pinch my toes, and talk in my ear. I've always feared this, and now, in my late 30s, im starting to become curious.


I have so much respect for Darius and anyone who has achieved these abilities. The information they bring back is so valuable to me and so very fascinating. And I appreciate his service to mankind and freely giving this information out so to awaken peoples minds. To illuminate people's minds. 🙏👍


I work as a sleep tech. And I noticed I could always tell when someone was in REM just by looking at their body, instead of their brainwaves. It looks different and I wondered what that was. You mentioned their magnetic field is way down....that must be what it is.


Leaving another msg related to the last part of this video about various foods.
I've experimented with a variety of diets, & fasting.
And found no one specific diet of food harmful or more beneficial. Its basically more about our thoughts & feelings related to our wellness, & self-image & the labels we attach to various foods.
Example if I eat a big bowl of vanilla ice cream with a chocolate bar before bed everynight for a week, etc.. i can gain weight. And with that program running, & I eat feeling "guilt". I will gain weight. Yet if I eat from Joy & have 0 guilt, my body will not gain any xtra weight. And this is true with eating any food. Same with not eating. When I was into Breatharianism.. I accepted my body got its nourishment from the Prana Energy everywhere. Therefore breathing in Prana Energy becomes nourishing & my body adapts to what I Believe.
Basically dis-eases work similarly... we hear a commercial, or person, or whatever source share a Story, & in that process they share a symptom or symptoms... & if believed or felt as a possible reality, then when heard again, & repeatedly.. it can become a fear, & a possibility. And when we haven't practiced Self-Healing, we can easily become a Victim of Circumstances, instead of being the Creator of our Circumstances. And this is all happening unconsciously, until we become Conscious of how we are Creating Everything into our Experience.
As a Clinical Hypotherapist, Past-Life Regressionist, & Stage Hypnotist I understand how our subconscious mind works on auto-pilot, & most of our responces are from our conditioning, & learned, and memorized programming.
I've had OOBE'S since age 6yrs. And I dont feel fear when separated from my body. I just slip out. Basically I can tell my-Self I will have one tonite as I get into my bed, & I do shortly after. ❤ 😍 ❤
Self-Awareness should be taught in 1st grade thru College.. & should be a prioity over the rest of our programming. ❤


I'm a Christian and I never tried to leave my body during sleep. But it just happens to me for some reason. I remember Darius saying that he usually just rolls out of his body during an OBE. That scared me because that's what happens to me. I always thought it was just my mind playing tricks on me. But it happens when i experience sleep paralysis. I thought I was just manipulating my dream when i am half awake. I can feel a separate me lifting my arms and hands out of myself but I feel heavy so I just roll out of bed then i start to run around outside. But I get scared because of evil being there. I don't even ascribe to anything new age at all. So i don't know why this always has happened to me.

Also, that image of the construct he showed with two people looking at the Earth or construct as he called it, I remember as a kid thinking that in heaven God looks at us through this image or map that we are actually in and that's how i envisioned it. This is all very strange to me. The reason I still hold my reservations about all this is because whenever this happens to me, since I was a child, something aggressively tickles my neck or body. As a child something evil would harass me. So I don't know how good all this is...


The most powerful manifestation is the manifestaton of honor.
