How to stop overthinking

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Yessss! Overthinking manifests the fears that you’re overthinking. It comes from feeling like you need to be in control and determine the outcome of situations when those experiences are needed to help you grow and learn not only your strengths but your weaknesses also. That’s why I don’t put expectations on anything. I focus on staying positive and allowing God to bring the results because what’s meant to happen is going to happen! No matter how much you try to control it, force it, or reject it


Anxiety is thinking in future tense, and depression is thinking in past tense. When you live in the now, and only focus on what you’re doing in that moment, you’re way more likely to achieve your goals and what you’re working towards I love everything you said.


“Why do we think God as so small” THIS. Oh my gosh. This opened up my mind so much!


"whatever these people are going through or whatever they have, you cannot take that away from tehm. that's for THEM" thank you for this one 💞


I watched this in the morning, and mid day during school, two of my friends said something that hurt my feelings, and instead of sitting in a corner and crying about it, it was the first time in my life when i faced them about it, of course it was a heated argument, but by the end of the day, as I could`ve never expected, they both came to me and apologized sincerely. I never thought I would be able to stand up for myself without anyone by my side This is one of the many things I`m thankful for TheWizardLiz, for teaching me. You're truly an inspiration.


Wow, that was quite the deep dive into handling overthinking! I agree with you that anxiety and overthinking can create whole scenarios that might never even happen, so a lot of your energy which should be reserved for creation is wasted on worrying.

Thank you for talking about it!


“Everything in my life happened exactly the way it was supposed to happen” is EXACTLY what I needed to hear. Thank you so much, this singular quote helped me see my life in a much more productive and enlightening way.


This is so important for people who automatically assume the worst with everything. Thank you Liz!


0:52 : No one knows you and you don't know anyone.
2:49 : Voice your thoughts in the moment.
4:20 : Empty your thoughts by journaling or creating something out of it.
4:40 : Where is that trigger or fear coming from?
6:10 : Look at facts instead of feelings.
7:00 : Poke the thoughts away.
7:31 : "What if" does not exist.
8:19 : Look for solutions instead of dwelling on problems: What can you control? How can we fix this?
8:50 : Don't be afraid to ask for help.
9:33 : Find ways to calm your mind and body down.
9:56 : Breathing exercises.
10:20 : Yoga and meditation.
11:00 : Life works itself out for you.
12:41 : It was not meant for you.
13:41 : Accept that people will dislike you.
14:56 : Stop thinking so small minded.
15:23 : You are not your failure.
16:09 : People that believe in themselves get everything done.
16:35 : Let go of trying to be perfect.
17:40 : You are not their opinion.
19:00 : Social media is making everyone crazy.


It’s crazy how I was literally overthinking and thought “I need to change my mindset” and I opened youtube to see she posted this 1 minute ago. Liz is queen


Today was the first day I stood up for myself. Because of your videos. Thank you.


Anxiety is insane. Panic attacks are terrible. 3 years with it. I’m only a teenager, but I’m forever grateful my family supports me in everything. As well as my friends. I’ve never noticed it. I have always been a strong person, always will be. My heart is pure. I need constant reassurance but I can also reassure myself in this journey. Who am I?? Idk but I got this! Thank u, Liz


Here are some of my favourites lines. Thankyou Liz for sharing with us these lessons. They're precious: 0:54 No one knows you and you don't know anyone. We only have perceptions of other people. I’m the same person, but people have different experiences with me.
You can accept that: hey listen, even though I might have thought I did a great job, that other person didn’t have a great experience with me, and that’s okay.
2:48 Voice your thoughts in the moment
If I didn’t like sth I’ll tell you in the moment: I didn’t like that, please don’t do that.
6:12 Look at facts instead of feelings
That person? Probably busy.
Ask yourself: Is this what I’m thinking right now: this thought, is it TRUE?
7:05 Imagine a thought coming up like a bubble, and you poking it with a needle, immediately when it comes.
7:32 Overthinking can not change anything. "What if" does not exist.
8:33: Problem comes, we solve it.
8:54: Don't be afraid to ask for help. You’re not weak. You’re very strong. You’re reaching out to people and saying: Hey, I can’t handle this on my own. You know how much courage that takes? That is incredibly strong and people will help you.
9:35 Calm your mind and body down: sleep, yoga, breathing exercises, go out for a walk in nature, go watch the sunset, go to the beach
11:03 Life works itself out for you
When you come to a stage that you get what you want, you will look back and be like: You know what, I’m grateful for those lessons, I’m grateful I went through what I went through because I would not be the person that I am today.
12:43 Stop overthinking why this did not work, why this happened to me. Why did I not get this job? It was not meant for you, have peace with that. You were not supposed to have that thing. Maybe it’s because you were meant to have something much greater.
13:15 The Universe is always protecting me and whatever is removed from my life and whatever opportunities I didn’t get, is because the Universe is giving me something BIGGER.
13:44 There are some people who dislike you but that does not define you. You don’t have to take their perception of you, as your reality.
15:44: Start thinking BIGGER for yourself. You think you were created and put on this Earth to just suffer? NO. I think we were put on this Earth to have the BEST LIFE POSSIBLE and I believe the Universe is backing me like crazy.
My LIFE is Great because I am alive.
16:10 People that believe in themselves get everything they want.
16:38 Let go of trying to be perfect. You’ll never be perfect because every single person out there has a different perception of what perfect is. That’s when you let go of trying to impress.
Whatever you’re doing, you’re standing behind it, that you love it.
17:42 Whoever made you feel like you’re not good enough. You are not their opinion. You are NOT their opinion. You don’t take that reality for yourself. You have to reaffirm to yourself: I AM THE GREATEST. I am so good. I am amazing. I’m mesmerizing. I will get everything I want.
19:55 The only way you make yourself grow is: by putting gratitude into your life, by being grateful for what you have . That’s how everything will expand more and more.
20:39 Just realize that whatever is meant for you will happen anyways, and what is meant for them will also happen. Have peace with yourself and have peace with life.


0:54 No one knows you and you don't know anyone
2:48 Voice your thoughts in the moment
4:22 Empty your thoughts by journaling or creating something out of it
4:45 Where is that trigger or fear come from?
6:12 Look at facts instead of feelings
7:05 Poke the thoughts away
7:32 "What if" doesn't exist
8:21 Look for solutions instead of dwelling on problems : What can you control? How can we fix this?
8:54 Don't be afraid to ask for help
9:35 Find ways to calm your mind and body down
9:59 Breathing exercises
10:22 Yoga and meditation
11:03 Life works itself out for you
12:43 It was not meant for you
13:14 God/the universe is always protecting you
13:44 Accept that people will dislike you
14:59 Stop thinking so small minded
15:26 You are not your failure
16:10 People that believe in themselves get everything done
16:38 Let go of trying to be perfect
17:42 You are not their opinion
19:04 Social media is making everyone crazy

I love you, Liz. Liz is so kind hearted. Sharing all of these stuff freely. Thank you, Liz. You are like an older sister that I've never had because I'm the first daughter. So glad I met your channel. May Allah bless you with a lot of good deeds and let you enter jannah. Aamiin.


one thing i have noticed about liz different from other youtubers is she doesn’t need an intro or outro to her channel. she never says or needs to say “like, comment, and subscribe.” most youtubers do those things because they are desperate to grow their channel and gain more following, but liz doesn’t need to do that. little things like this show me what she teaches about confidence and detachment are so true. yes she had this dream to be a youtuber and help others, but her genuineness and confidence is what brought her so far. she has far more subscribers and views than many youtubers who do those things ever will. speaks for itself❤


شكد كلامه حلووو وتخلي الشخص عنده ثقه بالنفس وتقوي الواحد ❤❤


Thank you for being you, Liz. You posted this video at the perfect moment for me, when I needed it most.


No joke, today I was overthinking and crying and making everything worse in my head and you posting this video is just perfect timing. Thank you sooo much ❤️❤️❤️


The fact that she say those words herself and not simply displaying on the screen made it even more better ❤❤❤


She's literally scolding us 😂 and she sounds so angry which means she really cares for us and i love her imma watch this vd every morning so my stupid ass can benefit from her words the most
