Sciatic Nerve Pain Relief Stretches

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The first stretch is for the inner hamstrings and adductor muscles. Try to stay in good alignment during the stretch.

Next is a sciatic nerve glide or sciatic nerve flossing. This helps get movement if the nerve is compressed somewhere, and it also helps activate the whole nervous system.

Finally is a three way hamstring stretch with a strap. This will also help stretch the IT band and adductors as well.

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Doctor Jo is a Physical Therapist and Doctor of Physical Therapy.


Sciatic Nerve Pain Relief Stretches:

DISCLAIMER: This content (the video, description, links, and comments) is not medical advice or a treatment plan and is intended for general education and demonstration purposes only. This content should not be used to self-diagnose or self-treat any health, medical, or physical condition. Don’t use this content to avoid going to your own healthcare professional or to replace the advice they give you. Consult with your healthcare professional before doing anything contained in this content. You agree to indemnify and hold harmless Ask Doctor Jo, LLC and its officers for any and all losses, injuries, or damages resulting from any and all claims that arise from your use or misuse of this content. Ask Doctor Jo, LLC makes no representations about the accuracy or suitability of this content. Use of this content is at your sole risk.
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I was in so much pain I was sobbing when I found this video, 2 stretches later and I'm shocked by the jarring difference in my pain level. It's an insane improvement, I don't think I've been in so little pain in literal years.


I’ve had this for about 4 months now and that last stretch, wow! I wanted to cry from feeling relief for the first time in months!


Woke up at 3am with the worst sciatic pain. I’ve been rolling around in pain for about an hour and finally came across this video and had almost instant relief. The pain is still there, but it is much less and more bearable. Thank you ❤


Woke up in the middle of the night in agony, instantly felt relief with the first 2 stretches


New to sciatic pain - I started walking 3 miles a day with my husband about a week and a half ago to manage stress. I just started jogging a portion of the 3 mi a couple days ago and I've definitely angered something in there. I know better than to just go full tilt and I know to stretch, but man, sitting at my desk is ROUGH. Tried this video out and I hope to feel some relief like others here - the comments are quite encouraging! Currently, it's about the same as before the stretches but, again, I'm hopeful and patient!


That last hamstring stretch had me yelling out in the best way. Grateful for these and hopeful they’ll get me back to running soon 🎉❤




This stretches got me feeling so good. These sciatic nerve pain has lead to my foot pain for the past two weeks and it got me walk like 80 years old or even older while I'm only 24. Thank you for the stretch and exercise tips.


Wow, I started having issues with sciatica about 3 weeks ago, and didn’t get any relief from other stretching videos. As soon as I did your first stretch, I could feel a difference. No pain this morning for first time in 3 weeks. Thank you and subscribed!


Thank you! Thank you! Once again you’ve given us an amazing video. I got out of bed right after doing these stretches to see if the pain went away when I stood or walked, and sure enough I experienced a lot of relief! I will be referencing your videos to friends and family Dr. Jo. You are a great physician and instructor!! Thank you again!


Glad I found your channel for sciatic nerve relief. The stretches you provide are working to help relieve my pain level. Yay!


Just confirmed that I had sciatic yesterday and my therapist gave me this. Thank you Dr.Jo for this great stretching exercises. Hope I’ll get better soon. Stay healthy n safe to everyone :)


Came here in lots of pain, the first stretch was hardest and I was in too much pain to be able to do it, but the second stretch was doable for me. Going to keep doing the second stretch daily until I’m able to do the first one


Hello Dr. Jo, I feel like you are addressing all my physical therapy issues. I love it that I an continue to add to my library yet another wonderful and very helpful video from you!💗


You rock seriously. I’ve utilized so many of your videos but I have sciatic issues from an L5-S1 fusion and these stretches literally save me from horrible nerve pain. Anyone who hasn’t experienced nerve pain I envy, it’s the worst kind. Thank you for the info you provide to help us all! <3


Thank you Dr.Jo! I have this video saved and everytime I feel like my sciatic nerve is starting to flare up, I play this and do the stretches. I always feel instant relief. Sciatica is so painful and immobilizing, I never wanna wish it upon anyone. I hope everyone feels better!


I’m 3 days into having these pains, turned my life upside down feeling this pain. I really hope this helps ❤


Wincing after another sleepless night and a pain start to the day. Went through these stretches and feeling immediate relief!! Grateful for this video today 🙏 thank you, Dr.!


I am not sure how to thank you for the video, i was suffering from back pain from past 1 years almost, slowly i realised it was siatic nerve pain, tried lot of exercises, yoga, even some of your exercises too but nothing worked, i gave up and baught a massager it worked well for couple of days but again the pain was back, i dont know why, but I just searched on you tube again for some siatic nerve exercise and this video fixed things for me like magic in a week time it was gone, I was not able to see the doctor all these while because of covid but a lot and lots of thanka to you :) love and respect from India :)
