Sovereignty: In Control or Controlling?

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Dr. Leighton Flowers, Director of Evangelism and Apologetics for Texas Baptists, briefly responds to a listener-submitted question about the nature of God's sovereignty and whether He is in control or controlling.
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I love the shorts you are doing! Thank you!


The Provisionalist view of God's sovereignty is much greater than the Calvinist, because everything He has chosen to come to pass, does, without using absolute determinism to do so.


Well said. Fatalistic determinism always destroys the character and good name of God and makes Him the author of evil.


On the cross, Christ had everything under control, without controlling the actions, or the hearts, of the Roman soldiers and the Jews. God's power is demonstrated in his ability to *overcome* anything that is thrown at him, not *control* the universe like a cosmic puppet master. *That's* what it means to say God is in control.


Appreciate you, Dr. Flowers! Sincerely! 😭


Thank you, you put my thoughts into a clear biblical statement.


Dr. Flowers - you have such a Christ-like heart!!
Thank you!!


Why do so many objections to Provisionism and Molinism come down to doubting God's ability to accomplish His will, without everything?

Seriously, watch James White talk about Molinism, it's almost blasphemous the way he speaks of God not possibly being able to know what people would do, or work things out to accomplish the Crucifixion, etc.

It blows my mind how anyone could think so little of God's omniscience and power.


Since when does ‘being in control’ mean meticulous determinism?


Rom. 8:28 sums it up: God is actively working in the world, and Revelation tells us that the one he is working against: the evil one, will not prevail. The world is not a set piece determined (scripted) play, but a lively dynamic in which God also works, but his work is always to full effect in accordance with his will irrespective of what anyone else does.


Being micro-managed whether by God or by humans, is the antithesis to learning discipline - or anything!


Preachers tend to over emphasize the tenets of TULIP is like saying only take half the poison. It is still death.

This is what has happened to the minds of a Calvinist and willingly!

2 Corinthians 11:4. 3 I am afraid, however, that just as Eve was deceived by the serpent’s cunning, your minds may be led astray from your simple and pure devotion to Christ. 4For if someone comes and proclaims a Jesus other than the One we proclaimed, or if you receive a different spirit than the One you received, or a different gospel than the one you accepted, you put up with it way too easily.

Calvinism is a total Doctrine of Demons, another gospel and all those who promote it are guilty of being false teachers.

The truth is clear to those who seek it.


By creating human beings with free will who are subject to the effects of Adam's original sin, God established a line of control over a semi-autonomous region located at the border of His salvific invitation and human response. Only at the end of a lifetime will one know the degree of their cooperation with God's will in Christ or lack thereof, resulting in admittance either to a heavenly homeland or an eternal banishment one has freely chosen.


I like the thought that was raised that the 'you' expressed in the statement "you were chosen from the beginning of the world", could mean 'you gentiles as a collective group. That be understood, I think God knows the end of all things such as who are the elect that remain until the end. But man man is not knowing in this area. And on that basis alone Calvinism makes no sense. The doctrine of Calvinism was introduced as an antidote to condemnation a believer might feel. Condemnation, however, is not a part of the gospel of Christ. And the answer of the Calvanist view is in answer to a lie.


Puppet master use the remote control for their final Calvinist destiny


Then God shouldn't allow Satan to test JOB

Controlling - I allow you to test JOB, because I know what message I want to give to the world through job's story

In control - no I cannot allow you to test job because he have free will
