Narcissist Triangulation

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What is Narcissist Triangulation?


Tune in to hear the perspective of a self aware narcissist. That’s me - Ben Taylor a narcissist in recovery trying to promote awareness, healing, growth and change. I do that by these videos on here, TikTok, Instagram and Facebook.

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My ex tried to triangulate me with his ex wife by saying that she told him that she could take better care of him than me. Told him to let her. I spoke to her and she said she never said that. Confronted him later and he gaslighted me and denied ever saying it!


Third party was my dog. Saying good morning and kissing and petting the dog instead of me 🙄


Asked out on a date and a movie. Once finished with dinner he walked me out and said he was meeting up with another woman and going to the movies 😳. What else could I say no”. I said oooky. and left.


Terribly disturbing when full grown adults use kids to triangulate & make them into their flying monkeys.


Thank you so much! I know some peoples who did this triangulation, my ex, my best friends, my relatives, yess they all did, not to me but to other person by using my name or me and the whole time I was an unaware that they were triangulating other person with me . Like, My ex gave me his mother's number (in reality it was his current wife's number not his mother's number) in case if he'll not available.


Thank you, Ben 🍁🙏🍂
Have you talked to your family about how they used to treat you, that probably made you a Narcissist?? ( Sorry if the question is not okey )
Ever since I found out i'm codependent because of how my Mother, a Narcissist treated me, Scapegoat, I have tried to talk to my Mother about this, without any luck. She is 80+ and totally unaware 😮‍💨😮‍💨
How do you deal with that??
Could you please make a video on that, how to forgive your parent. I know its my own responsability now and I work hard with that! 🍂🙏🍁


Yes. I used to get the accident tex…meaning they would tex another woman, opps that wasn’t ment for you…..


Could be.
I'm still observing.
I can't see through a screen.
I think he's narc-damaged
and drunk.


Also got a date canceled cause he had expensive steak he had to grill or it was gonna I bad ( I win! Lol ). Meaning the steak was better than me 🙄 degrading


I was triangulated by the narcissists in the workplace. Oh how perfect Sarah was, except when she wasn't (ironically she also was a narcissist). Lana would claim she had an affair with my narcissist years ago, he was the best she ever had, even though she was engaged to Brian at the time. My narcissist said it never happened and seemed surprised also. Sean took to hoovering & stalking to serve the main narcissist until I filed on him, I watched Sean get yelled at and devalued by the former IPPS girlfriend (he may have lied about how much money he made, she was yelling about how he didn't make enough in front several people who attended his panel in the workplace). Sean would give us unsolicited advice how to learn a foreign language, travel halfway across the globe to get a girlfriend. As the only female in the room the how to get a girlfriend advice would make my skin crawl a bit. Ironically the other men in the room where muscular and decent looking enough they never would have needed said advice.
