5 Foods to Avoid to Help Your Body Clear HPV

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In today’s episode I talk about HPV (human papillomavirus) – specifically the 5 foods to stop eating if you're working on fending off HPV.

So tune in as I go through:
* The Issue with HPV
* My Experience Helping Women
* How Dietary Changes Can Help
* An Effective Dietary Protocol
* 5 Foods to Avoid

Here's the thing: We are most all exposed to HPV virus at some point in our lives. That includes men and women. And certain strains of HPV are associated with cancer risk. So, to find out that HPV is positive, which often happens when women go to get a pap smear, and more often are being tested for HPV and being told that it's positive, it can be quite scary.

So that might be why you're listening to this video freaking out thinking, "Oh my gosh, I'm HPV positive," or "HPV keeps showing up positive," or even that the HPV is causing abnormal cells on your pap smear or worse. And you feel like you just want to get out of this situation and get rid of this virus as fast as possible. And I understand—I help thousands of women every year to do exactly that in my practice.

What I find is even women who've been following my protocol for months—because oftentimes women who follow my protocol even within three months will find that HPV goes to negative—but sometimes if it hasn't gone away within six months and I go back, and we start digging, and we say, "What is still making this person susceptible to HPV?"

I'm a naturopathic doctor and midwife, and I've been helping women to address HPV virus for over 23 years. And one of the best ways to do that—to actually help your body, your immune system protect you from this virus—is by making dietary changes.

I have a whole protocol that I use in my practice. But today I want to focus on the top five foods that I see make the biggest difference when women are able to take them out of their diet—for at least a period of time until the HPV goes to negative.

1. So, the first food on that list is refined sugar. Refined sugar can reduce immune system function for hours after you consume it. If you're having sugar even once a day it's going to be reducing your immune system's ability to protect you from HPV.

2. Gluten is known to cause leaky gut, which is damage to the intestinal cells. This is important with HPV because there is a connection between your digestion and your vaginal area. If gluten is causing inflammation, that circulates around your whole body. Gluten also disrupts the bacteria in your digestion, which disrupts the vaginal microbiome.

3. Anything made from cow's milk except butter is an issue because of the proteins in dairy. The inflammation dairy causes makes you susceptible to infections like HPV.

4. Eggs can trigger an immune response because of leaky gut. So it makes you less protected from HPV virus.

* The best way to find out for sure if gluten, dairy or eggs are triggering inflammation in your body is to do the food sensitivity panel I recommend and make accessible in my programs.

5. Any type of alcoholic beverage reduces immune function. If you're finding yourself having more than one drink more than once a week, then it could be making you more susceptible to HPV.

Thank you so much for joining me. If this video was helpful, I'd be happy to hear about it. Please like and subscribe. I'll soon be sharing more tips about protecting yourself from HPV.
Рекомендации по теме

sugar, gluten, dairy, egg, alchohol


You provide the clearest and most logical information on this subject and showing that everything is connected. I have read around these subjects and watched countless videos, I wish I had found you sooner. Everything you say makes complete sense.


Thank you for giving back hope and the trust that we can do something about HPV!


I’ve been making the changes for about several months and introduced new supplements Im due for a pap, I’ve been a little scared but confident I’ve healed due to sleeping better, fasting, cook healthier, reduce stress, I’ve been finding new ways to heal my gut and it’s working
Ladies get serious make the changes you will thank your future self. ❤


I have been WFPB & predominately gluten free for 2-3 years, non smoker, non drinker but was diagnosed with HPV last year & again at this years Smear test. I have had two Colposcopies. I have been taking sea moss, vitamins, chaga extract & eat fairly healthy but I think my biggest trigger may have been stress! (ex narcissistic abuse which you’ve mentioned could also be contributory). My consultant said more women being diagnosed after menopause now too…I am 59 yrs. I have ordered your book & will try the supplements you have recommended. 🤞.


Am Hannah from Nairobi kenya, I just subscribed .your teaching is amazing.


Oh great so it turns out that there is not much choice left when it comes to food . Pretty much every food is bad for me according to the internet .


I thought I was going to die 😭 thanks for the video


Thank you for your lectures. Can Beans be eaten


Ain’t no way eggs are bad. Eggs hold most the nutrients and vitamins that are said to help fight hpv like B’s A and D


When is the workshop? And how do I get notification?


I have been diagnosed HPV high risk, no cell changes. Im 65.Can I rid myself of this?


You’ve talked about the 5 foods to avoid so am left wondering what to eat now. Can you please also explain what is safe and non-inflammatory to eat. Am beginning to think there’s not much left to eat now.


I also got it at 59 had lazer sugery after 6 mths it was cleared with no more abnormal cells


what food sensitivity panel do you recommend?


What about raw dairy? Raw contains the enzyme lactase which is need to digest lactose. People who find pasteurized dairy a problem have no issue with raw dairy.


Dr. Wilson, what do you think about Raw milk and/or low-temp pasteurized dairy products (like Kalona brand)? Does having the beneficial bacteria in the dairy help the casein & whey be less inflammatory? Thanks!


It sounds like you can’t eat anything at all. You’ve mentioned about every foods in the food group.


Dr Doni good work and good jobs great speech to sugar tips I love you ❤ thank you for you


My wife is suffering from endocervical adenocarcinomas
What you suggest?
