Does Regeneration Come Before Faith?

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When does Regeneration occur?
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Amen Cory!! I read my Bible and what the Lord reveals to me I don't think Calvinism or any ism. I simply believe the Word!! Thank you Cory, I am a teacher and only want to do it correctly!! Thank you


He who began a good work in us is faithful


Great analysis brother Corey. You're really encouraging us to be precise in our biblical considerations. I thought that regeneration precedes saving faith as a rule, but I realise now there are exceptions in the Old Testament.
I think that just as the Holy Spirit is keeping us as believing ones, the constant presence of Jesus would have the same effect on the disciples while he was with them.


Thank you Corey! Great teaching and exposure of scriptures. Really makes you look at the word for yourself


I always understood regeneration to be an impartation of spiritual life, separate from the actual indwelling of the Holy Spirit. I also understood it to be logically first but not necessarily first in sequence. Some believe it technically happens simultaneously. Good video, by the way


Regeneration reminds me of seeing individuals dealing w conviction when being witnessed to.


That the Lord must intervene is undeniable. The question is, how does God intervene? If the human spirit is literally dead, regeneration must precede faith.

However, if ‘spiritual death’ is metaphorical as ‘dead’ is used by the prodigal son’s father, then assistance from the Holy Spirit can stop short of regeneration.

To say regeneration must happen first goes beyond what is written.

Ephesians 2:8 clearly states that grace of salvation comes through faith. This grace cannot flow through faith unless faith precedes the flow of grace.


Brother Corey I think you are missing an important point that John MacArthur is pointed out. Having a positive attitude toward God is not the same as having saving faith. People know that there is a God, but until unless they are born again they will not place faith in Christ for salvation.


This Bible study is right on time for me.. GOD is so good


That’s why the Commandments are that are very important. Shows the faith that you have.


Corey went through a pretty long intro to basically say in summary what the Apostle Peter said, "Having purified your souls by your obedience to the truth for a sincere brotherly love, love one another earnestly from a pure heart, since you have been born again, not of perishable seed but of imperishable, through the living and abiding word of God..." (I Pet. 1:22-23). There you have it in a nutshell. The route Corey took is fine, but more complicated if you're not familiar with the passages. (He'll probably touch on it at some point.) This passage is a problem for those who believe regeneration takes place before faith, since it clearly teaches (unlike the passages where the expositor has to tell you, "it may seem like that is what it is saying, but let me tell you what it's really saying lol) that it is the seed, the living word that brings about regeneration, not an independent action of the Spirit before hearing or believing. The basic idea is simply that we hear the word, faith comes, and the Holy Spirit is the agent who affects the work of regeneration when we call upon him (Rom. 10:5-21). Paul asks "how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard?" (v. 14). And even more clear, Paul states, "So then faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ" (Rom. 10:17). Everything we receive from God comes through faith. Simply put, "according to your faith so be it unto you." 

Yes, Corey, MacArthur loads his theology to the hilt with presuppositions when stating that regeneration comes first. His presuppositions are nothing more than logical conclusions to him and others who assume such things. Salvation does include all of the things he mentions, but his position (Reformed Theology-sorry) is only men's attempt to order the happenings in a logical manner. 
Regarding the "haters, " he talks about we must understand that Paul in not talking about all men. He is specifically talking about "fools, " who have said in their hearts, "there is no God." (Read Psalm 14 where the quote Paul uses in Romans 1 comes from: "The fool says in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they do abominable deeds; there is none who does good..." Paul affirms this, when he shows that the wrath of God is on those who "... although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but became futile in their thinking, and their foolish (unbelieving) hearts were darkened...therefore God gave them (foolish unbelieving ones) ...because they exchange the truth of God (that they once possessed) for a lie and worshipped the creation...and since they did not see fit to acknowledge (or retain God in their knowledge) God, God gave them up. MacArthurs's position is erroneous, as is the rest of reformed theology on this point. This is speaking of a specific type of person-the fool who is a fool because he or she says in their heart,  "there is no God." That is not everybody like some would have us to believe. Sorry this is chopped up and sloppy, but done really quickly.

John 3 is not talking about a passive work before faith. It is simply saying that a spiritual work not observed in the physical realm by the physical eye is taking place in the hidden man of the heart. The point has nothing to do with MacArthur's idea about controlling the wind. That is a presupposition hoisted upon the text from his ideas of sovereignty and election. That is eisegesis. And it is taking the metaphor further than intended. It is only saying that it takes place in the unseen spiritual realm. It is answering Nicodemus' question of how a person can be born again and Jesus says it is not physical but spiritual, and yes it is done by the living word sown in the heart and affected by the Holy Spirit.

Enjoyed as much as I was able to listen to. Always appreciate your disposition (even when I don't agree Lol).


I don't think anybody claims that Calvinism is evil because it places regeneration before faith... they say that it is evil because of the logical conclusions of the theology as a whole. For example...

1 - An extreme view of God's sovereignty which makes God the primary cause and reason for sin so that man can not do anything except for sin according to the plan of God.
2 - The doctrine of double predestination - That before the foundation of the world that God chose some to be saved and others to be eternally damned and that this election had nothing to do with works either good or bad.
3 - A strange view of God's glory - They say that all things procede from God's decree for the express purpose of God's glory... that God is glorified in all things. They say that God is glorified in the damnation and the suffering of the wicked (those chosen by God precisely to be wicked). Yet the Scriptures are clear that not all things glorify God, specifically the death of the wicked.

I think the doctrines are crafted with good intentions to exhalt God's sovereignty, yet the logical conclusion presents God as a monster... I have known many who have turned away from Christianity as a whole because they believe that Calvinism is what the Bible teaches.


Before I've even listened. I had Faith in God, way before I ever believed in Him! I just didn't know what it was back then. Faith is grown! Faith is not a reward or a gift. That's true, not one denomination is right.. Everyone is saved by FAITH. Everyone! It's ONLY Faith that pleases YAH! Nothing we can say or teach. We are taught by this world, which means we only know as much knowledge as what the world has taught us. We're at the end of the period too. Which means, it's at it's worst.


It is sin when you break the commandments if children are taught, and they know there willingly breaking them then I consider that a sin, but a two-year-old is not yet knowledgeable scripture even that there’s a certain age I believe 13 and up that you understand the gravity ofgood and evil


Your video came when I was thinking about this, so thanks. I thank God that regeneration even happens. It is a blessing that we Christians will eternally be grateful for. ( This is not even hyperbolic)


Brother Corey are you arguing that those under the Old Testament were not regenerated? If that how were they saved? There is a big difference between natural faith and saving faith. Do you think that Abraham just simply believe because on his own without some form of intervention.


Without faith it's impossible to please the lord.... It doesn't say without Regeneration. it's by confessing our faith, right?? Why does this seem like a channel that's abnormally controversial???


30 Therefore having overlooked the times of ignorance, God is now declaring to men that all people everywhere should repent, 31 because He has fixed a day in which He will judge the world in righteousness through a Man whom He has appointed, having furnished proof to all men by raising Him from the dead." (Acts 17:30-31, null)
The gospel is to be proclaimed to everyone. God is sovereign. God still offers a choice to everyone.


I John 5:1) whomsoever believes that Jesus is the Christ is born of God. Here it is my brother why we believe in the Lord for salvation. Because we are born of God. Regeneration proceed faith. We could not possible believe unless we were born again. So it is fair to say that those who believe that Jesus was the Messiah was born of God.


Regeneration precedes a living faith.

Born again ->> TO ->> a living faith ✅️

A living faith ->> TO ->> born again ❌️

‭1 Peter 1:3 NASB2020‬
[3] Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His great mercy has caused us to be 👉born again to a living hope👈 through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,
