NARCISSISTIC RELATIONSHIPS: Avoid the Triangulation Trap Now!

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NARCISSISTIC RELATIONSHIPS: Avoid the Triangulation Trap Now!How to safeguard yourself from used,and abused, discarded and manipulated now!
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So well explained...classic devaluing of the partner and grooming of the potential new supply.


That was the Golden Nugget for me...that time is the most valuable gift you can give and you can't get time back..😟... Thank you Beverly😊


Spot on, my long time guy keeps pulling me into triangle after triangle. He's broken my self esteem so low making me feel as though I'm not worthy for anything more


You are so spot on. My ex husband was a narc and now I know.


Very good advise you are a Godsend thanks for your golden nuggets.


Hi Beverly always great imparting of your knowledge....This teaching is me all over..not so much to do with a partner but I always gather girl friends that are drama queens!!! Very hard for me to set boundaries but I am getting better at it...I hate confrontation even though I do it in a loving way..I have just slowly broken away from a friend after 10yrs...I read an article afew weeks ago about Narcissistic Conversationalists.... So this is totally reaffirming that this friend has this issue....All I can say is its a process of learning to set boundaries & hopefully with Your teaching & encouragement I will grow stronger & healthier!!! Bless you Beverly Love watching


Drained exhausted and almost had a full blown seizure.


You are a lovely woman with good vibes and I enjoy your vidoes. That said...what you are describing is not triangulation. "Triangulation can also be a form of "splitting" in which one person plays the third family member against one that he or she is upset about. This is playing the two people against each other, but usually the person doing the splitting will also engage in character assassination, only with both parties." I know because my mother is masterful at it.


It may have been SO obvious to others but not to me. I was in this very same situation a while ago. Somehow my own romantic ideals made me stop at the last minute as I realised - I got NOTHING back! Why was I in this situation? Because my self esteem was rock bottom and I was desperate for company. I put him on a pedestal.
Something big happened in my life elsewhere which caused me to re evaluate some things and my instincts took over. I pulled away at zero hour and went out with a work colleague instead to distract me ..guess what? I met my knight in shining armour (!) That was 25 years ago :)


Darn it! I have spent 4 years as the other woman without realising it ;'( I knew there were always other women, yet, they were always portrayed as ex' least I can now trust that I was used for my empathy and caring nature, which is, in my belief an amazing quality to possess..I will keep that, yet, trust my gut when it feels tight, trust my body when it feels tense and ask he questions when something doesn't make sense and work on the boundaries I have yet to set, however, trusting my feelings will assist me with that :D Thank you Beverly X <3 X


You are making good sense here. I still think I need some more time to myself rather than anything else. I honestly don't want to be involved in other than making a change to my situation here. I need all the luck of breaking free. Home where I am home. Not here. I listened with care. Thanks. To have my voice heard n taken to be what I want from my future.❤ no rush


I like your solid relationship advice and I thank you.


Thanks for all your videos and insights. Realizing I've been attracting the same kind of person my entire life has made me realize that "I am the only problem that I can fix". And I've found subliminal programming audios along with self-esteem ones are helping to reprogram my defective subconscious personality issues.
I used to keep hearing how I lacked "self-love", which was 100% correct. I thought the term was stupid and couldn't even comprehend it a few months ago.


I have recently gotten free of a narcissist of eight years. Hallelujah! I have felt drained for so many years. He was textbook and has just moved on to the next victim. Thank you for your dead on information, it has helped me understand and identify every characteristic of the animal I've been dealing with. I say animal because he wasn't human in any way. Predatory, like an animal going in for the kill! You are a wonderful gem and a real pearl of wisdom!


This one is really chuck full o' info Thank You so much for it. I wish I had youtube 20+ years ago b/c I can't tell you how many times I have been in this scenario as the "sympathetic ear, sounding board..." It can be difficult setting and maintaining those boundaries, I would doubt myself and used to feel bad about it until I came across this community discussing it. It really does help to listen to everyone making videos on this, b/c now I am setting boundaries and am more confident about it and I think it does affect my over all behavior when having to do it; which seems to affect the over all outcome too. But since I now have a clearer understanding that they are going to make me uncomfortable either way I no longer struggle with make the best decision for me. Just thought you might want to know that :-D Thanks


You are awesome 👏 love every single videos! My mother is queen of Triangulation! My god. She dumped her problems with my dad all my life! Made me be the messenger for her, I can’t believe how much I even know about their sexlife ! How he cheated on her. How is her body was like .... can’t talk to her anymore after I discovery I suffered my narcissistic marriage because the parents I had. I not ready to have relationship with them just yet. I need time. She is Pushy and manipulative. But I just tune it out! Peace and distance!


thank you so much. I've been in a horrible triangle and your videos are helping me.


Thank you Beverly, you really helped me today.


Very helpful video!! Spot on I will tell you that!!!


Time spent cannot be gotten back. Wow. You nailed it. I was in such a relationship for a year and a half with someone who failed to divulge he was engaged and living with another woman. Worse, after we broke up he waited a while and then reached out to explain they were breaking up. He & I had gone out twice when I found Facebook photos of them (him and his fiancé) embracing/hugging the same day he and I met for dinner. That straw broke the camel's back, thank goodness, and I gave him the boot for good.
