This avoidant masculine fell in love with you & now must make a choice... [Divine Feminine Reading]

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This avoidant masculine / divine masculine fell in love with you and now must make a choice. They may appear to be distant at times but they are actually deeply sensitive and emotional. This is a divine feminine reading for a specific group of people, which may also resonate as a twin flame reading for some. Please use your intuition and only take the messages that resonate for you personally. Sending love, - Infinity ∞

Recommended Subliminals: "Love Magnetism" [Love & Relationships category] in the app. ♥︎

** Just a Reminder: My only Instagram is @MagnetizeYourself spelled exactly that way & I will never privately message, follow, email or DM for a private reading [anyone who does this is impersonating me and scamming, please do not send them money]. Anyone who replies in the comments asking you to email, text or message them privately for a reading is also scamming. Be safe ♥︎
𝙋𝙖𝙩𝙧𝙚𝙤𝙣 𝘾𝙤𝙢𝙢𝙪𝙣𝙞𝙩𝙮


𝙎𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙙 & 𝙎𝙤𝙪𝙡𝙛𝙪𝙡 𝘼𝙥𝙥
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Recommended Subliminals: "Love Magnetism" [Love & Relationships category] in the app. ♥︎


I'm glad you made this video, it reminds me of my transformation from a nobody to good home, honest husband, $75k biweekly and a good daughter full of love ❤️


She is the one who pulled me out of the ashes! She showed me what unconditional love really was the very moment we me connected! Explosion! Fireworks! We both instantly fell so deeply in love the moment we met! The warmest, most beautiful feeling that ultimately created our "LOVE LANGUAGE"


Today I decided to choose happiness. I have accepted my DM is not coming back and I need to move on. I need to create a beautiful space for people who want to be in my life. I’ve realised that that is for my highest good is to create a safe haven a beautiful space for those who want to sit here and enjoy it with me ❤


It's my 40th Birthday today 🎉 Master Number 33x's 3. I surrendered my masculine polarity to manifest a masculine high-level old romantic soulmate. At the age 33 I started a 7 year kundalini rising in ALL the worst ways!!! My doctors helped guide me through it & I am so BLESSED to say I made it out the other side... Shining like a Diamond 💎 this is my very first comment ✨️ I've listened to you since your beginning posting on YouTube. Infinity keep shinning your light, sweet, beautiful soul.


Half our TWIN FLAMES are SUBSCRIBED to this Channel 💯!! But they’re the STUBBORN bit of our Divine Collective😂!! Sending you all Healing & LOVING Energy💫❤ - Thank You ♾️


I have had a lifetime of experiences like that. If something doesn't feel right it isn't. Thats our intuition. I learned to listen to that at a young age. Thankfully. I believe it has saved me from many tragic events .


I recently accepted the fact that maybe he didn't love me at all. At least not in a way that i wanted. But it didn't make me sad. It's ok because i will love him no matter what. I finally decided to let him go! Couldn't have done this journey without your help thank you Infinity❤


I was headed to a farmers market and mid drive my spirit told me to go to another one. I changed directions and went to the one I was guided to. Ended up running to a random lady who asked for my assistance with juicing. She had no idea I juiced but we struck up a whole conversation and I gave her some recipes. It was a really great interaction! My guides guide me places often.


I hope that this is a sign for them. Thank you, Infinity and Happy Lion’s Gate all🙏🏻❤️🪶🕊🦁👑🐪🦃


I claim this message...was blown away by the title. I told my DM he had avoidant attachment style and I needed to cut him off because he let me down through not communicating, avoiding and ghosting for the last time. Couldn't tolerate the hurt and disrespect anymore. I hope he IS feeling the loss and his love for me now because i know it's there


She worked so hard and had to challenge herself in ways that left her vulnerable. it brought tears to my eyes to see ''the fruit of all her hard work" when she came back to me like I knew she would. She brings out emotions in me that only she can as I naturally allow myself to truly be there freely in that moment to receive and experience them ....always showing this to her so she knows its okay for her too. I will never reject her, and will always embrace her just like I did here RIGHT AWAY to protect that sacred vulnerability to let her know that no matter GOT YOU" AND "I love you everywhere!" UNCONDITIONALLY


Absolutely our connection has been on a pause for rebalancing and clearing karmic debts and yes he's deeply emotional and very much in love and totally resonates a lot of manipulation around him and toxic friends and family 🙏❤️


Hello Infinity. Thank you for the reading.
This week I encountered a plutonic person who was very impatient with my energy. However, I had to bear with them though they really triggered me into anxiety.
I knew I was planting a seed in them.
As for the DM, I feel he is still in his karmic cycles. He sees me as a free bird. He needs to reach that level to connect with me.
True he has a worthiness wound.
He needs to apologize for hurting and humiliating me with his acts of immaturity. Much as the apology will not remedy anything as I don't care about him anymore.
I'm glad to hear even strangers admire my authenticity.
Thank you.


I cannot believe how accurate each time I watch you which is continuously is your speaking just to me it feels so truthful and so accurate. I don’t know how you’re doing this it is amazing.


Tuesday I was supposed to start a new job and woke up with awful anxiety, which is rare the last 6 months, I can count on one hand and it turned out they had a delayed opening bc of the hurricane weather so it was the biggest relief and I absolutely needed that day spiritually, I was more productive at home too which happens when I follow my intuition. ✨💜


Definitely my dad. I've always felt so sorry to see him struggle on his own. He always calls me his angel and his 40th birthday present, as I was born a week prior to his birthday. I know he can notice I'm becoming more and more himself, even though it's not the way he's used to. (He's put heavy structures and believe patterns on me that were really bad and took me a lot of work to get rid of and work through) I see he believes he needs to work non stop and to support EVERYBODY, having a hard exterior sometimes.

Every time we're alone together, his true heart shines through. He's so sweet and pure and a deeply emotional being and I hope he will work through his fear to be more vulnerable, even when it's just with me.


Took the step forward ..just got a message after days without communication ....was straight from the heart i'm in tears atm and saw this video pop up in my feed thank you ....excited to hear


Yess! My soul needed this! Thank you universe


YES the first story about cancelling, we are allowed to be relieved and peaceful. Love that
