Why Regeneration Cannot Precede Faith (Part 1)

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Part one of a series showing from scripture why regeneration cannot possibly precede faith.

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I like the 10 minute format better that 40 minutes...i would rather have four 10 minutes segments over one 40 minute segment. Keep up the good work...you're helping me.


Thanks Kevin I love this. Very clear and much needed to bring discernment back to this whole discussion on the errors of Calvinism.


You keep saying no one gets this just from reading scripture, yet the books for Ephesians and Romans are exactly where I got this, especially Ephesians 2 - “You were dead” - “But God...made us alive” - “raised us up” - “we are His workmanship”. Even before that, John 3 and Jesus’ conversation with Nicodemus makes it clear that being “born again” or “born of the Spirit” is something done to us solely by the sovereign mysterious work of the Holy Spirit - like the wind, we see its effects, but we don’t cause it or have any control over it. Our regeneration or “rebirth” is something done for and to us by God. No Calvin or separate “system” needed to come to these plain conclusions, simply reading God’s Word. 🙏❤️


Thanks Kevin... the smaller/shorter Vids are easier to think about. Smaller bites keeps me from choking!!! Looking forward to viewing the rest. Again thank you!


Awesome to have you back brother Kevin! Looking forward to part two :D


Love the way this is presented and it's not long winded that causes one to switch off after a while.


these are great videos and useful for going back to them before you engage in a dialogue with calvinist.
Great teachings Kevin thank you brother


Talk about a teaser! Look forward to part 2! Glad to have more videos on their way btw....


Amazing visual! Love the short videos! Thank you!


Reformed seminaries study how to believe in reformed theology. The bible itself and its doctrines are not studied. The goal is to how to become a reformed minister.


The Bible teaches that faith is a human exercise and is generated from within one's own heart when a person is convinced that something is true, that is, the gospel. If faith was a "gift from God" as Calvinism's falsely teaches, then that would nullify man's free will. In Matthew 8:10 and Luke 7:9 Jesus commends the centurion's great faith before everyone because it was generated from within his own heart. Now, if the centurion's great faith was a "gift from God", then Jesus would be in essence commending Himself and patting Himself on the back which makes no logical sense.


Pastor Kevin, it's tragic that the "reformed" way of thinking is that scripture is radically ignored... All because of presuppositional thinking! They would rather believe Calvin's word than God' word.


I like the chart. Nice way to illustrate


This is good work Kevin. Helpful in showing proper hermeneutics and how to recognize isogesis


"Dropped Calvin on the floor" 😂


Funny thing. You said if somebody where to just read the Bible without outside literature, then you would never come to the idea that regeneration precedes faith. I agree. The sad thing is that JW's also do this very thing. Ironically, their literature once said that if you were to leave "the Scripture Studies" aside, and just read the Bible alone, that you would "revert" right back to the same "apostate doctrines" of the 1st century. This is how I feel about Calvinism. You start with an idea, then try to "prove" it with cherry picked texts, out of context.


How many times did Jesus say to people your faith (something we are born with) has saved you!


R C Sproul said in one of his videos that he did not believe Jesus said John 3:16. He said it is in the bible, but he believed John wrote it and Jesus never said it.

He did not say, but the reason he could not believe it is it did not agree with his belief system. Calvinism and grace can not co exist. God wants everyone to be saved, and Satan wants every one to go to hell. First Timothy 2:4. and First John 2:2. As bible believers we believe we are saved when we believe the gospel of our salvation. Ephesians 1:13 and 4:30. Second Timothy 2:19 Nevertheless, the foundation of God is sure, having this seal, (the Holy Spirit) the Lord knoweth them that are His, and let everyone that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity.

Interesting to note Matthew 7:21-23 Not everyone who calls me Lord and does good works will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only those that have done the will of my Father. John 6:40 And this is the will of Him who sent me, that all that seeth the Son, and believeth on HIm, may have eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day. Romans 11:6

Jesus tells them, depart from me I NEVER knew you. They did not trust Him as the only way of salvation, and did not have His Spirit in them. He knew them not. God knows His sheep because they have His Spirit given after we believed. Ephesians 1:13.


Because the bible says so.
These things were written that you may believe and in believing have drop lol💚


Great job one again Pastor! I saw a video by "excatholics" that states that John Calvin and Ignatious Loyola went to the same college together and suggested they knew each other> If that is true, which I don't doubt, it explains MARANATHA BROTHER!!
