3 DAY WATER FASTING---Clean the brain and reset your Energy.

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3 DAY WATER FASTING-Clean the brain and reset your energy. (No food. Water and electrolytes only during fast)

Don’t fast during your menstrual cycle.
Don’t fast if you’re hypoglycemic
Don’t fast if you are diabetic on insulin or medications. Consult your physician.

Constant eating causes the body to use primary glucose as fuel.
4 hormones what assist in raising glucose and 1 decrease glucose(insulin)
4 hormones that raise glucose-Glucagon, cortisol, adrenaline, and human growth hormone
Goal is for your body to stabilize blood sugar even when you’re fasting.

Metabolic flexibility-glucose and ketones

8-12 hours
Decrease glycogen and blood glucose
Increase in glucagon, cortisol, adrenaline and HGH
Increase ketones from utilization of fats.
Exercise early in the fast.

18 hours-24 hours
**Depletion of glycogen your body will need to use fat.
**Glucogeongenesis(lactate, amino acids, and glycerol)
**Impacting autoimmune disease.
**Autophagy-self eating, clean up cellular debris and pathogens.
**Decrease in brain inflammation. Brain is a hybrid engine using glucose and ketones.
**Shift in hormones.Increase in BDNF and HGH
**Increase Ketones. (0.5-1.5)

Day 2
**Increase HGH and BDNF
**Autophagy(Tau, Lewy Body, Alpha-Synuclein, amyloid, primed glial cells) and improvement in **(Mitophagy) mitochondria function.
**Decrease in Insulin. Insulin resistance will start to rest. Reduction of fatty liver
**90-95% of energy coming from Ketones.
**Hunger sensation usually decreases.
**Ketones 1.5-3.0

Day 3
**Continued autophagy
**Reversal of disease
**Boost in immune function
**Increase in stem cells.

Breaking the fast: Bone broth or vegetable soup. Small amount of protein.

Distilled water. Minerals or sea salt only. Sparkling water is fine.

Dr. Jin Sung is a Chiropractic Physician who specializes in the management of complex chronic conditions in Massachusetts, 30 minutes north of Boston. He utilizes natural and alternative therapies to help manage complex cases such as Hashimoto's, autoimmune conditions, IBS, SIBO, chronic fatigue, brain fog, early Alzheimer's, etc.

Office Contact
978 688-6999

Exogenous Ketones

Dr. Sung's Online Supplement Dispensary-conditions apply. Certain companies will require a prescription from Dr. Sung.

The content of this video is for educational purposes only and does not constitute medical advise. Please consult with your physician before embarking on any dietary changes or taking any nutritional supplements.
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I am fasting 40 hours from Thursday 8 pm to Saturday 12 pm, to get closer to my lord Jesus Christ!


Fasting is what repaired my brain from years of alcohol abuse.


The boredom is the hardest part once you realize how much time, energy and effort into planing and thinking about food on a daily basis.


I’ve done a 21 day water fast and a 25 day. It was crazy intense but I tapped into something I didn’t know could happen. I had been trying to have children for 9 years and nothing. After I did the 21 day water fast, I conceived the following month. It happened twice already!!!


Every family has that one person who will break the family's financial struggle, I hope you become the one 😊


FYI to everyone commenting, yet not understanding Fasting. A 3 day Water Fast means you eat nothing and only drink water for 3 days. FYI Electrolytes are extremely important during prolonged fasting, which is what a 3-Day water fast is. I've gone 11 days water and electrolytes only. Some people do 30 days. Fasting helped cure my night urination, snoring, skin tags, gout or whatever was going on with my ankle, acne, fatty liver, low Testosterone, mood, memory issues....the list goes on. Pills from Dr's mostly cover up the main issue of too much sugar, bad diet, and overeating. Fasting will actually CURE your body. Been doing this for 3 years... And I feel better than I did in my 40's.


Started my 3 day fast last night I’m currently on hr 13 wish me luck


I did a 3 day water fast from last Thursday through Saturday and when I got up from praying, the Holy Spirit immediately set me free from fear that had developed years ago.

I bless and praise the Name of Jesus.


I am a doctor and I have been supervising fasting... 3 to 45 days ... since 1984. We had a forum in St Petersburg university in 2009 with experts from all over the planet. Conclusion: We are still looking for a condition that does not improve at least somewhat when you fast. . Dr Sung, I admire you and agree with you. Let's hope the world learn from you.


I’m 38 hours in. I haven’t had any problems. No headache, not tired, not hungry. My stomach started growling while typing this lol. But I read something that made sense to me. Our stomachs don’t growl it’s not an animal. That’s our stomach shrinking and junk stuck in our intestines are breaking apart. So I’m just reminding myself that I’m not hungry it’s my body doing what it needs to.


I did a 3 day fast once awhile back and I felt so good on day 3, it was like the world went from being in 360p to 8K. All of my senses were like incredibly clear and strong and I felt so calm yet so focused also. I gotta get back into doing it


I've been doing 3 day fasting, once a week, for a month now. I feel so much better. Peace reigns in my heart, and I lost a ton of weight.


I’ve been doing 90 hour water fasts, twice a year for about 6 -7 years now. Simply amazing stories of how my body attacked problem areas that needed healing & it’s a painful experience but it heals so many things like tennis elbow, joints, back etc. I’m so much healthier now than 20years ago. I’m 61 .


I’m on day 4 of a 3 day fast 😂😂😂 I started out trying for 3 days. Day 2 was great, Day 3 was HARD, but I talked to my doctor friend and he said keep going at least 72 hours you never know how you’ll feel when you wake up. He was right!! I feel AMAZING on day 4!! I feel invincible!! Super good!! Better than I felt day 2!! So I’m going to keep going!!


I was on a 3day fast in february and march, 144 days, i was diagnosed with diabetes in 2019, last week i went for my 6months checkup my results came back im totally healed from diabetes, praise the lord, cos i was praying during that time that God must heal me from diabetes, i dont want to take tablets anymore and i change my eating habits. Its good to disciplie yourself to make a change. Its a great step i the right direction.❤❤


I have 30 hours to go. I keep watching this video for encouragement. It helps to know what is going on in my body to keep me heading for the finish line. Thank you.


Just rang the bell, finished cancer treatment, and am ramping up IF to start 72h fast on Jan 3…all your information is fuel to remind myself why I’m doing this. 🎉


Just completed my 3 day water fast. Had small gallbladder pain the 3rd day but I had the pain come and go before the fast which is normal. I felt good and could’ve went longer but muscle loss isn’t a option for me which starts after 4 days if i heard correctly. Only drank water the first 2 days, then salt water and black coffee the last day at different times. Went smooth but so glad its over until next time! Good luck to anyone reading, it’s challenging but always remember your *_WHY_*


Have done a 3 day fast couple times now. What Dr. Jin Sung details in this video is bang on. The worst of it is the first 24-36 hours. After that it's pretty easy. It is more of a mental game with yourself if anything.


10 hours away from finishing my second 3 day fast. This is the video that really pushed me to do it so thank you so much Dr.Sung!
