Unlocking The Benefits of FASTING For Healing

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Our bodies are self-healing machines and one of those healing mechanisms is activated when we fast. In my book Vegucation Over Medication, I dedicated an entire chapter "Digestive Rest" to explaining how abstinence from food and not snacking heals the whole body.

In today's culture, we eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner with snacks in between. Which is essentially grazing as cows do throughout the day. This may be conducive for cows but wreaks havoc on our digestive health.

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Disclaimer: This video is not a substitute for medical advice. If you have specific questions related to your personal health please refer to your physician.
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I think for me one of the main benefits of fasting that it forces me to break my addictions (caffeine, sugar, alcohol, etc)


20 & 4 fast for past 5 years... strick plantbased lifestyle for the past 7 years. 53 years of age. My mind and body has surpassed what it was as a teenager. Wouldn't trade it for the world🙌🏿💪🏾


I just completed my Ramadan fast and the benefits are as always obvious. Clear younger looking skin, weight loss, flatter tummy, better sleep and heightened energy. Thanks for the info doc and greetings from Kenya.


I began my health journey, and what a journey, in Jan. 2023 by just walking a 15 mins per day. I am 60 year old black female, obese, pre-diabetic with high blood pressure. I’m slowly incorporating healthy choices. I now walk 2 miles a day. A month ago I began intermittent fasting, I eat at 11am and 6:30pm, no snacks. Before I grazed all day from 10am-midnight, I CONSTANTLY craved ice cream, cake, and pizza. The 1st thing I noticed with fasting is that I wasn’t hungry?! My meals now are usually eggs and bacon (w/o nitrates) or a veggie smoothie in the morning and a huge salad with chicken in the evening. Well, NOW I’m ready for the next step. Eliminating meat! We’ll see. Thank you so much for your content, keep posting. I keep learning new things from you that help on my journey, which is why I now want to eliminate meat. My rings can fit on my fingers again and my blood pressure has gone down (it was normally 170/90). I’m excited to keep going and see how much I can heal myself.


I knew a few things about fasting before this but this brotha broke it down so eloquently!! Much appreciated. Fasting is gonna be a lifestyle for me this year moving forward 🙏🏾🙏🏾💪🏾💯


Honestly i didn't eat for 5 days straight...i ate fruits and drank fluids and probiotics...my friends n I was down with a terrible infection and I never took a pill from the pharmacy but they did and I'm like a brand new baby. I kept telling "Imma let my body heal itself" i rested a lot too stayed away from electronics as well


As a Muslim what you said is 100% accurate. The new way of eating is only benefit is PROFIT for Food industry and Pharmaceutical industry


Dr. Price as you know there are a few good Doctors/Healers out here. Your gift and voice is One of a kind and so appreciated. I'm older than you but want to be like you in health when I grow up! Thank you for being YOU!


Between January 1-10 of 2008, I did an absolute fast (no food no water for 10 days) for spiritual reasons. The last 2 1/2 days were brutal, but I completed it successfully (I needed answers for my life up to that point). Afterwards my mind was amazingly clear and sharp. Spiritually I was able to accurately discern the characters of those who were around me. Lastly, I drop about 35-40 lbs.


I did a 3 day water only fast under the supervision of my nutritionist when I started my vegan lifestyle. Day one was a challenge. Day 2 I had a constant headache. He is absolutely correct about getting rid of aged waste lol. Day 3 I had so much of what I can only describe as pure energy. I felt like my eyes were clearer and my thoughts were more focused and productive.


I truly appreciate your transparency. I just completed a 90 hour Total Fast. I wish I saw this video before hand, lol😊 I just ended it and found this video to see the benefits. Out of the blue on last Friday/Saturday I challenged myself to Reset my Mind and Body, so I only had water during those 90 hours. I did 100 situps per day and 2-3 mile speed walk or jog each day🏃🏾‍♀️ The Clarity and Peace is PRICELESS 🙏🏾 The 10/11bs lost was a bonus.


Peace Be Unto You, yes fasting cures 90% of our illnesses says the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad in his books, How To Eat To Live Part 1 & 2. I completed Ramadan fast and I eat one meal every other day and feel great. We also fast 3 Days every month to rid our bodies of toxins. The Nation of Islam has been teaching How to Eat to Live or one meal per day (OMAD) with no food in between meals for 93 years. Thanks for always feeding life to people.


Thank you Doctor Bobby it is a pleasure to see my African-American brother bringing such great information to our people I have been following fasting especially intermittent fasting it is great and it is doable when we find out what eating improperly and not taking care of our bodies will do to us then when we know better we can do better I pray godspeed upon you that you will continue to look out for your brothers and sisters and give us all the great information that you have learned so that we can become a stronger and healthier people my brothers and sisters taken from me a former food addict intermittent fasting is one of the best thing that you can do in your life listen to I'll brother his information is on point❤❤❤😊😊😊


My first meal is typically a mono-meal of fruit: orange, grapes, grapefruit; mango (in its season) and my favorite mono meal is a large bowl of cherries I mix dark, sweet and Rainier. So good! Cheers! and thank you for the info 💯✊🏿⚖


It's really good to learn more about fasting.☀️


I recently did a 5 day water fast for the first time and it was a great reset to my body. I was shooting for 7 days but my sugar got too low so I only made it to 5 days.


I just shared this video with my Intermittent Fasting & Prayer group of moms. Love, love, loved it!


You're the holistic truth Sir!! If you have some time, on your youtube channel you should do live Q&A sessions every week, or two weeks to answer any questions we may have. Your expertise is sooo needed in that way. The information you provide is vital and encouraging to make healthy lifestyle changes that everyone needs. Please think about the Q&A suggestion!! Your channel would grow exponentially and many more will benefit😊


Very informative, I do fast occasionally and I just completed 21 day fast more so for spiritual reasons, and I had 3 hour eating window from 5p-8p. Now hearing this is awesome to know the benefits


I'm a Black American and retired Veteran who has MS. I TOTALLY agree that Fasting works because I am prove it does. Thank you so much for getting information out to the American Community. Keep up the "good work"! Hope to see you on the Joe Rogan Show very soon so to help increase your message! God Bless.
