What Will Happen to Your Body If You Do Cycling Every Day

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Cycling is a pretty efficient transportation method, casual sports activity, or hard-impact aerobic exercise. All you need to start cycling is a bike and probably some protective gear. No matter your fitness level, you can begin to cycle daily and reap excellent health benefits.

What will happen to your body if you do cycling every day? Well, you’ll feel better, improve your fitness levels and lower the risk of specific conditions and diseases. Data shows that more and more people have picked up cycling and are reaping its health benefits.

Intro - 00:00
1. You might lose weight - 01:01
2. You will feel happier - 01:58
3. You will get a stronger heart - 03:01
4. You will build strong, beautiful legs - 03:54
5. You will maintain optimal blood pressure levels - 04:23
6. You will age beautifully - 05:14
7. It offers an easy escape from a sedentary life - 05:47
8. You will build healthy lungs - 06:51
9. You will be more flexible - 07:28
10. It may lower cholesterol - 08:04
11. It will help you keep your fitness levels high - 08:33
12. You will sleep better - 09:03
13. You will have a stronger immune system - 09:45

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Рекомендации по теме

I am 78 years, been riding for 50 yrs, 500 to 4000 miles per year. Daily 6 mile s, multi day camping/motel tours, etc. Much more enjoyable than gym. Find a club for support, fun. Inspiration.


I started a few months ago, 2 miles was hard at first. Now I can knock out 20 miles.


I lost about 19% of my body mass by doing relaxing cycling 2 to 3 times per week,
and my fat tummy became flat,
and i turned from chubby to slim within one year


I've been cycling full-time for three years. When I started my A1C was 12 my kidneys was in real bad shape and blood sugar was 600 but now for the past 3 years since cycling my A1C is 5.3 blood sugar is perfect. The doctor took me off all my meds except monjero insulin. I love and I'm addicted to cycling and the weight loss is incredible and being noticed by beautiful women is a plus as well. If you're having problems with diabetes cycling will help to kill the deadly disease I can guarantee that if I can do it you can. The neuropathy is gone as well


Bike fit wise - seat height is very critical. Adjust in 1/4" increments until you find the sweet spot. Both shoes and clothing can affect this adjustment. Too low of a seat will put abnormal strain on your joints


Nothing that we don't already know. Run, walk, swim and change stock video and you have a new post.


"Improves mental health" Not if you want a better bike and you can't afford it 😂😂😂


My car blew up so cycling was my only option, the thing I've lost is my will to live


I cycled consecutively for 1905 days at an average of 26.1 miles a day. Unfortunately my consecutive days came to an end when some deranged driver pulled up along side me on July 11th, 2023 screaming every nasty word ever written down to get on the sidewalk, even though it is illegal in all 50 states for an adult to ride a bicycle on the sidewalk. I ignored him and that hurt is tiny feelings. He decided to take the law into his own hands because of his hurt feeling knocking me to the ground. I broke my hip and my right leg femur in two places. I've been unable to walk since then and the doctor says that he would be surprised if I am walking before November 2023.
In all truth the only thing that the 1905 consecutive days got me is deranged women pulling up along side me and screaming at me "What an @$$", then giggling their head off like a little school girl, like calling someone an @$$ was funny, and driving off.


Some places it's had to bicycle 🚲 ride when it's -20 below for months of the year, unless you buy a Studded front bicycle tire.


It will looks like someone who cycling .
Case closed :*


Bahaha! Let's cycle to work. Let's say your commute by car is the standard 30 minutes. How long would that take on a bike? 2 hours? And I would NEVER take my chances of not getting hit on the highway by the crazies driving 80 mph or more on the highway. What world does the person that this video live in?
