How to do Sciatic Nerve Flossing

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Chiropractor Owain Evans demonstrates the Sciatic nerve flossing technique

This will help reduce leg pain which occurs as a result of irritation to the sciatic nerve.

Sciatic nerve irritation should always be diagnosed by a medical professional.

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Thanks for getting straight to the point instead of making a 15 min clip to show us how to do a 30 second exercise like most other guys are doing!


I 2nd it. Thank you for not giving us 27 minutes of BS for a 30-second exercise.


I'm so glad I found this. I've been suffering for weeks and can hardly walk. Several visits to a physiotherapist and nothing helped - this worked immediately


This helped a lot. Appreciate it dude!


Could you explain how the neck component affects the sciatic nerve? Doesn't it just run from lower back to foot?


Back pain sucks! My PT offered a standing version for me and it did actually help. I would add to the video a main point left out in the video. The point is to expect pain but accept that u can periodically stop and be pain free then repeat until the pain is your max level and then relax then repeat. In the end the nerve is stretched around the bulging disc and learns to stay in the stretched position instead of interfering and triggering spasms. Hope this extra tip and explanation helps others. In my case with my lumbar hernia I was given horizontal back traction for maybe 10 minutes then stand up and be completely pain free for a few minutes. While pain free and standing leaning my butt on the table knees locked, lift my right heal a few inches off the ground and lean forward from my shoulders until some pain. Of course we want to avoid the pain but PT said let's try this. Stand back straight. Pain free? Yes. Repeat and go for a bit more movement and pain. Go for level 8 pain and then relax. Still fairly pain free? Yes. Repeat level 8 pain. At this point I noticed I was able to bend further while keeping below "pain level puke". Lol. I laugh now but it was a relief and personal break through. Eventually it hurt a lot that day but after a couple weeks of this 3xs a day I returned to work and after maybe 2 months i could work without pain. After a year i hear the body can break down the protruding disc but still be careful in life as we get old we cant bounce and twist and shovel 10 yards of gravel and sit with bad posture for hours and expect our bodies to be ok. I'm 40 yo now.


There is another version of the floss that can be done. Raise your leg with your toes flexed until you feel that distinct pain. Than you look up and flex your foot and look down and point. Keep you leg up to the point of pain do not bend and straighten. You can also do this laying down and use a strap of you cannot keep your foot elevated. Go see a Doctor of Physical Therapy that specializes in muscle release techniques.... Amazing results can occur


First Thank you, this is a great simple, and so effective, I've suffered from sciatica for a long time, and this is the easiest fastest, and can be done pretty much anywhere anytime exercise for the sciatic nerve. It is weird because I'd been thinking about looking for a good sciatic nerve floss video for a few days now...Youtube Algorithm reading my thoughts now. lol


This movement causes a lot of nerve type pain in my calf and behind the knee. I also feel some tingling in my heel. Should I be experiencing this and is this normal?


Thank you! Why do I feel it in my heel though? D:


My back hurts like crazy, I wish I could get some relief, this works for a short period but then it just comes back!


Would these be exercises I do prior to a run or after run?


Hi i need your advice i cant even do this flossing very gentle, it triggers my sciatica symptoms.... i am trying very gentle, not the full movement, still tingling after it for a hour or longer. What do?


Is sciatica curable or is this something I’ll have have for the rest of my life?


Hi, good video. What does this do exactly? Does this cause your nerve to glide? Would you recommend this for someone who has limited hamstring flexibility due to scar tissue in their back from a disk herniation?


What if you got footdrop and cant point your left foot towards yourself?


I don’t have sciatica but watching this video has made me feel a whole lot better 😋


Never wish "good luck" Mr. Chiro, there is no luck in taking care of our wellbeing. Wish "good success" instead ! 🙂


How often and for how long would you recommend doing this?


I was told at physio to do this 15 times 3 times a day but on the description sheet it says bend over slouch my back and have my feet down then raise my feet an head at the same time while straighten my back. Can it be done without slouching over. I have sciatica and arthritis in my back and bursitis in my hip and leg .
