🦿 Fix Your Knee Instability

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#kneepain #kneerehab #quads #legday #strengthtraining #stability

Knee rehab doesn’t have to just take place on the leg extension machine. Come on guys, that is one of the worst ways to work on the stability of the knee joint. A lot of people forget about the dimensions of the knee and only look at it as a flexion/extension provider. AND IT IS NOT!

Did you know that your knee also provides rotation? Yes, on a minimal scale, but still. It is a movement, that is available, so why not use it for your rehab.

I like to challenge the knee from different angles and positions, using bands and obviously loaded and unloaded exercises. This way, I am asking a lot more from my knee joint, than I would if I just do flexion extension.

Learn more about knee rehab from the link below or my bio:

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