How To Stop Overthinking EVERYTHING | Mel Robbins

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Stop overthinking everything and take control of your life.

You know how fast this year passed by? Time is only going to keep speeding up. Stop screwing around with your life and do the work to change it.

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*The pain of discipline is always less than the pain of regret.*


The less we overthink the better our mental clarity is


I am so guilty for watching tons of YT videos and reading tons of self help books. Yet I rarely make a change, until someone like Mel start speaking directly to me and holding me accountable.


when people say, stop overthinking and things, thats not how our mind works. as soon as you say that, you ganna start overthinking even more.


"You can have the knowledge and not take action" true


I'm a nervous wreck from not having a job (tight financial situation). A thought of getting a job that rips me out of my comfort zone, my bubble, my home, from my beloved hobbies... gives me just as bad, if not worse, anxiety. I overthink everything, I'm so afraid of messing something up because I don't understand it... I should change things in my life... but I just couldn't be arsed to do it. I may start, but give up in a few days.


"Paralysis by analysis" is REAL, and I do sometimes "get in my head" but what has helped me was taking action even a small one. For me, small action proceeds motivation and not the other way around. Thank you Mel.


I’m watching this now that I feel anxiety and depression but I’m going to keep watching this even after I get over it


Hey viewer. You are such an amazing person it’s okay to go for it! Start now. Small steps are okay. Just start today. 🌸


This is probably the 5-6th video I am watching with Robin. I like her simplicity, the depth of her messages and her non sophisticated, no high maintenance image. Pretty authentic IMO unlike other speakers on here.


This is very true. Just DO and the flow comes naturally.


The thing that helped me the most move through the subconscious programming that led to being a procrastinator was adding heart-brain coherence to my daily spiritual routines.

Learning how to vibrate at the elevated frequency of gratitude and appreciation connects you with the universe as science is now proving; the quantum field has the same frequency as the human heart in elevated emotions which is why we feel grateful when we receive...the universe GIVES everything so the E-motion we experience matches that universal field and when that frequncy match happens everything changes. the subconscious then goes about creating your dreams into reality..and part of that is your inspiration (inspire = in Spirit) soars and you do the right actions, you stop procratinating or whatever you subconscious block is....and you show up in the world differently more conducive to manifesting your the question is CAN YOU BE GRATEFUL FOR A REALITY THAT HASN'T YET HAPPENED? That is the secret. Happy holidays everyone.


I use the 5 second rule to get out of bed, thanks to Mel's story in another video. It works, as soon as I start counting down I feel compelled to get up no matter how cosy I am. It does really cut through thinking so you've no choice but to take action, I really need to do this in other areas of my life too.


The comment of learning but not doing something about it is definitely me!! I hate being uncomfortable and my fear of actually doing it holds me back


This woman is divine. Such an inspiration. So real and raw. I love her so much. She cares. Wants us to be better versions of ourselves. Provides the tools, guidance, nudges we need to make the changes in our lives we so desperately desire. There is hope. Thank you Mel


“It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare; it is because we do not dare that things are difficult." -Seneca


If you can’t get the point out in 5 to 10 minutes I’m no longer listening. That’s my adhd. Makes life tough. Your YouTubes mostly are quick and to the point. Very helpful.


This hit the nail on the head! I get so overwhelmed by the barrage of information coming at me about self-help, and then feel depressed because I haven’t taken the steps necessary to pull myself out of my pit. I think baby steps are the only option for me. Thanks for this, love you Mel, God Bless! ❤️


She is absolutely correct. Fear of moving on something is paralyzing. I didn't have this until habit until my husband passed away suddenly from a brain aneurysm and the grief from that loss and feeling that the rug was totally pulled out from me has contributed to me being frozen. She gets it!!!


She’s SO real. Doesn’t hesitate to throw in some cussing to express her deepest feelings to help us! I have changed some habits in one week!!!
