Your Mental Health...Why is it important? Why does it Matter? What can you do about it!?

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Mass Mind Collective Consciousness:

Your mental health...Does it matter? Why?
When picturing health, your mind probably goes straight to your body...its natural. However, Emotional health is an important part of your overall health…

Studies have shown a connection between regulated mental health and the body's physical health. A more holistic health approach will consider the state of both your mind and body, often referred to as the mind-body connection.

People who are emotionally healthy are in control of their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. They’re able to cope with life’s challenges, and they can keep problems in perspective and bounce back from setbacks. They feel good about themselves and have good relationships.

So how do we get on the Path to improved health? what can we do, how can we keep up and most importantly how can we cope with everything that is going on around us: Here are some steps you can take to improve your emotional health. There are many ways to improve or maintain good emotional health. Let’s talk about them in this video.

Friends be sure to consider that People who have good emotional health can still have problems. Mental illness often has an emotional and physical cause. There could be a chemical imbalance in your brain. Stress and problems with family, work, or school can trigger mental illness or make it worse.

Counseling, support groups, and medicines can help people who have emotional problems or mental illness. If you have an ongoing emotional problem, talk to your doctor right away. They can help you find the right type of treatment.

• Mental Health
• Why is Mental Health Important
• Relationship between mental and physical health
• How to improve our mental health
• How mental health affects our life
• How mental health affects our relationships, work, and school

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