Full Body Yin Yoga | Relax and Stretch in 45 min with Travis Eliot

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Join Travis Eliot for a 45-minute yin yoga full body stretch that will help you relax, release tension, and improve your flexibility. This is a great class for beginners and experienced yogis alike. In this class, you will learn a variety of yin yoga poses that target all areas of the body. Travis will especially guide you to bring a healing yin touch to the shoulders, chest, neck, legs, and spine. You will also learn how to breathe deeply and mindfully to enhance the benefits of the practice.

Yin yoga is a slow-paced form of yoga that focuses on holding poses for longer periods of time. This type of yoga is ideal for improving flexibility and releasing tension.

After this class, you will feel relaxed, refreshed, and more flexible. So what are you waiting for? Try this class today and let us know how you feel in the comments below!

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Travis Eliot is a world-renowned yoga instructor and meditation teacher. He is the co-founder and co-CEO of Inner Dimension TV, a transformative online yoga, meditation, and daily wisdom platform known for its groundbreaking yoga programs such as, “Flow and Stretch,” “Level Up 108,” “Power Yoga 108,” “Yoga Detox 30,” “Yoga 30 for 30,” “Yoga 45 for 45,” “Flexibility and Beyond,” etc. Travis’ style is intensely dynamic and has inspired many of today’s top athletes, celebrities, and entertainers. His teachings have impacted hundreds of thousands of students in over 85 countries, making him one of the most sought-after teachers in his field.
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As I get older and practice yoga and meditation, I realized that the managed discomfort I feel in the stretches of yoga is a practice of accepting that discomfort to help me learn how to breath through and accept the emotional pain in life when it occurs. I go to the edge of the yoga stretch discomfort and hold and breath and think, "accept, accept -this is like life's pains so breath and accept." This is the letting go for me.


He is one of the best yoga teachers ..


I have been scrolling for a practice to help me grieve the loss of my brother. I am in awe of how this session gave me peace. Thank you ❤


I am a 60 years old active woman. I love and have been practicing yoga daily for the past 16 years . I came across this video accidentally and decided to try it even though the sciatic pain was taking over my left side. I just wanted to tell you THANK YOU, THANK YOU for a great video! I loved it and for sure will come back . Sharing it now with friends 🙏🧘‍♀️Namaste good soul 😘🌺


I come for your Yin sequences but honestly I stay for your voice. Your message is so beautiful.


These yin practices are great for a pre-workout and rehab. I tore my meniscus almost a year ago, and things are taking a wihle to heal. After stretching like this I can really feel the blood flowing through the tight and injured areas.


Travis your story about the monks and letting go brought me to tears. This has been so powerful and a huge impact on my life. I'm so grateful to have been recommend your channel by a friend.

For a long time I had been frustrated with a chest injury that hadn't gone away for over a year. But through that injury I discovered yoga, and thats had far more of a positive effect on my life than any negative the injury can have on it. Funny how the universe works sometimes. We can always find some good even in the most challenging and dark circumstances. That's something my dad told me and has stuck with me.

Anyway thanks so much for what you do. You've changed my life and so many others too!


Love your stories and thank you for shining your healing light on earth


Just a massive thank you & gratitude to you & your team for all you do here 🙏🏼🩷


This was a great stretch for the body. I truly enjoyed it. The story about the monk and the tea was so enlightening. Thank you Mr. Travis for such good yoga medicine for the body. God bless! Stay safe!


OMG…. this is real yoga!! Thank you …..have been practicing since the pandemic with vartious YouTube instructors but this practice was the real deal… can’t wait to take more of your classes. Thank you ! So thankful you popped up on my feed !


So beautiful. I am blessed to have found yin yoga at 75 after years of practising yoga and then feeling a bit estranged from it. This is just what I need in my life right now. Thank you to all the wonderful yin yoga teachers.


More ‘full body’ yin please. Thank you so much for imparting your knowledge to us. Bless you.


I cried. I cleansed. I needed it. Thank you. Namaste. My soul is moving on fulfilling it’s purpose ❤


Wonderful class. Thank you for this generous class and many others on this platform. The lateral flexion movements was just what I needed today. As I’m getting older, I’m losing the flexibility that I had as a professional dancer. No truer words have been said, “if you don’t use it, you’ll loose it.” As I’m getting older, i gravitate to yin yoga for various reasons but mostly to release everything the body, mind and spirit holds on to. Thank you again


Thank you Travis Elliot! I love your philosophy of life! Its like therapy ❤


I am thankful for the practice. Thank you, Travis. Namaste 🙏


Thank you Travis for this challenging yoga stretch. I used be so flexible but as I got older, I am almost 70, I became stiffer and stiffer. I couldn’t hold the poses as long as you said but I feel much better even after this first practice. I will be practicing this every night as sleep has been a problem that came with age. But with you I know I will reach my flexibility goals. YOU ARE GRRRREAT…


I wish for our world that everybody could feel and live this peace you spread with you practice. Lots of love from Germany 🙏🏼☮️


One of the best yoga practices. The music, the flow of poses and your calm tone keeps me coming back for more. Thank you!
