7 Signs Your Mental Health Will Get Better

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Have you ever experienced a rough couple of weeks because of your mental health? Will your mental health get better even if you don't realize it? This video can help answer that!

Writer: Ananya Sawarkar
Script Editor: Vanessa Tao
Script Manager: Kelly Soong
VO: Amanda Silvera
Animator: Gustavo (New Animator)
YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong

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Signs your mental health will get better:
1. Greater Interest in activities 0:23
2. Feeling less overwhelmed 0:55
3. More regular appetite 1:20
4. Better self-image 1:46
5. Better hygiene and grooming 2:16
6. Better concentration 2:46
7. Much more Energy 3:08


I started having a regular apetite and started taking care of myself in terms of hygiene and fitness, but never thought I could be actually getting better. Thank you for opening my eyes!


Remember, everyone: if you're having a good day or life just seems generally pretty good, if only for a few hours, thrive in that. Accept it, and don't think about when it'll end or if things will get worse afterwards. Just hold on to that inner peace while it lasts, and treasure it. Hopefully, you'll realize that you deserve this, that this is how life ought to be, and these moments will begin to define your life more than any despair or misery.

Best of luck to you all. We can do this.

update: The replies to my comment have been as touching and comforting to me as said comment seems to have been to all of you! Thank you, and stay safe, everyone.


This is crazy. My mental health just got really bad. Like, I have been wanting to do things lately, but just haven't had the energy. It's been like a week, so hopefully things start on the up and up again.


I am happy I was able to beat depression, I never thought I could get better. you will get better as well it's just the matter of time


It’s such a liberating feeling when you start to feel these!


I cried watching this because I was at my lowest during the holiday and now I'm starting to love to do all the activities I used to avoid in the holiday. I hope those waves of sadness never came again but that's not possible so in this getting better phase I just want to take my time to thank myself and live to the fullest. stay safe all <3


To the *worthwhile person* seeing this, Don’t allow the past and current pains and hurts stop and define you. You’re more than a conqueror. Rise up and put yourself together. Keep pushing your future depends on it. I wish you all the best in life ❤️.


Yeah this means I've still got a lot of work to do with my mental health. eating and hygiene were never a problem thank God. The last thing I need is physical health problems too


the pandemic had resulted in all of us going derail with our mental healths in general, so it’s really heartwarming to notice these signs in oneself :(💗
to anyone reading this: you’re doing your best okay, please be kind and gentle with yourself 💗


I had such positive signs last month however lately I have started to feel depressed again. This video gave me hope and courage to not give up fighting my depression.Thank you for the video and the perfect timing.


On the path of getting better, you helped a lot so thank you


I am on the path of healing and can definitely see some of these signs in the process. For me, The fact that I realised that I need to help myself worked the things around for me 💫


Your channel really inspired me since I’m a small youtuber thank you Psych2Go 😉


I've been trying to make a much more healthier take on my diet, such as drinking more water (yeah, i didn't take care of myself all that well), drinking fruit and sometimes vegetable smoothies, and avoiding fast food whenever I have enough money to afford something healthier and filling.

I've also been slowly getting back into drawing, and I've been doing my best to think more optimistically. Things really will get better, I can't wait to see what the future holds.


Another way that your mental health is getting better is you can see through the lies. When I was grieving, I created a false reality that I am beginning to see through now.


I can't believe that finally, my mental health is getting better. I no longer feel numb, I feel ALIVE


This is a very good topic for a video. Basically pulling yourself out of real clinical depression and seeing the light out of a really dark tunnel. When motivation comes naturally, go with it


This made me feel a lot better. Recently I’ve started playing a game I hadn’t played in months. I wanted to, I just never had the energy. Along with that, I’ve started to see myself in better light. I’ve kinda learned that if someone doesn’t like me, it’s their issue, and their loss.


What Hs really helped me is looking forward to exciting things in the future. For example, I want to buy a old VW van and paint it light blue or green and place a pull out bed in it. Then I’ll take it down to the beach everyday and surf all day! I’ll also take three dogs down there too! If I get too sunned out, I can go inside the van and rest! Look forward towards things in the future!
