Yoga Camp Day 3 - I Embrace

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Yoga Camp - Day 3! 30 Days Of Yoga Camp continues. Embrace the process with this 35 min full at-home yoga practice. Yoga is about embracing your full potential by leaning into the process. What will you lean into today? What will you hug and embrace?

This affirmation thing still weirding you out? Don't believe in the power of word or thought? Perfectly happy with current mental wellness?

Then, embrace the stretch! You are perfectly where you are supposed to be - so embrace it and enjoy!

Share your experience down below and with #YOGACAMP

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Based on requests from the community, we are excited to announce a downloadable version of YOGA CAMP. It is offered on a donation basis, so just pay what feels good! This is perfect for those that might be traveling or in areas with inconsistent internet. Download the videos and take them with you!

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❤️ WELCOME to the Yoga With Adriene YouTube channel! Our mission is to connect as many people as possible through high-quality free yoga videos. We welcome all levels, all bodies, all genders, all souls! SUBSCRIBE to the channel and join our global movement! ❤️

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Yoga With Adriene, LLC recommends that you consult your physician regarding the applicability of any recommendations and follow all safety instructions before beginning any exercise program. When participating in any exercise or exercise program, there is the possibility of physical injury. If you engage in this exercise or exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself.
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I'm here in 2024 and it's so fun to revisit these older Adriene practices! I feel like the style is a little different from her current one, and I appreciate the change of pace!


33rd day of every day yoga with Adriene and I just did lions breath in my garden while the neighbors were also in their garden. What a day, what a day :)


"Embrace the tremble" is definitely my mantra!


Day three, I'm feeling alright. First time doing yoga like this. Also I am extremely obese.
Had to stop the first day at 25 minutes because my wrist were in so much pain and yesterday had to do it in two parts it was hard with being so big in the mid section I got a bit discouraged. Thank you for being so kind in your videos and assuring us its okay if we cant do something and if we need a break that it's normal for beginners. Ready to do these 30 days.


I accept my life.
I create my future.
I embrace my power to follow my heart.
Thank you for day 3!


At first, I didn't think I would enjoy yoga, but after just doing the "Yoga Camp" for three days, I feel more confident about yoga :)


Hi Adriene. I've been struggling with eating disorders for 10 years et I just stopped school and work due to social anxiety and depression. I met your channel only three days ago. Finding interest in anything has been my daily struggle/goal, but last night, I smiled at my boyfriend and told him how excited I was about this morning, to start the day with you. :) So, thank you. ^^


I'm probably the only guy on here, but regardless. I'm about 90 lbs overweight, and in horrible physical shape, yet I am something of an oddity in that I have a good amount of mental stamina left over from my time in the military. So I'm more capable than most people who are in as poor of shape as I am.

I started doing this camp to try and lose some weight, since as a stay at home dad, I'm a little bit limited on the exercises that I can do. My belly and thighs get in the way of a lot of the stretches, but today is the first day that I felt like I had exerted myself, and could feel it in my gluts and upper thighs. I still haven't broken a sweat, but I'm hoping that will change soon.

Thank you for posting these videos, Adriene. I'm looking forward to where the next 26 days take me.


day 1: i accept my differences.
day 2: i create my own reality.
day 3: i embrace my journey.



Thanks Adriene for all the effort and love you put into your videos. We really appreciate it! Peace!


The last 64 days of yoga have changed my life, but so has lockdown. I have been experiencing more and more physical symptoms of anxiety, and over the last week or so I have found myself checking how long is left on my daily yoga sessions. Today I embraced the opportunity of taking time for myself, and embraced how it can change how I feel. Adriene you have lifted my heard today and instilled a calmness I haven't felt in weeks. <3 Namaste


Hey yogis. Who is doing this as part of their spiritual journey? Every practice I have chosen has been aligning with different aspects of my life:
Revolution practice - I fell back in love with yoga
Dedicate - my body felt more at ease and I tuned into listening to my breathe more
True - I flowed intuitively, closing my eyes. I spiritually opened up and emotions came through
Yoga Camp - I've only started, but I already feel its aligned because of where my journey is taking me.

Adriene is showing up in my life, as with yours for a reason. Persevere because it does and will make a huge impact on your mental, physical and spiritual being 💛🙏

Namaste 🙏 thank you Adriene x


Just sending a wave to say that I finished the wonderful Revolution and didn't want to stop there. Now I'm returning to Yoga Camp for February! Much love to you a dear Yogi friend!


Day 3. A sad day, or rather, sad afternoon. Took lots of courage to show up on my mat, even though I knew I would feel better practicing. I embrace my partner and his love, care and support. I embrace that I learned a lot in this past couple of weeks working as a teacher in a school. I embrace my daily practice and how that has given me lots of stability and balance, in my body and mind. Namaste.


Thank you so much for this. I am a disabled veteran and discovering yoga is a quality of life change for the better. I have tried a few different videos online. Yours by far is the best. You explain the process and steps and you have a sense of humor completely inline with mine. You make the practice fun. Again thank you. Sean.


Day 3- check ! My favorite moments : 1. Thy crotch and thy ankles 2. Pretending I was Ariel on the rock 3. Your new book, "Clench the Butt"


I need 365 days of yoga challenge, Please! Adriene, you've been transforming my body since March 2015! Thank you for being a part of my life, every single day :) It's funny how I've never met you and yet I happen spend more time with you than with my close friends!


I just finished 30 days of Yoga and now I'm on day 3 of Yoga Camp. This has brought me joy during life in quarantine.


It never ceases to amaze me & make me smile - I can have all the things in my head that needs to be done that are more urgent than yoga but I create the time, sit in my yoga space and everything else melts away. Thank you for such a gift.


happy day 3! I finally got up earlier than I did this whole past week and did my yoga!! knew I could do it <3 I embrace me!💖💫 Namaste yoga camp buddies🏕🙏✨
