Does Regeneration Precede Faith? | Young Don | Leighton Flowers

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#Leighton Flowers #Predestination #Calvinism #Provisionism #Calvinist #Salvation
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There are over 30, 000 verses in the Bible. And Calvinists want me to reconstruct my entire belief system on salvation based on like 4 to 9 verses or passages. You gotta give at least 40 for me to even began considering it


A perfectly valid interpretation of Acts 13:48 is "Act 13:48 Now when the Gentiles heard this, they were glad and glorified the word of the Lord. And as many as APPOINTED THEMSELVES to eternal life believed." because in the Greek, the middle and the passive have the same verb form. So this very likely is in contrast to v46 where the Jews would not appoint themselves to eternal life, and that the Gentiles appointed themselves to believe. Transitive verbs can be either middle or passive, and only the context can help you decide which meaning is intended.


That’s an interesting point. If salvation and damnation are Gods will and for His glory…. What is the point of Satan and his demons?


“having been born again, not of corruptible seed but incorruptible, through the word of God which lives and abides forever, ”


A lot of Christian rappers subscribe to Calvinism. some are even forced to in some sense. Behind closed doors in the studios, You are taught the tulip. And in some studios, you’re not even allowed to record unless you believe in the doctrines of Calvin. Some of us never subscribed to that belief system. Since the first time I heard about it, I fought against it in every studio I was a part of. The doctrines of Jesus Christ are totally different from the doctrines of Greece and Athena. ( a little hyperbolic language just to describe how I feel, tho I’m kinda serious.) anyways, I’m glad you’re here Leighton Flowers.


I'm not advocating for James White to be boood, but if any calvinist anywhere is bood, they have no grounds to be upset. This being so because God has determined this to happen. It is just their systematic being "played" out.


Yes, God chooses us first
He doesn't look into the future to see if we pick Him and goes "alright, you're in"


Irresistible? The concept makes me ponder these scriptures more:
"You stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart and ears always resist the Holy Spirit; as your fathers did, also do you."
Acts 7:51
"Do not extinguish the Spirit."
1 Thessalonians 5:19
While Apollos was at Corinth, Paul passed through the interior and came to Ephesus. There he found some disciples and asked them, “Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you became believers?”
“No, ” they answered, “we have not even heard that there is a Holy Spirit.”
Acts 19:1-2


Love the work analogy, it's what Paul says in Romans 4.


Concerning Chronicles (1:11:00)...I've been studying the book in detail on my channel. It's funny because there are some possible proof texts for a deterministic reading. But while it COULD be read that way, it makes zero sense to read it that way in light of the narrative and theology of the book. And of course, like the passages mentioned here, there are plenty of texts that destroy a deterministic reading.


Good discussion, Dr. Flowers. I caught part of the live stream, and enjoyed it like always. There's one thing, however, that I find confusing.

In the clip that was played of the former Calvinist turned Atheist, he makes a curious statement that has always confused me.

"I am literally in the grave next to Lazarus awaiting my name to be called."

Why is he waiting for his name to be called if he's a former Calvinist turned Atheist? If God predestined him to have this desire to have his name called, then would that not mean he is searching out for God as God desires? However, if he's an atheist as he claims, why is he waiting for his name to be called by a being he doesn't even believe exists to begin with, especially given that God predestined him to become an atheist to begin with?

I hope you see my confusion with his statement. It contradicts everything he stated prior about being an Atheist and a former Calvinist. If he was being true to both statements of faith, not only would he not be waiting for his name to be called, but he especially would not be waiting for it to be called by a being which Atheism claims doesn't exist. Furthermore, if he was truly "dead" and "in the grave next to Lazarus", not only would he not be desiring or waiting for his name to be called, but he wouldn't be aware that he was desiring it in the first place.

A final thought ... Lazarus wasn't waiting for his name to be called.


Please put the clip between 1'15" to 1'16" as a shorts video. Extremely deep. Will be useful for sharing on social media.


Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ.


If it does, Paul was very confused in the passage below.

Eph 1:12  That we should be to the praise of his glory, who first trusted in Christ. 
Eph 1:13  In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise,


@Soteriology101 Young Don, so you know, he is a former Torah observer follower, now is under Chris LaSala whom has many questionable teachings, and denies the Trinity. Young Don denies the Trinity and is a student under his influence. I hope you seen this comment!


I believe nobody is willing even though they are capable. “Therefore I have said to you that no one can come to Me unless it has been granted to him by My Father.”


there is no difference between regeneration and indwelling of the holy spirit. you are born again when
christ is in you by faith in the truth about him.


If in Acts 13:8 there is a passive voice, who the Final Agent of that appointing? Grammatically an agent is implied. In a Greek Grammar a passive voice includes a divine agent. You can read it in any grammar book of Greek Koine. The only way to discard this agent as divine, is that you demonstrate it is an active or middle voice. But it is a passive pluscuamperfect, so the Agent should be provided. And the action is done ahead before they believe.


When I first tried vodka, it tasted horrible and I couldn't understand how people drink it. Then, I tried some more and more, got drunk and vodka didn't seem that bad, actually quite good. It happens with many sins, most people understand that it's a wrong thing to do, you need to overcome a certain barrier. Does something like that haapen to a person who is introduced to Calvinism? I'm astonished at how Calvinists manage to twist a clear teaching of John 1:12-13 to mean exactly the opposite of what is written. I mean, there are rules of grammar: faith is a prerequisite for regeneration


COUNT ME IN to be present!!!--- and to help coordinate in any way I can, even though I'm actually located in San Antonio.
